これは、このセクションの複数ページの印刷可能なビューです。 印刷するには、ここをクリックしてください.





Selenium WebDriverは言語バインディングと個々のブラウザ制御コードの実装の両方を参照します。
これは通常、単に WebDriver と呼ばれます。

Selenium WebDriverは、W3C勧告です。

  • WebDriverはシンプルでより簡潔なプログラミングインターフェイスとして設計されています。

  • WebDriverはコンパクトなオブジェクト指向APIです。

  • ブラウザーを効果的に動かします。

1 - 入門


Seleniumは市場で主要なブラウザの全てを WebDriver を使うことでサポートしています。 WebDriverとはAPI群とプロトコルです。これらはウェブブラウザの動作をコントロールするための言語中立なインターフェイスを定義しています。 それぞれのブラウザは特定のWebDriverの実装を持っており、これらは driver と呼ばれます。 driverはブラウザに委譲する責務を持つコンポーネントであり、Seleniumとブラウザ間の通信を処理します。

この分離は、ブラウザベンダーに自分たちのブラウザでの実装の責任を持たせるための意図的な努力のひとつです。 Seleniumは可能な場合これらのサードパーティ製のdriverを使いますが、それが現実的でない場合のためにプロジェクトでメンテナンスしているdriverも提供しています。


Selenium setup is quite different from the setup of other commercial tools. Before you can start writing Selenium code, you have to install the language bindings libraries for your language of choice, the browser you want to use, and the driver for that browser.

Follow the links below to get up and going with Selenium WebDriver.

If you wish to start with a low-code/record and playback tool, please check Selenium IDE

Once you get things working, if you want to scale up your tests, check out the Selenium Grid.

1.1 - Seleniumライブラリのインストール


最初にあなたの自動化プロジェクトにSeleniumのバインディングをインストールする必要があります。 インストールの方法は選択した言語によって異なります。

Requirements by language

View the minimum supported Java version here.

Installation of Selenium libraries for Java is accomplished using a build tool.


Specify the dependencies in the project’s pom.xml file:



Specify the dependency in the project build.gradle file as testImplementation:

    testImplementation 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:4.21.0'
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.10.2'

The minimum supported Python version for each Selenium version can be found in Supported Python Versions on PyPi

There are a couple different ways to install Selenium.


pip install selenium


Alternatively you can download the PyPI source archive (selenium-x.x.x.tar.gz) and install it using setup.py:

python setup.py install

Require in project

To use it in a project, add it to the requirements.txt file:


A list of all supported frameworks for each version of Selenium is available on Nuget

There are a few options for installing Selenium.

Packet Manager

Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver


dotnet add package Selenium.WebDriver


in the project’s csproj file, specify the dependency as a PackageReference in ItemGroup:

      <PackageReference Include="Selenium.WebDriver" Version="4.21.0" />

Additional considerations

Further items of note for using Visual Studio Code (vscode) and C#

Install the compatible .NET SDK as per the section above. Also install the vscode extensions (Ctrl-Shift-X) for C# and NuGet. Follow the instruction here to create and run the “Hello World” console project using C#. You may also create a NUnit starter project using the command line dotnet new NUnit. Make sure the file %appdata%\NuGet\nuget.config is configured properly as some developers reported that it will be empty due to some issues. If nuget.config is empty, or not configured properly, then .NET builds will fail for Selenium Projects. Add the following section to the file nuget.config if it is empty:

    <add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3" />
    <add key="nuget.org" value="https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/" />   

For more info about nuget.config click here. You may have to customize nuget.config to meet you needs.

Now, go back to vscode, press Ctrl-Shift-P, and type “NuGet Add Package”, and enter the required Selenium packages such as Selenium.WebDriver. Press Enter and select the version. Now you can use the examples in the documentation related to C# with vscode.

You can see the minimum required version of Ruby for any given Selenium version on rubygems.org

Selenium can be installed two different ways.

Install manually

gem install selenium-webdriver

Add to project’s gemfile

gem 'selenium-devtools', '= 0.125.0'

You can find the minimum required version of Node for any given version of Selenium in the Node Support Policy section on npmjs

Selenium is typically installed using npm.

Install locally

npm install selenium-webdriver

Add to project

In your project’s package.json, add requirement to dependencies:

        "mocha": "10.4.0"
Use the Java bindings for Kotlin.

Next Step

Create your first Selenium script

1.2 - 最初のSeleniumスクリプトを書く


Seleniumをインストールし、 すると、Seleniumコードを書く準備が整います。

Eight Basic Components

Seleniumが行うことはすべて、ブラウザコマンドを送信して、何かを実行したり、情報の要求を送信したりすることです。 Seleniumで行うことのほとんどは、次の基本的なコマンドの組み合わせです。

Click on the link to “View full example on GitHub” to see the code in context.

1. ドライバーインスタンスでセッションを開始します

For more details on starting a session read our documentation on driver sessions

        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
        IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
    driver = await new Builder().forBrowser(Browser.CHROME).build();
        driver = ChromeDriver()

2. Take action on browser

In this example we are ブラウザがナビゲートするコマンドを送信します

    await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/web-form.html');

3. ブラウザに関する情報をリクエストします

There are a bunch of types of information about the browser you can request, including window handles, browser size / position, cookies, alerts, etc.

title = driver.title
        var title = driver.Title;
    let title = await driver.getTitle();
        val title = driver.title

4. Establish Waiting Strategy

Synchronizing the code with the current state of the browser is one of the biggest challenges with Selenium, and doing it well is an advanced topic.

Essentially you want to make sure that the element is on the page before you attempt to locate it and the element is in an interactable state before you attempt to interact with it.

An implicit wait is rarely the best solution, but it’s the easiest to demonstrate here, so we’ll use it as a placeholder.

Read more about Waiting strategies.

        driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 500
    await driver.manage().setTimeouts({implicit: 500});

5. 要素を検索するためのコマンドを送信します

The majority of commands in most Selenium sessions are element related, and you can’t interact with one without first finding an element

        WebElement textBox = driver.findElement(By.name("my-text"));
        WebElement submitButton = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button"));
text_box = driver.find_element(by=By.NAME, value="my-text")
submit_button = driver.find_element(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value="button")
        var textBox = driver.FindElement(By.Name("my-text"));
        var submitButton = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("button"));
text_box = driver.find_element(name: 'my-text')
submit_button = driver.find_element(tag_name: 'button')
    let textBox = await driver.findElement(By.name('my-text'));
    let submitButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('button'));
        var textBox = driver.findElement(By.name("my-text"))
        val submitButton = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button"))

6. 要素に対してアクションを実行する

There are only a handful of actions to take on an element, but you will use them frequently.

    await textBox.sendKeys('Selenium');
    await submitButton.click();

7. 要素に関する情報をリクエストします

Elements store a lot of information that can be requested.

text = message.text
        var value = message.Text;
    let value = await message.getText();
        val value = message.getText()

8. セッションを終了します

This ends the driver process, which by default closes the browser as well. No more commands can be sent to this driver instance.

See Quitting Sessions.

Running Selenium File

Next Steps

Most Selenium users execute many sessions and need to organize them to minimize duplication and keep the code more maintainable. Read on to learn about how to put this code into context for your use case with Using Selenium.

1.3 - Organizing and Executing Selenium Code

Scaling Selenium execution with an IDE and a Test Runner library

If you want to run more than a handful of one-off scripts, you need to be able to organize and work with your code. This page should give you ideas for how to actually do productive things with your Selenium code.

Common Uses

Most people use Selenium to execute automated tests for web applications, but Selenium support any use case of browser automation.

Repetitive Tasks

Perhaps you need to log into a website and download something, or submit a form. You can create a Selenium script to run with a service at preset times.

Web Scraping

Are you looking to collect data from a site that doesn’t have an API? Selenium will let you do this, but please make sure you are familiar with the website’s terms of service as some websites do not permit it and others will even block Selenium.


Running Selenium for testing requires making assertions on actions taken by Selenium. So a good assertion library is required. Additional features to provide structure for tests require use of Test Runner.


Regardless of how you use Selenium code, you won’t be very effective writing or executing it without a good Integrated Developer Environment. Here are some common options…

Test Runner

Even if you aren’t using Selenium for testing, if you have advanced use cases, it might make sense to use a test runner to better organize your code. Being able to use before/after hooks and run things in groups or in parallel can be very useful.


There are many different test runners available.

All the code examples in this documentation can be found in (or is being moved to) our example directories that use test runners and get executed every release to ensure all the code is correct and updated. Here is a list of test runners with links. The first item is the one that is used by this repository and the one that will be used for all examples on this page.

  • JUnit - A widely-used testing framework for Java-based Selenium tests.
  • TestNG - Offers extra features like parallel test execution and parameterized tests.
  • pytest - A preferred choice for many, thanks to its simplicity and powerful plugins.
  • unittest - Python’s standard library testing framework.
  • NUnit - A popular unit-testing framework for .NET.
  • MS Test - Microsoft’s own unit testing framework.
  • RSpec - The most widely used testing library for running Selenium tests in Ruby.
  • Minitest - A lightweight testing framework that comes with Ruby standard library.
  • Jest - Primarily known as a testing framework for React, it can also be used for Selenium tests.
  • Mocha - The most common JS library for running Selenium tests.


This is very similar to what was required in Install a Selenium Library. This code is only showing examples for what is being used in our Documentation Examples project.



To use it in a project, add it to the requirements.txt file:

in the project’s csproj file, specify the dependency as a PackageReference in ItemGroup:

Add to project’s gemfile

In your project’s package.json, add requirement to dependencies:


		String title = driver.getTitle();
		assertEquals("Web form", title);
    title = driver.title
    assert title == "Web form"
            var title = driver.Title;
            Assert.AreEqual("Web form", title);
    title = @driver.title
    expect(title).to eq('Web form')
      let title = await driver.getTitle();
      assert.equal("Web form", title);

Setting Up and Tearing Down

Set Up

	public void setup() {
		driver = new ChromeDriver();

Tear Down

	public void teardown() {

Set Up

  before do
    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

Tear Down

  config.after { @driver&.quit }
### Set Up
    before(async function () {
      driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
### Tear Down
    after(async () => await driver.quit());



mvn clean test


gradle clean test


mocha runningTests.spec.js


npx mocha runningTests.spec.js


In First script, we saw each of the components of a Selenium script. Here’s an example of that code using a test runner:

package dev.selenium.getting_started;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

import java.time.Duration;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class UsingSeleniumTest {

	WebDriver driver;

	public void setup() {
		driver = new ChromeDriver();

	public void eightComponents() {


		String title = driver.getTitle();
		assertEquals("Web form", title);

		WebElement textBox = driver.findElement(By.name("my-text"));
		WebElement submitButton = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button"));


		WebElement message = driver.findElement(By.id("message"));
		String value = message.getText();
		assertEquals("Received!", value);


	public void teardown() {

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

def test_eight_components():
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()


    title = driver.title
    assert title == "Web form"


    text_box = driver.find_element(by=By.NAME, value="my-text")
    submit_button = driver.find_element(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value="button")


    message = driver.find_element(by=By.ID, value="message")
    value = message.text
    assert value == "Received!"

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace SeleniumDocs.GettingStarted
    public class UsingSeleniumTest

        public void EightComponents()
            IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


            var title = driver.Title;
            Assert.AreEqual("Web form", title);

            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);

            var textBox = driver.FindElement(By.Name("my-text"));
            var submitButton = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("button"));
            var message = driver.FindElement(By.Id("message"));
            var value = message.Text;
            Assert.AreEqual("Received!", value);
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
require 'selenium-webdriver'

RSpec.describe 'Using Selenium' do
  before do
    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  it 'uses eight components' do

    title = @driver.title
    expect(title).to eq('Web form')

    @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 500

    text_box = @driver.find_element(name: 'my-text')
    submit_button = @driver.find_element(tag_name: 'button')


    message = @driver.find_element(id: 'message')
    value = message.text
    expect(value).to eq('Received!')
const {By, Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
const assert = require("assert");

  describe('First script', function () {
    let driver;
    before(async function () {
      driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
    it('First Selenium script with mocha', async function () {
      await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/web-form.html');
      let title = await driver.getTitle();
      assert.equal("Web form", title);
      await driver.manage().setTimeouts({implicit: 500});
      let textBox = await driver.findElement(By.name('my-text'));
      let submitButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('button'));
      await textBox.sendKeys('Selenium');
      await submitButton.click();
      let message = await driver.findElement(By.id('message'));
      let value = await message.getText();
      assert.equal("Received!", value);
    after(async () => await driver.quit());

Next Steps

Take what you’ve learned and build out your Selenium code!

As you find more functionality that you need, read up on the rest of our WebDriver documentation.

2 - ドライバーセッション



新しいセッションの作成は、W3C コマンド New session に対応しています。


各言語では、次のいずれかのクラス (または同等のもの) の引数を使用してセッションを作成することができます。



  • Serviceオブジェクトはローカルドライバーにのみ適用され、ブラウザーのドライバーに関する情報を提供します。


リモートドライバーを起動するための主な一意の引数には、コードを実行する場所に関する情報を含みます。 詳細は、リモートドライバーをご覧ください。



重要: quit メソッドは close メソッドとは異なり、 セッションを終了するには常に quit を使用することをお勧めします。

2.1 - ブラウザーオプション


Selenium 3 では、Capabilitiesは Desired Capabilities クラスを使用してセッションで定義していました。 Selenium 4 以降、ブラウザ オプション クラスを使用する必要があります。 リモート ドライバー セッションの場合、使用するブラウザーを決めるため、ブラウザーオプションインスタンスが必要です。

これらのオプションは、Capabilities の w3c仕様で説明しています。

各ブラウザには、w3c仕様で定義しているものに加えて定義可能な カスタム オプション があります。


Browser name is set by default when using an Options class instance.


This capability is optional, this is used to set the available browser version at remote end. In recent versions of Selenium, if the version is not found on the system, it will be automatically downloaded by Selenium Manager




eagerinteractiveDOM アクセスの準備は整っていますが、画像などの他のリソースはまだロード中の可能性があります
noneAnyWebDriver をまったくブロックしません

ドキュメントの document.readyState プロパティは、現在のドキュメントの読み込み状態を示します。

URL 経由で新しいページに移動する場合、デフォルトでは、WebDriver は、ドキュメントの準備完了状態が完了するまで、 ナビゲーション メソッド (driver.navigate().get() など) の完了を保留します。 これは必ずしもページの読み込みが完了したことを意味するわけではありません。 特に、Ready State が完了した後に JavaScript を使用してコンテンツを動的に読み込むシングル ページ アプリケーションのようなサイトの場合はそうです。 また、この動作は、要素のクリックまたはフォームの送信の結果であるナビゲーションには適用されないことに注意してください。

自動化にとって重要ではないアセット (画像、css、js など) をダウンロードした結果、ページの読み込みに時間がかかる場合は、 デフォルトのパラメーターである normaleager または none に変更して、セッションの読み込みを高速化できます。 この値はセッション全体に適用されるため、 待機戦略 が不安定さを最小限に抑えるのに十分であることを確認してください。

normal (デフォルト)

WebDriver は load イベント検知するまで待機します。

    ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
    options.page_load_strategy = 'normal'
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace pageLoadStrategy {
  class pageLoadStrategy {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
      var chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
      chromeOptions.PageLoadStrategy = PageLoadStrategy.Normal;
      IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
      try {
      } finally {
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.page_load_strategy = :normal
    it('Navigate using normal page loading strategy', async function () {
      let driver = await env

      await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/blank.html');
import org.openqa.selenium.PageLoadStrategy
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions

fun main() {
  val chromeOptions = ChromeOptions()
  val driver = ChromeDriver(chromeOptions)
  try {
  finally {


WebDriver は、DOMContentLoaded イベントを検知するまで待機します。

    ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
    options.page_load_strategy = 'eager'
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace pageLoadStrategy {
  class pageLoadStrategy {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
      var chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
      chromeOptions.PageLoadStrategy = PageLoadStrategy.Eager;
      IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
      try {
      } finally {
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.page_load_strategy = :eager
    it('Navigate using eager page loading strategy', async function () {
      let driver = await env

      await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/blank.html');
import org.openqa.selenium.PageLoadStrategy
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions

fun main() {
  val chromeOptions = ChromeOptions()
  val driver = ChromeDriver(chromeOptions)
  try {
  finally {


WebDriver は、最初のページがダウンロードされるまで待機します。

    ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
    options.page_load_strategy = 'none'
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace pageLoadStrategy {
  class pageLoadStrategy {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
      var chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
      chromeOptions.PageLoadStrategy = PageLoadStrategy.None;
      IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
      try {
      } finally {
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.page_load_strategy = :none
    it('Navigate using none page loading strategy', async function () {
      let driver = await env

      await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/blank.html');
import org.openqa.selenium.PageLoadStrategy
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions

fun main() {
  val chromeOptions = ChromeOptions()
  val driver = ChromeDriver(chromeOptions)
  try {
  finally {


これにより、リモートエンドのオペレーティングシステムが識別され、 platformName を取得するとOS名が返されます。

クラウドベースのプロバイダーでは、 platformName を設定すると、リモートエンドのOSが設定されます。

      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.firefox
      options.platform_name = 'Windows 10'


この機能は、セッション中のナビゲーション中に、期限切れ(または)無効な TLS証明書 が使用されているかどうかを確認します。

機能が false に設定されている場合、ナビゲーションでドメイン証明書の問題が発生すると、 insecure certificate error が返されます。 true に設定すると、無効な証明書はブラウザーによって信頼されます。

すべての自己署名証明書は、デフォルトでこの機能によって信頼されます。 一度設定すると、 acceptInsecureCerts Capabilityはセッション全体に影響します。

      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.accept_insecure_certs = true
      let driver = await env


WebDriverの セッション には特定の セッションタイムアウト 間隔が設定されており、 その間、ユーザーはスクリプトの実行またはブラウザーからの情報の取得の動作を制御できます。

各セッションタイムアウトは、以下で説明するように、異なる タイムアウト の組み合わせで構成されます。

Script Timeout:

現在のブラウジングコンテキストで実行中のスクリプトをいつ中断するかを指定します。 新しいセッションがWebDriverによって作成されると、デフォルトのタイムアウト 30,000 が課されます。

      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.timeouts = {script: 40_000}

Page Load Timeout:

現在のブラウジングコンテキストでWebページをロードする必要がある時間間隔を指定します。 新しいセッションがWebDriverによって作成されると、デフォルトのタイムアウト 300,000 が課されます。 ページの読み込みが指定/デフォルトの時間枠を制限する場合、スクリプトは TimeoutException によって停止されます。

      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.timeouts = {page_load: 400_000}

Implicit Wait Timeout

これは、要素を検索するときに暗黙的な要素の検索戦略を待つ時間を指定します。 新しいセッションがWebDriverによって作成されると、デフォルトのタイムアウト 0 が課されます。

      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.timeouts = {implicit: 1}


現在のセッションの ユーザープロンプトハンドラー の状態を指定します。 デフォルトでは、 dismiss and notify (却下して通知する) 状態 となります。

User Prompt Handler

これは、リモートエンドでユーザープロンプトが表示されたときに実行する必要があるアクションを定義します。 これは、 unhandledPromptBehavior Capabilityによって定義され、次の状態があります。

  • dismiss (却下)
  • accept (受入)
  • dismiss and notify (却下して通知)
  • accept and notify (受け入れて通知)
  • ignore (無視)
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.unhandled_prompt_behavior = :accept


リモート エンドがすべての サイズ変更および再配置 コマンド をサポートするかどうかを示します。

      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.firefox
      options.set_window_rect = true


この新しいcapabilityは、厳密な相互作用チェックを input type = file 要素に適用する必要があるかどうかを示します。 厳密な相互作用チェックはデフォルトでオフになっているため、隠しファイルのアップロードコントロールで Element Send Keys を使用する場合の動作が変更されます。

      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.strict_file_interactability = true


プロキシサーバーは、クライアントとサーバー間の要求の仲介役として機能します。 簡単に言えば、トラフィックはプロキシサーバーを経由して、要求したアドレスに戻り、戻ってきます。


  • ネットワークトラフィックをキャプチャする
  • ウェブサイトによって行われた模擬バックエンドを呼び出す
  • 複雑なネットワークトポロジーまたは厳格な企業の制限/ポリシーの下で、必要なWebサイトにアクセスします。


Selenium WebDriverは設定をプロキシする方法を提供します。

Move Code

import org.openqa.selenium.Proxy;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions;

public class ProxyTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
    ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
    options.setCapability("proxy", proxy);
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
from selenium import webdriver

webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX['proxy'] = {
"httpProxy": PROXY,
"ftpProxy": PROXY,
"sslProxy": PROXY,
"proxyType": "MANUAL",


with webdriver.Firefox() as driver:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

public class ProxyTest{
public static void Main() {
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
proxy.Kind = ProxyKind.Manual;
proxy.IsAutoDetect = false;
proxy.SslProxy = "<HOST:PORT>";
options.Proxy = proxy;
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      options.proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new(http: 'myproxy.com:8080')
let webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
let chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
let proxy = require('selenium-webdriver/proxy');
let opts = new chrome.Options();

(async function example() {
opts.setProxy(proxy.manual({http: '<HOST:PORT>'}));
let driver = new webdriver.Builder()
try {
await driver.get("https://selenium.dev");
finally {
await driver.quit();
import org.openqa.selenium.Proxy
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions

class proxyTest {
fun main() {

        val proxy = Proxy()
        val options = ChromeOptions()
        options.setCapability("proxy", proxy)
        val driver: WebDriver = ChromeDriver(options)

2.2 - HTTP Client Configuration

These allow you to set various parameters for the HTTP library

    client = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.new(open_timeout: 30, read_timeout: 30)
    expect(client.open_timeout).to eq 30

2.3 - Driver Service Class

The Service classes are for managing the starting and stopping of drivers. They can not be used with a Remote WebDriver session.

Service classes allow you to specify information about the driver, like location and which port to use. They also let you specify what arguments get passed to the command line. Most of the useful arguments are related to logging.

Default Service instance

To start a driver with a default service instance:

    driver = new ChromeDriver(service);

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.ChromeService()
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)
            var service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
            driver = new ChromeDriver(service);
    service = Selenium::WebDriver::Service.chrome
    @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, service: service

Driver location

Note: If you are using Selenium 4.6 or greater, you shouldn’t need to set a driver location. If you can not update Selenium or have an advanced use case here is how to specify the driver location:

        new ChromeDriverService.Builder().usingDriverExecutable(driverPath).build();

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.ChromeService(executable_path=chromedriver_bin)

Selenium v4.9

            var service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService(GetDriverLocation(options));

Selenium v4.8

    service.executable_path = driver_path

Driver port

If you want the driver to run on a specific port, you may specify it as follows:


Logging functionality varies between browsers. Most browsers allow you to specify location and level of logs. Take a look at the respective browser page:

2.4 - Remote WebDriver

Selenium lets you automate browsers on remote computers if there is a Selenium Grid running on them. The computer that executes the code is referred to as the client computer, and the computer with the browser and driver is referred to as the remote computer or sometimes as an end-node. To direct Selenium tests to the remote computer, you need to use a Remote WebDriver class and pass the URL including the port of the grid on that machine. Please see the grid documentation for all the various ways the grid can be configured.

Basic Example

The driver needs to know where to send commands to and which browser to start on the Remote computer. So an address and an options instance are both required.

    ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
    driver = new RemoteWebDriver(gridUrl, options);

@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="Gets stuck on Windows, passes locally")
            var options = new ChromeOptions();
            driver = new RemoteWebDriver(GridUrl, options);
    options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, url: grid_url, options: options


Uploading a file is more complicated for Remote WebDriver sessions because the file you want to upload is likely on the computer executing the code, but the driver on the remote computer is looking for the provided path on its local file system. The solution is to use a Local File Detector. When one is set, Selenium will bundle the file, and send it to the remote machine, so the driver can see the reference to it. Some bindings include a basic local file detector by default, and all of them allow for a custom file detector.

Java does not include a Local File Detector by default, so you must always add one to do uploads.
    ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).setFileDetector(new LocalFileDetector());
    WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[type=file]"));

Python adds a local file detector to remote webdriver instances by default, but you can also create your own class.

    upload_file = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "selenium-snapshot.png"))
.NET adds a local file detector to remote webdriver instances by default, but you can also create your own class.
            ((RemoteWebDriver)driver).FileDetector = new LocalFileDetector();
            IWebElement fileInput = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("input[type=file]"));
Ruby adds a local file detector to remote webdriver instances by default, but you can also create your own lambda:
    driver.file_detector = ->((filename, *)) { filename.include?('selenium') && filename }
    file_input = driver.find_element(css: 'input[type=file]')
    driver.find_element(id: 'file-submit').click


Chrome, Edge and Firefox each allow you to set the location of the download directory. When you do this on a remote computer, though, the location is on the remote computer’s local file system. Selenium allows you to enable downloads to get these files onto the client computer.

Enable Downloads in the Grid

Regardless of the client, when starting the grid in node or standalone mode, you must add the flag:

--enable-managed-downloads true

Enable Downloads in the Client

The grid uses the se:downloadsEnabled capability to toggle whether to be responsible for managing the browser location. Each of the bindings have a method in the options class to set this.

    ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
    driver = new RemoteWebDriver(gridUrl, options);
    assert file_name == "selenium-snapshot.png"

            ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions
                EnableDownloads = true

            driver = new RemoteWebDriver(GridUrl, options);
    options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome(enable_downloads: true)
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, url: grid_url, options: options

List Downloadable Files

Be aware that Selenium is not waiting for files to finish downloading, so the list is an immediate snapshot of what file names are currently in the directory for the given session.

    List<String> files = ((HasDownloads) driver).getDownloadableFiles();
            IReadOnlyList<string> names = ((RemoteWebDriver)driver).GetDownloadableFiles();
    files = driver.downloadable_files

Download a File

Selenium looks for the name of the provided file in the list and downloads it to the provided target directory.

    ((HasDownloads) driver).downloadFile(downloadableFile, targetDirectory);
    driver.download_file(downloadable_file, target_directory)

Delete Downloaded Files

By default, the download directory is deleted at the end of the applicable session, but you can also delete all files during the session.

    ((HasDownloads) driver).deleteDownloadableFiles();

Browser specific functionalities

Each browser has implemented special functionality that is available only to that browser. Each of the Selenium bindings has implemented a different way to use those features in a Remote Session

Java requires you to use the Augmenter class, which allows it to automatically pull in implementations for all interfaces that match the capabilities used with the RemoteWebDriver

    driver = new Augmenter().augment(driver);

Of interest, using the RemoteWebDriverBuilder automatically augments the driver, so it is a great way to get all the functionality by default:

            .oneOf(new ChromeOptions())
            .setCapability("ext:options", Map.of("key", "value"))
.NET uses a custom command executor for executing commands that are valid for the given browser in the remote driver.
            var customCommandDriver = driver as ICustomDriverCommandExecutor;

            var screenshotResponse = customCommandDriver
                .ExecuteCustomDriverCommand(FirefoxDriver.GetFullPageScreenshotCommand, null);
Ruby uses mixins to add applicable browser specific methods to the Remote WebDriver session; the methods should always just work for you.


この機能は、Java クライアント バインディング (ベータ版以降) でのみ利用できます。 Remote WebDriver クライアントは Selenium Grid サーバーにリクエストを送信し、 Selenium Grid サーバーはリクエストを WebDriver に渡します。 HTTP リクエストをエンド ツー エンドでトレースするには、サーバー側とクライアント側でトレースを有効にする必要があります。 両端には、視覚化フレームワークを指すトレース エクスポーターのセットアップが必要です。 デフォルトでは、トレースはクライアントとサーバーの両方で有効になっています。 視覚化フレームワークの Jaeger UI と Selenium Grid 4 を設定するには、目的のバージョンの トレースのセットアップ を参照してください。



トレーシング エクスポーターの外部ライブラリのインストールは、Maven を使って実行できます。 プロジェクト pom.xml に opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger および grpc-netty の依存関係を追加します。



System.setProperty("otel.traces.exporter", "jaeger");
System.setProperty("otel.exporter.jaeger.endpoint", "http://localhost:14250");
System.setProperty("otel.resource.attributes", "service.name=selenium-java-client");

ImmutableCapabilities capabilities = new ImmutableCapabilities("browserName", "chrome");

WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://www.example.com"), capabilities);




ご希望のSeleniumのバージョンに必要な外部依存関係のバージョンの詳細については、 トレースのセットアップ を参照してください。


3 - 対応ブラウザ


3.1 - Chrome固有の機能

これらは、Google Chrome ブラウザに固有のCapabilityです。

デフォルトでは、Selenium 4 は Chrome v75 以降と互換性があります。 Chromeブラウザのバージョンと chromedriverのバージョンは、メジャーバージョンと一致する必要があることに注意してください。


全てのブラウザに共通のCapabilityについては、オプション ページで説明しています。

Chrome に固有のCapabilityは、Google のCapabilities & ChromeOptionsページにあります。


    ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
    driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
            var options = new ChromeOptions();
            driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome
      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options
      const Options = new Chrome.Options();
      let driver = await env



The args parameter is for a list of command line switches to be used when starting the browser. There are two excellent resources for investigating these arguments:

Commonly used args include --start-maximized, --headless=new and --user-data-dir=...

Add an argument to options:

      options.args << '--start-maximized'
      let driver = await env


binaryパラメーターは、使用するブラウザの別のロケーションのパスを取ります。 このパラメーターを使用すると、chromedriver を使用して、さまざまな Chromium ベースのブラウザを駆動できます。


    options.binary_location = chrome_bin
            options.BinaryLocation = GetChromeLocation();
      options.binary = chrome_location
      let driver = await env
        .setChromeOptions(options.setChromeBinaryPath(`Path to chrome binary`))


extensions パラメーターはcrxファイルを受け入れます

The extensions parameter accepts crx files. As for unpacked directories, please use the load-extension argument instead, as mentioned in this post.


      const options = new Chrome.Options();
      let driver = await env


detach パラメータをtrueに設定すると、ドライバープロセスが終了した後もブラウザを開いたままにできます。

Note: This is already the default behavior in Java.

    options.add_experimental_option("detach", True)

Note: This is already the default behavior in .NET.

      options.detach = true
      let driver = await env


Chrome はさまざまな引数を追加します。 これらの引数を追加したくない場合は、それらを excludeSwitches に渡します。 一般的な例は、ポップアップブロッカーをオンに設定することです。

A full list of default arguments can be parsed from the Chromium Source Code


    options.setExperimentalOption("excludeSwitches", List.of("disable-popup-blocking"));
    options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['disable-popup-blocking'])
      options.exclude_switches << 'disable-popup-blocking'
      let driver = await env


Examples for creating a default Service object, and for setting driver location and port can be found on the Driver Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

    ChromeDriverService service =
        new ChromeDriverService.Builder().withLogFile(logLocation).build();

Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: ChromeDriverService.CHROME_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.ChromeService(log_output=log_path)
            service.LogPath = GetLogLocation();

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console as STDOUT:

Selenium v4.10

    ChromeDriverService service =
        new ChromeDriverService.Builder().withLogOutput(System.out).build();

Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: ChromeDriverService.CHROME_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.ChromeService(log_output=subprocess.STDOUT)

$stdout and $stderr are both valid values

Selenium v4.10

      service.log = $stdout

Log level

There are 6 available log levels: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, and OFF. Note that --verbose is equivalent to --log-level=ALL and --silent is equivalent to --log-level=OFF, so this example is just setting the log level generically:

Selenium v4.8

    ChromeDriverService service =
        new ChromeDriverService.Builder().withLogLevel(ChromiumDriverLogLevel.DEBUG).build();

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: ChromeDriverService.CHROME_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of ChromiumDriverLogLevel enum

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.ChromeService(service_args=['--log-level=DEBUG'], log_output=subprocess.STDOUT)

Selenium v4.10

      service.args << '--log-level=DEBUG'

Log file features

There are 2 features that are only available when logging to a file:

  • append log
  • readable timestamps

To use them, you need to also explicitly specify the log path and log level. The log output will be managed by the driver, not the process, so minor differences may be seen.

Selenium v4.8

    ChromeDriverService service =
        new ChromeDriverService.Builder().withAppendLog(true).withReadableTimestamp(true).build();

Note: Java also allows toggling these features by System Property:
Property value: "true" or "false"

    service = webdriver.ChromeService(service_args=['--append-log', '--readable-timestamp'], log_output=log_path)

Selenium v4.8

      service.args << '--append-log'
      service.args << '--readable-timestamp'

Disabling build check

Chromedriver and Chrome browser versions should match, and if they don’t the driver will error. If you disable the build check, you can force the driver to be used with any version of Chrome. Note that this is an unsupported feature, and bugs will not be investigated.

Selenium v4.8

    ChromeDriverService service =
        new ChromeDriverService.Builder().withBuildCheckDisabled(true).build();

Note: Java also allows disabling build checks by System Property:
Property key: ChromeDriverService.CHROME_DRIVER_DISABLE_BUILD_CHECK
Property value: "true" or "false"

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.ChromeService(service_args=['--disable-build-check'], log_output=subprocess.STDOUT)
            service.DisableBuildCheck = true;

Selenium v4.8

      service.args << '--disable-build-check'

Special Features


タブの共有など、Chrome Castデバイスを操作できます。

      sinks = @driver.cast_sinks
      unless sinks.empty?
        device_name = sinks.first['name']
        expect { @driver.stop_casting(device_name) }.not_to raise_exception



The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.

      @driver.network_conditions = {offline: false, latency: 100, throughput: 200}



      @driver.add_permission('camera', 'denied')
      @driver.add_permissions('clipboard-read' => 'denied', 'clipboard-write' => 'prompt')

デベロッパー ツール

Chromeデベロッパーツールの使用に関する詳細については、Chromeデベロッパー ツールセクションを参照してください。

3.2 - Edge固有の機能

これらは、Microsoft Edgeブラウザに固有のCapabilityです。

Microsoft EdgeはChromiumで実装されており、サポートされている最も古いバージョンはv79です。 Chromeと同様に、edgedriverのメジャー バージョン番号は、Edgeブラウザのメジャーバージョンと一致する必要があります。

Chromeページ にあるすべての機能とオプションは、Edgeでも機能します。


Capabilities common to all browsers are described on the Options page.

Capabilities unique to Chromium are documented at Google’s page for Capabilities & ChromeOptions

基本的な定義済みオプションを使用して Edgeセッションを開始すると、次のようになります。

    EdgeOptions options = new EdgeOptions();
    driver = new EdgeDriver(options);
    options = webdriver.EdgeOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Edge(options=options)
            var options = new EdgeOptions();
            driver = new EdgeDriver(options);
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.edge
      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :edge, options: options
      driver = await env.builder()


The args parameter is for a list of command line switches to be used when starting the browser. There are two excellent resources for investigating these arguments:

一般的に使用される引数には、--start-maximized および --headless=new が含まれます。 and --user-data-dir=...


      options.args << '--start-maximized'

Start browser in a specified location

The binary parameter takes the path of an alternate location of browser to use. With this parameter you can use chromedriver to drive various Chromium based browsers.

Add a browser location to options:

    options.binary_location = edge_bin
            options.BinaryLocation = GetEdgeLocation();
      options.binary = edge_location

Add extensions

The extensions parameter accepts crx files. As for unpacked directories, please use the load-extension argument instead, as mentioned in this post.

Add an extension to options:


Keeping browser open

Setting the detach parameter to true will keep the browser open after the process has ended, so long as the quit command is not sent to the driver.

Note: This is already the default behavior in Java.

    options.add_experimental_option("detach", True)

Note: This is already the default behavior in .NET.

      options.detach = true

Excluding arguments

MSEdgedriver has several default arguments it uses to start the browser. If you do not want those arguments added, pass them into excludeSwitches. A common example is to turn the popup blocker back on. A full list of default arguments can be parsed from the Chromium Source Code

Set excluded arguments on options:

    options.setExperimentalOption("excludeSwitches", List.of("disable-popup-blocking"));
    options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['disable-popup-blocking'])
      options.exclude_switches << 'disable-popup-blocking'
}, { browsers: [Browser.EDGE]});


Examples for creating a default Service object, and for setting driver location and port can be found on the Driver Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

Selenium v4.10

    EdgeDriverService service = new EdgeDriverService.Builder().withLogFile(logLocation).build();

Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

    service = webdriver.EdgeService(log_output=log_path)
            service.LogPath = GetLogLocation();

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console as STDOUT:

Selenium v4.10

    EdgeDriverService service = new EdgeDriverService.Builder().withLogOutput(System.out).build();

Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

$stdout and $stderr are both valid values

Selenium v4.10

      service.log = $stdout

Log level

There are 6 available log levels: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, and OFF. Note that --verbose is equivalent to --log-level=ALL and --silent is equivalent to --log-level=OFF, so this example is just setting the log level generically:

Selenium v4.8

    EdgeDriverService service =
        new EdgeDriverService.Builder().withLoglevel(ChromiumDriverLogLevel.DEBUG).build();

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of ChromiumDriverLogLevel enum

    service = webdriver.EdgeService(service_args=['--log-level=DEBUG'], log_output=log_path)

Selenium v4.10

      service.args << '--log-level=DEBUG'

Log file features

There are 2 features that are only available when logging to a file:

  • append log
  • readable timestamps

To use them, you need to also explicitly specify the log path and log level. The log output will be managed by the driver, not the process, so minor differences may be seen.

Selenium v4.8

    EdgeDriverService service =
        new EdgeDriverService.Builder().withAppendLog(true).withReadableTimestamp(true).build();

Note: Java also allows toggling these features by System Property:
Property value: "true" or "false"

    service = webdriver.EdgeService(service_args=['--append-log', '--readable-timestamp'], log_output=log_path)

Selenium v4.8

      service.args << '--append-log'
      service.args << '--readable-timestamp'

Disabling build check

Edge browser and msedgedriver versions should match, and if they don’t the driver will error. If you disable the build check, you can force the driver to be used with any version of Edge. Note that this is an unsupported feature, and bugs will not be investigated.

Selenium v4.8

    EdgeDriverService service =
        new EdgeDriverService.Builder().withBuildCheckDisabled(true).build();

Note: Java also allows disabling build checks by System Property:
Property key: EdgeDriverService.EDGE_DRIVER_DISABLE_BUILD_CHECK
Property value: "true" or "false"

    service = webdriver.EdgeService(service_args=['--disable-build-check'], log_output=log_path)
            service.DisableBuildCheck = true;

Selenium v4.8

      service.args << '--disable-build-check'

Internet Explorer Compatibility モード

Microsoft Edge は、Internet Explorer ドライバークラスを Microsoft Edgeと組み合わせて使用する “Internet Explorer 互換モード"で動かすことができます。 詳細については、Internet Explorerページを参照してください。

Special Features

Some browsers have implemented additional features that are unique to them.


You can drive Chrome Cast devices with Edge, including sharing tabs

      sinks = @driver.cast_sinks
      unless sinks.empty?
        device_name = sinks.first['name']
        expect { @driver.stop_casting(device_name) }.not_to raise_exception

Network conditions

You can simulate various network conditions.

      @driver.network_conditions = {offline: false, latency: 100, throughput: 200}



      @driver.add_permission('camera', 'denied')
      @driver.add_permissions('clipboard-read' => 'denied', 'clipboard-write' => 'prompt')


See the Chrome DevTools section for more information about using DevTools in Edge

3.3 - Firefox 固有のCapability

Mozilla Firefox ブラウザーに固有のCapabilityです。

Selenium 4 には Firefox 78 以降が必要です。 常に最新バージョンの geckodriver を使用することをお勧めします。



Firefox に固有のCapabilityは、Mozilla のページの firefoxOptions にあります。

基本的な定義済みのオプションを使用して Firefox セッションを開始すると、以下のようになります。

    FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
    driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);
    options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
            var options = new FirefoxOptions();
            driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.firefox
      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: options
      let options = new firefox.Options();
      driver = await env.builder()



args パラメータは、ブラウザの起動時に使用するコマンドラインスイッチのリストです。 一般的に使用される引数には、 -headless"-profile""/path/to/profile" が含まれます。


      options.args << '-headless'
    let driver = await env.builder()


binary パラメーターは、使用するブラウザーの別のロケーションのパスを取ります。 たとえば、このパラメーターを使用すると、geckodriver を使用して、製品版とFirefox Nightlyの両方がコンピューターに存在する場合、 製品版の代わりに Firefox Nightly を駆動できます 。


    options.binary_location = firefox_bin
            options.BinaryLocation = GetFirefoxLocation();
      options.binary = firefox_location



FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile
firefox_profile = FirefoxProfile()
firefox_profile.set_preference("javascript.enabled", False)
options.profile = firefox_profile
var options = new FirefoxOptions();
var profile = new FirefoxProfile();
options.Profile = profile;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
      profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
        profile['browser.download.dir'] = '/tmp/webdriver-downloads'
        options = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options.new(profile: profile)
const { Builder } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');

const options = new firefox.Options();
let profile = '/path to custom profile';
const driver = new Builder()
val options = FirefoxOptions()
options.profile = FirefoxProfile()
driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


Service settings common to all browsers are described on the Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging various issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

    FirefoxDriverService service =
        new GeckoDriverService.Builder().withLogFile(logLocation).build();

Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.FirefoxService(log_output=log_path, service_args=['--log', 'debug'])

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console:

Selenium v4.10

    FirefoxDriverService service =
        new GeckoDriverService.Builder().withLogOutput(System.out).build();

Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.FirefoxService(log_output=subprocess.STDOUT)

Log level

There are 7 available log levels: fatal, error, warn, info, config, debug, trace. If logging is specified the level defaults to info.

Note that -v is equivalent to -log debug and -vv is equivalent to log trace, so this examples is just for setting the log level generically:

Selenium v4.10

    FirefoxDriverService service =
        new GeckoDriverService.Builder().withLogLevel(FirefoxDriverLogLevel.DEBUG).build();

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of FirefoxDriverLogLevel enum

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.FirefoxService(log_output=log_path, service_args=['--log', 'debug'])

Selenium v4.10

      service.args += %w[--log debug]

Truncated Logs

The driver logs everything that gets sent to it, including string representations of large binaries, so Firefox truncates lines by default. To turn off truncation:

Selenium v4.10

    FirefoxDriverService service =
        new GeckoDriverService.Builder().withTruncatedLogs(false).build();

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_LOG_NO_TRUNCATE
Property value: "true" or "false"

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.FirefoxService(service_args=['--log-no-truncate', '--log', 'debug'], log_output=log_path)

Selenium v4.10

      service.args << '--log-no-truncate'

Profile Root

The default directory for profiles is the system temporary directory. If you do not have access to that directory, or want profiles to be created some place specific, you can change the profile root directory:

Selenium v4.10

    FirefoxDriverService service =
        new GeckoDriverService.Builder().withProfileRoot(profileDirectory).build();

Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: GeckoDriverService.GECKO_DRIVER_PROFILE_ROOT
Property value: String representing path to profile root directory

    service = webdriver.FirefoxService(service_args=['--profile-root', temp_dir])

Selenium v4.8

      service.args += ['--profile-root', root_directory]

Special Features



Unlike Chrome, Firefox extensions are not added as part of capabilities as mentioned in this issue, they are created after starting the driver.

The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.


Mozilla Add-Onsページ から取得する署名付きxpiファイル

    const xpiPath = path.resolve('./test/resources/extensions/selenium-example.xpi')
    let driver = await env.builder().build();
    let id = await driver.installAddon(xpiPath);


アドオンをアンインストールするには、そのIDを知る必要があります。 IDはアドオンインストール時の戻り値から取得できます。


Selenium v4.5

    await driver.uninstallAddon(id);


未完成または未公開の拡張機能を使用する場合、署名されていない可能性があります。 そのため、“一時的なもの” としてのみインストールできます。 これは、zipファイルまたはディレクトリを渡すことで実行できます。ディレクトリの例を次に示します。

    driver.installExtension(path, true);
    driver.install_addon(addon_path_dir, temporary=True)

Selenium v4.5

            driver.InstallAddOnFromDirectory(Path.GetFullPath(extensionDirPath), true);

Selenium v4.5

      driver.install_addon(extension_dir_path, true)
    const xpiPath = path.resolve('./test/resources/extensions/selenium-example')
    let driver = await env.builder().build();
    let id = await driver.installAddon(xpiPath, true);


The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.

        screenshot = driver.save_full_page_screenshot(File.join(dir, 'screenshot.png'))


The following examples are for local webdrivers. For remote webdrivers, please refer to the Remote WebDriver page.

3.4 - IE specific functionality

These are capabilities and features specific to Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers.

As of June 2022, Selenium officially no longer supports standalone Internet Explorer. The Internet Explorer driver still supports running Microsoft Edge in “IE Compatibility Mode.”

Special considerations

The IE Driver is the only driver maintained by the Selenium Project directly. While binaries for both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer are available, there are some known limitations with the 64-bit driver. As such it is recommended to use the 32-bit driver.

Additional information about using Internet Explorer can be found on the IE Driver Server page


Starting a Microsoft Edge browser in Internet Explorer Compatibility mode with basic defined options looks like this:

        InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
        driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
    options = webdriver.IeOptions()
    options.attach_to_edge_chrome = True
    options.edge_executable_path = edge_bin
    driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)
            var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
            options.AttachToEdgeChrome = true;
            options.EdgeExecutablePath = GetEdgeLocation();
            _driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.ie
      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :ie, options: options

As of Internet Explorer Driver v4.5.0:

  • If IE is not present on the system (default in Windows 11), you do not need to use the two parameters above. IE Driver will use Edge and will automatically locate it.
  • If IE and Edge are both present on the system, you only need to set attaching to Edge, IE Driver will automatically locate Edge on your system.

So, if IE is not on the system, you only need:

        InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
        driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
    options = webdriver.IeOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)
            var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
            _driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
    let(:root_directory) { Dir.mktmpdir }
let driver = await new Builder()
.forBrowser('internet explorer')
<p><a href=/documentation/about/contributing/#moving-examples>
<span class="selenium-badge-code" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="right"
      title="One or more of these examples need to be implemented in the examples directory; click for details in the contribution guide">Move Code</span></a></p>

val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)

Here are a few common use cases with different capabilities:


環境によっては、ファイルアップロードダイアログを開くときにInternet Explorerがタイムアウトする場合があります。 IEDriverのデフォルトのタイムアウトは1000ミリ秒ですが、fileUploadDialogTimeout capabilityを使用してタイムアウトを増やすことができます。

InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.IeOptions()
options.file_upload_dialog_timeout = 2000
driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)


var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.FileUploadDialogTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().fileUploadDialogTimeout(2000);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


この機能を true に設定すると、手動またはドライバーによって開始されたものを含め、 InternetExplorerの実行中のすべてのインスタンスのキャッシュ、ブラウザー履歴、およびCookieがクリアされます。 デフォルトでは、false に設定されています。

この機能を使用すると、ドライバーがIEブラウザーを起動する前にキャッシュがクリアされるまで待機するため、 ブラウザーの起動中にパフォーマンスが低下します。


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.IeOptions()
options.ensure_clean_session = True
driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)


var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.EnsureCleanSession = true;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().ensureCleanSession(true);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


InternetExplorerドライバーは、ブラウザーのズームレベルが100%であることを想定しています。 それ以外の場合、ドライバーは例外をスローします。 このデフォルトの動作は、 ignoreZoomSettingtrue に設定することで無効にできます。


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.IeOptions()
options.ignore_zoom_level = True
driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)


var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IgnoreZoomLevel = true;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
      service = Selenium::WebDriver::Service.ie
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().ignoreZoomSetting(true);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


新しいIEセッションの起動中に 保護モード チェックをスキップするかどうか。

設定されておらず、 保護モード 設定がすべてのゾーンで同じでない場合、 ドライバーによって例外がスローされます。

ケイパビリティを true に設定すると、テストが不安定になったり、応答しなくなったり、 ブラウザがハングしたりする場合があります。 ただし、これはまだ2番目に良い選択であり、最初の選択は 常に 各ゾーンの保護モード設定を手動で実際に設定することです。 ユーザーがこのプロパティを使用している場合、「ベストエフォート」のみがサポートされます。


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.IeOptions()
options.ignore_protected_mode_settings = True
driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)


var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(options);
      }.to output(/Started InternetExplorerDriver server/).to_stdout_from_any_process
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options().introduceFlakinessByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings(true);
let driver = await Builder()
val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
val driver = RemoteWebDriver(options)


true に設定すると、このケイパビリティはIEDriverServerの診断出力を抑制します。


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.setCapability("silent", true);
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.IeOptions()
options.set_capability("silent", True)
driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)


InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.AddAdditionalInternetExplorerOption("silent", true);
IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
const {Builder,By, Capabilities} = require('selenium-webdriver');
let caps = Capabilities.ie();
caps.set('silent', true);

(async function example() {
    let driver = await new Builder()
        .forBrowser('internet explorer')
    try {
        await driver.get('http://www.google.com/ncr');
    finally {
        await driver.quit();
import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions

fun main() {
    val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
    options.setCapability("silent", true)
    val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)
    try {
        val caps = driver.getCapabilities()
    } finally {

IE Command-Line Options

Internet Explorerには、ブラウザーのトラブルシューティングと構成を可能にするいくつかのコマンドラインオプションが含まれています。


  • -private : IEをプライベートブラウジングモードで起動するために使用されます。 これはIE 8以降のバージョンで機能します。

  • -k : Internet Explorerをキオスクモードで起動します。 ブラウザは、アドレスバー、ナビゲーションボタン、またはステータスバーを表示しない最大化されたウィンドウで開きます。

  • -extoff : アドオンなしモードでIEを起動します。 このオプションは、ブラウザーのアドオンに関する問題のトラブルシューティングに特に使用されます。 IE 7以降のバージョンで動作します。

注:コマンドライン引数が機能するためには、 forceCreateProcessApi を順番に有効にする必要があります。

import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions;

public class ieTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
        InternetExplorerDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
        try {
            Capabilities caps = driver.getCapabilities();
        } finally {
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.IeOptions()
options.force_create_process_api = True
driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)


using System;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;

namespace ieTest {
 class Program {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
   InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
   options.ForceCreateProcessApi = true;
   options.BrowserCommandLineArguments = "-k";
   IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
   driver.Url = "https://google.com/ncr";
      }.to output(/Invalid capability setting: timeouts is type null/).to_stdout_from_any_process
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options();

driver = await env.builder()
import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions

fun main() {
    val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
    val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)
    try {
        val caps = driver.getCapabilities()
    } finally {


CreateProcess APIを使用してInternet Explorerを強制的に起動します。 デフォルト値はfalseです。

IE 8以降の場合、このオプションでは “TabProcGrowth” レジストリの値を0に設定する必要があります。

import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions;

public class ieTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
        InternetExplorerDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
        try {
            Capabilities caps = driver.getCapabilities();
        } finally {
from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.IeOptions()
options.force_create_process_api = True
driver = webdriver.Ie(options=options)


using System;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;

namespace ieTest {
 class Program {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
   InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
   options.ForceCreateProcessApi = true;
   IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
   driver.Url = "https://google.com/ncr";
const ie = require('selenium-webdriver/ie');
let options = new ie.Options();

driver = await env.builder()
import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.ie.InternetExplorerOptions

fun main() {
    val options = InternetExplorerOptions()
    val driver = InternetExplorerDriver(options)
    try {
        val caps = driver.getCapabilities()
    } finally {



Service settings common to all browsers are described on the Service page.

Log output

Getting driver logs can be helpful for debugging various issues. The Service class lets you direct where the logs will go. Logging output is ignored unless the user directs it somewhere.

File output

To change the logging output to save to a specific file:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting file output by System Property:
Property key: InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_LOGFILE_PROPERTY
Property value: String representing path to log file

    service = webdriver.IeService(log_output=log_path, log_level='INFO')

Console output

To change the logging output to display in the console as STDOUT:

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_LOGFILE_PROPERTY
Property value: DriverService.LOG_STDOUT or DriverService.LOG_STDERR

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.IeService(log_output=subprocess.STDOUT)

Log Level

There are 6 available log levels: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE If logging output is specified, the default level is FATAL


Note: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:
Property key: InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_LOGLEVEL_PROPERTY
Property value: String representation of InternetExplorerDriverLogLevel.DEBUG.toString() enum

    service = webdriver.IeService(log_output=log_path, log_level='WARN')

Supporting Files Path

**Note**: Java also allows setting log level by System Property:\ Property key: `InternetExplorerDriverService.IE_DRIVER_EXTRACT_PATH_PROPERTY`\ Property value: String representing path to supporting files directory

Selenium v4.11

    service = webdriver.IeService(service_args=["–extract-path="+temp_dir])

3.5 - Safari specific functionality

These are capabilities and features specific to Apple Safari browsers.

Unlike Chromium and Firefox drivers, the safaridriver is installed with the Operating System. To enable automation on Safari, run the following command from the terminal:

safaridriver --enable


Capabilities common to all browsers are described on the Options page.

Capabilities unique to Safari can be found at Apple’s page About WebDriver for Safari

Starting a Safari session with basic defined options looks like this:

        SafariOptions options = new SafariOptions();
        driver = new SafariDriver(options);
    options = webdriver.SafariOptions()
    driver = webdriver.Safari(options=options)
            var options = new SafariOptions();
            driver = new SafariDriver(options);
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.safari
      @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :safari, options: options
      let driver = await env.builder()
val options = SafariOptions()
val driver = SafariDriver(options)


Those looking to automate Safari on iOS should look to the Appium project.


Service settings common to all browsers are described on the Service page.


Unlike other browsers, Safari doesn’t let you choose where logs are output, or change levels. The one option available is to turn logs off or on. If logs are toggled on, they can be found at:~/Library/Logs/com.apple.WebDriver/.

Selenium v4.10


Note: Java also allows setting console output by System Property;
Property key: SafariDriverService.SAFARI_DRIVER_LOGGING
Property value: "true" or "false"

    service = webdriver.SafariService(service_args=["--diagnose"])

Selenium v4.8

      service.args << '--diagnose'

Safari Technology Preview

Apple provides a development version of their browser — Safari Technology Preview To use this version in your code:

4 - 待機

Perhaps the most common challenge for browser automation is ensuring that the web application is in a state to execute a particular Selenium command as desired. The processes often end up in a race condition where sometimes the browser gets into the right state first (things work as intended) and sometimes the Selenium code executes first (things do not work as intended). This is one of the primary causes of flaky tests.

All navigation commands wait for a specific readyState value based on the page load strategy (the default value to wait for is "complete") before the driver returns control to the code. The readyState only concerns itself with loading assets defined in the HTML, but loaded JavaScript assets often result in changes to the site, and elements that need to be interacted with may not yet be on the page when the code is ready to execute the next Selenium command.

Similarly, in a lot of single page applications, elements get dynamically added to a page or change visibility based on a click. An element must be both present and displayed on the page in order for Selenium to interact with it.

Take this page for example: https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/dynamic.html When the “Add a box!” button is clicked, a “div” element that does not exist is created. When the “Reveal a new input” button is clicked, a hidden text field element is displayed. In both cases the transition takes a couple seconds. If the Selenium code is to click one of these buttons and interact with the resulting element, it will do so before that element is ready and fail.

The first solution many people turn to is adding a sleep statement to pause the code execution for a set period of time. Because the code can’t know exactly how long it needs to wait, this can fail when it doesn’t sleep long enough. Alternately, if the value is set too high and a sleep statement is added in every place it is needed, the duration of the session can become prohibitive.

Selenium provides two different mechanisms for synchronization that are better.

Implicit waits

Selenium has a built-in way to automatically wait for elements called an implicit wait. An implicit wait value can be set either with the timeouts capability in the browser options, or with a driver method (as shown below).

This is a global setting that applies to every element location call for the entire session. The default value is 0, which means that if the element is not found, it will immediately return an error. If an implicit wait is set, the driver will wait for the duration of the provided value before returning the error. Note that as soon as the element is located, the driver will return the element reference and the code will continue executing, so a larger implicit wait value won’t necessarily increase the duration of the session.

Warning: Do not mix implicit and explicit waits. Doing so can cause unpredictable wait times. For example, setting an implicit wait of 10 seconds and an explicit wait of 15 seconds could cause a timeout to occur after 20 seconds.

Solving our example with an implicit wait looks like this:

            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
    driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 2
            await driver.manage().setTimeouts({ implicit: 2000 });

Explicit waits

Explicit waits are loops added to the code that poll the application for a specific condition to evaluate as true before it exits the loop and continues to the next command in the code. If the condition is not met before a designated timeout value, the code will give a timeout error. Since there are many ways for the application not to be in the desired state, explicit waits are a great choice to specify the exact condition to wait for in each place it is needed. Another nice feature is that, by default, the Selenium Wait class automatically waits for the designated element to exist.

This example shows the condition being waited for as a lambda. Java also supports Expected Conditions

    Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(2));
    wait.until(d -> revealed.isDisplayed());

This example shows the condition being waited for as a lambda. Python also supports Expected Conditions

    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=2)
    wait.until(lambda d : revealed.is_displayed())
            WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
            wait.Until(d => revealed.Displayed);
    wait = Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new
    wait.until { revealed.displayed? }

JavaScript also supports Expected Conditions

            await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(revealed), 2000);


The Wait class can be instantiated with various parameters that will change how the conditions are evaluated.

This can include:

  • Changing how often the code is evaluated (polling interval)
  • Specifying which exceptions should be handled automatically
  • Changing the total timeout length
  • Customizing the timeout message

For instance, if the element not interactable error is retried by default, then we can add an action on a method inside the code getting executed (we just need to make sure that the code returns true when it is successful):

The easiest way to customize Waits in Java is to use the FluentWait class:

    Wait<WebDriver> wait =
        new FluentWait<>(driver)

        d -> {
          return true;
    errors = [NoSuchElementException, ElementNotInteractableException]
    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=2, poll_frequency=.2, ignored_exceptions=errors)
    wait.until(lambda d : revealed.send_keys("Displayed") or True)
            WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))
                PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300),

            wait.Until(d => {
                return true;
    errors = [Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError,
    wait = Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(timeout: 2,
                                         interval: 0.3,
                                         ignore: errors)

    wait.until { revealed.send_keys('Displayed') || true }

5 - Web要素



5.1 - File Upload

Because Selenium cannot interact with the file upload dialog, it provides a way to upload files without opening the dialog. If the element is an input element with type file, you can use the send keys method to send the full path to the file that will be uploaded.

    WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[type=file]"));
    file_input = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[type='file']")
    driver.find_element(By.ID, "file-submit").click()
            IWebElement fileInput = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("input[type=file]"));
    file_input = driver.find_element(css: 'input[type=file]')
    driver.find_element(id: 'file-submit').click
      await driver.findElement(By.id("file-upload")).sendKeys(image);
      await driver.findElement(By.id("file-submit")).submit();

Move Code

```java import org.openqa.selenium.By import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver fun main() { val driver = ChromeDriver() driver.get("https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/upload") driver.findElement(By.id("file-upload")).sendKeys("selenium-snapshot.jpg") driver.findElement(By.id("file-submit")).submit() if(driver.pageSource.contains("File Uploaded!")) { println("file uploaded") } else{ println("file not uploaded") } } ```

5.2 - 要素を探す


ロケーターは、ページ上の要素を識別する方法です。 これは、検索要素 メソッドに渡される引数です。

検出方法とは別にロケーターを宣言するタイミングと理由など、 ロケーターに関するヒントについては、 推奨されるテストプラクティス を確認してください。



class nameclass名に値を含む要素を探す (複合クラス名は使えない)
css selectorCSSセレクタが一致する要素を探す
link texta要素のテキストが一致する要素を探す
partial link texta要素のテキストが部分一致する要素を探す
tag nameタグ名が一致する要素を探す

Creating Locators

To work on a web element using Selenium, we need to first locate it on the web page. Selenium provides us above mentioned ways, using which we can locate element on the page. To understand and create locator we will use the following HTML snippet.

.information {
  background-color: white;
  color: black;
  padding: 10px;
<h2>Contact Selenium</h2>

<form action="/action_page.php">
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="m" />Male &nbsp;
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="f" />Female <br>
  <label for="fname">First name:</label><br>
  <input class="information" type="text" id="fname" name="fname" value="Jane"><br><br>
  <label for="lname">Last name:</label><br>
  <input class="information" type="text" id="lname" name="lname" value="Doe"><br><br>
  <label for="newsletter">Newsletter:</label>
  <input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="1" /><br><br>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

<p>To know more about Selenium, visit the official page 
<a href ="www.selenium.dev">Selenium Official Page</a> 


class name

The HTML page web element can have attribute class. We can see an example in the above shown HTML snippet. We can identify these elements using the class name locator available in Selenium.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "information")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(class: 'information')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.className('information'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.className("information"))

css selector

CSS is the language used to style HTML pages. We can use css selector locator strategy to identify the element on the page. If the element has an id, we create the locator as css = #id. Otherwise the format we follow is css =[attribute=value] . Let us see an example from above HTML snippet. We will create locator for First Name textbox, using css.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#fname")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(css: '#fname')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.css('#fname'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.css("#fname"))


We can use the ID attribute available with element in a web page to locate it. Generally the ID property should be unique for a element on the web page. We will identify the Last Name field using it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.ID, "lname")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(id: 'lname')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.id('lname'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.id("lname"))


We can use the NAME attribute available with element in a web page to locate it. Generally the NAME property should be unique for a element on the web page. We will identify the Newsletter checkbox using it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.NAME, "newsletter")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(name: 'newsletter')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.name('newsletter'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.name("newsletter"))

If the element we want to locate is a link, we can use the link text locator to identify it on the web page. The link text is the text displayed of the link. In the HTML snippet shared, we have a link available, lets see how will we locate it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.findElement(By.linkText("Selenium Official Page"));
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "Selenium Official Page")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Selenium Official Page"));
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(link_text: 'Selenium Official Page')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('Selenium Official Page'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Selenium Official Page"))

If the element we want to locate is a link, we can use the partial link text locator to identify it on the web page. The link text is the text displayed of the link. We can pass partial text as value. In the HTML snippet shared, we have a link available, lets see how will we locate it.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Official Page"));
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, "Official Page")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
	driver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText("Official Page"));
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(partial_link_text: 'Official Page')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText('Official Page'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Official Page"))

tag name

We can use the HTML TAG itself as a locator to identify the web element on the page. From the above HTML snippet shared, lets identify the link, using its html tag “a”.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(tag_name: 'a')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.tagName('a'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.tagName("a"))


A HTML document can be considered as a XML document, and then we can use xpath which will be the path traversed to reach the element of interest to locate the element. The XPath could be absolute xpath, which is created from the root of the document. Example - /html/form/input[1]. This will return the male radio button. Or the xpath could be relative. Example- //input[@name=‘fname’]. This will return the first name text box. Let us create locator for female radio button using xpath.

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
	driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@value='f']")
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
	driver.find_element(xpath: '//input[@value='f']')
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
	const loc = await driver.findElement(By.xpath('//input[@value='f']'));
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
	val loc: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath('//input[@value='f']'))


Selenium 4 introduces Relative Locators (previously called as Friendly Locators). These locators are helpful when it is not easy to construct a locator for the desired element, but easy to describe spatially where the element is in relation to an element that does have an easily constructed locator.

How it works

Selenium uses the JavaScript function getBoundingClientRect() to determine the size and position of elements on the page, and can use this information to locate neighboring elements.
find the relative elements.

Relative locator methods can take as the argument for the point of origin, either a previously located element reference, or another locator. In these examples we’ll be using locators only, but you could swap the locator in the final method with an element object and it will work the same.

Let us consider the below example for understanding the relative locators.

Relative Locators

Available relative locators


If the email text field element is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the password text field element is, we can locate the text field element using the fact that it is an “input” element “above” the password element.

By emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).above(By.id("password"));
email_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "input").above({By.ID: "password"})
var emailLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.TagName("input")).Above(By.Id("password"));
email_locator = {relative: {tag_name: 'input', above: {id: 'password'}}}
let emailLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('input')).above(By.id('password'));
val emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).above(By.id("password"))


If the password text field element is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the email text field element is, we can locate the text field element using the fact that it is an “input” element “below” the email element.

By passwordLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).below(By.id("email"));
password_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "input").below({By.ID: "email"})
var passwordLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.TagName("input")).Below(By.Id("email"));
password_locator = {relative: {tag_name: 'input', below: {id: 'email'}}}
let passwordLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('input')).below(By.id('email'));
val passwordLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).below(By.id("email"))

Left of

If the cancel button is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the submit button element is, we can locate the cancel button element using the fact that it is a “button” element to the “left of” the submit element.

By cancelLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toLeftOf(By.id("submit"));
cancel_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "button").to_left_of({By.ID: "submit"})
var cancelLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("button")).LeftOf(By.Id("submit"));
cancel_locator = {relative: {tag_name: 'button', left: {id: 'submit'}}}
let cancelLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('button')).toLeftOf(By.id('submit'));
val cancelLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toLeftOf(By.id("submit"))

Right of

If the submit button is not easily identifiable for some reason, but the cancel button element is, we can locate the submit button element using the fact that it is a “button” element “to the right of” the cancel element.

By submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"));
submit_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "button").to_right_of({By.ID: "cancel"})
var submitLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("button")).RightOf(By.Id("cancel"));
submit_locator = {relative: {tag_name: 'button', right: {id: 'cancel'}}}
let submitLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('button')).toRightOf(By.id('cancel'));
val submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"))


If the relative positioning is not obvious, or it varies based on window size, you can use the near method to identify an element that is at most 50px away from the provided locator. One great use case for this is to work with a form element that doesn’t have an easily constructed locator, but its associated input label element does.

By emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).near(By.id("lbl-email"));
email_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "input").near({By.ID: "lbl-email"})
var emailLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("input")).Near(By.Id("lbl-email"));
email_locator = {relative: {tag_name: 'input', near: {id: 'lbl-email'}}}
let emailLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('input')).near(By.id('lbl-email'));
val emailLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("input")).near(By.id("lbl-email"));

Chaining relative locators

You can also chain locators if needed. Sometimes the element is most easily identified as being both above/below one element and right/left of another.

By submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).below(By.id("email")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"));
submit_locator = locate_with(By.TAG_NAME, "button").below({By.ID: "email"}).to_right_of({By.ID: "cancel"})
var submitLocator = RelativeBy.WithLocator(By.tagName("button")).Below(By.Id("email")).RightOf(By.Id("cancel"));
submit_locator = {relative: {tag_name: 'button', below: {id: 'email'}, right: {id: 'cancel'}}}
let submitLocator = locateWith(By.tagName('button')).below(By.id('email')).toRightOf(By.id('cancel'));
val submitLocator = RelativeLocator.with(By.tagName("button")).below(By.id("email")).toRightOf(By.id("cancel"))

5.3 - Interacting with web elements

A high-level instruction set for manipulating form controls.

There are only 5 basic commands that can be executed on an element:

  • click (applies to any element)
  • send keys (only applies to text fields and content editable elements)
  • clear (only applies to text fields and content editable elements)
  • submit (only applies to form elements)
  • select (see Select List Elements)

Additional validations

These methods are designed to closely emulate a user’s experience, so, unlike the Actions API, it attempts to perform two things before attempting the specified action.

  1. If it determines the element is outside the viewport, it scrolls the element into view, specifically it will align the bottom of the element with the bottom of the viewport.
  2. It ensures the element is interactable before taking the action. This could mean that the scrolling was unsuccessful, or that the element is not otherwise displayed. Determining if an element is displayed on a page was too difficult to define directly in the webdriver specification, so Selenium sends an execute command with a JavaScript atom that checks for things that would keep the element from being displayed. If it determines an element is not in the viewport, not displayed, not keyboard-interactable, or not pointer-interactable, it returns an element not interactable error.


The element click command is executed on the center of the element. If the center of the element is obscured for some reason, Selenium will return an element click intercepted error.


	    // Click on the element 
        WebElement checkInput=driver.findElement(By.name("checkbox_input"));
    # Navigate to url

    # Click on the element 
	driver.find_element(By.NAME, "color_input").click()
            // Navigate to Url
	            // Click on the element 
	            IWebElement checkInput = driver.FindElement(By.Name("checkbox_input"));
    # Navigate to URL
  driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html'

    # Click the element
  driver.find_element(name: 'color_input').click

    await submitButton.click();
    // Navigate to Url

    // Click the element

Send keys

The element send keys command types the provided keys into an editable element. Typically, this means an element is an input element of a form with a text type or an element with a content-editable attribute. If it is not editable, an invalid element state error is returned.

Here is the list of possible keystrokes that WebDriver Supports.

        // Clear field to empty it from any previous data
        WebElement emailInput=driver.findElement(By.name("email_input"));
	    //Enter Text
        String email="admin@localhost.dev";
    # Navigate to url

    # Clear field to empty it from any previous data
	driver.find_element(By.NAME, "email_input").clear()

	# Enter Text
	driver.find_element(By.NAME, "email_input").send_keys("admin@localhost.dev" )

	            // Clear field to empty it from any previous data
	            IWebElement emailInput = driver.FindElement(By.Name("email_input"));
	            //Enter Text
	            String email = "admin@localhost.dev";
    # Navigate to URL
	driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html'

    # Clear field to empty it from any previous data
	driver.find_element(name: 'email_input').clear
	# Enter Text
	driver.find_element(name: 'email_input').send_keys 'admin@localhost.dev'

        await inputField.sendKeys('Selenium');
    // Navigate to Url

	//Clear field to empty it from any previous data
    // Enter text 


The element clear command resets the content of an element. This requires an element to be editable, and resettable. Typically, this means an element is an input element of a form with a text type or an element with acontent-editable attribute. If these conditions are not met, an invalid element state error is returned.

        //Clear Element
        // Clear field to empty it from any previous data
    # Navigate to url

    # Clear field to empty it from any previous data
	driver.find_element(By.NAME, "email_input").clear()

            //Clear Element
	            // Clear field to empty it from any previous data
	            data = emailInput.GetAttribute("value");
    # Navigate to URL
	driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html'

    # Clear field to empty it from any previous data
	driver.find_element(name: 'email_input').clear

        await inputField.clear();
    // Navigate to Url

	//Clear field to empty it from any previous data


In Selenium 4 this is no longer implemented with a separate endpoint and functions by executing a script. As such, it is recommended not to use this method and to click the applicable form submission button instead.

5.4 - Web要素の検索


Seleniumを使用する最も基本的な側面の1つは、操作する要素の参照を取得することです。 Seleniumは、要素を一意に識別するための多数の組み込みロケーター戦略を提供します。 非常に高度なシナリオでロケーターを使用する方法はたくさんあります。 このドキュメントの目的のために、このHTMLスニペットについて考えてみましょう。

<ol id="vegetables">
 <li class="potatoes"> <li class="onions"> <li class="tomatoes"><span>Tomato is a Vegetable</span></ol>
<ul id="fruits">
  <li class="bananas">  <li class="apples">  <li class="tomatoes"><span>Tomato is a Fruit</span></ul>


多くのロケーターは、ページ上の複数の要素と一致します。 単数の find elementメソッドは、指定されたコンテキスト内で最初に見つかった要素への参照を返します。


ドライバーインスタンスで要素の検索メソッドが呼び出されると、提供されたロケーターと一致するDOMの最初の要素への参照が返されます。 この値は保存して、将来の要素アクションに使用できます。 上記のHTMLの例では、クラス名が “tomatoes” の要素が2つあるため、このメソッドは “vegetables” リストの要素を返します。

WebElement vegetable = driver.findElement(By.className("tomatoes"));
vegetable = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "tomatoes")
var vegetable = driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("tomatoes"));
vegetable = driver.find_element(class: 'tomatoes')
const vegetable = await driver.findElement(By.className('tomatoes'));
val vegetable: WebElement = driver.findElement(By.className("tomatoes"))


DOM全体で一意のロケーターを見つけるのではなく、検索を別の検索された要素のスコープに絞り込むと便利なことがよくあります。 上記の例では、クラス名が “トマト” の2つの要素があり、2番目の要素の参照を取得するのは少し困難です。


WebElement fruits = driver.findElement(By.id("fruits"));
WebElement fruit = fruits.findElement(By.className("tomatoes"));
fruits = driver.find_element(By.ID, "fruits")
fruit = fruits.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME,"tomatoes")
IWebElement fruits = driver.FindElement(By.Id("fruits"));
IWebElement fruit = fruits.FindElement(By.ClassName("tomatoes"));
fruits = driver.find_element(id: 'fruits')
fruit = fruits.find_element(class: 'tomatoes')
const fruits = await driver.findElement(By.id('fruits'));
const fruit = fruits.findElement(By.className('tomatoes'));
val fruits = driver.findElement(By.id("fruits"))
val fruit = fruits.findElement(By.className("tomatoes"))

Java and C#
WebDriverWebElement 、および ShadowRoot クラスはすべて、 ロールベースのインターフェイス と見なされる SearchContext インターフェイスを実装します。 ロールベースのインターフェイスを使用すると、特定のドライバーの実装が特定の機能をサポートしているかどうかを判断できます。 これらのインターフェースは明確に定義されており、責任の役割を1つだけ持つように努めています。



パフォーマンスをわずかに向上させるために、CSSまたはXPathのいずれかを使用して、単一のコマンドでこの要素を見つけることができます。 推奨されるテストプラクティスの章で、ロケーター戦略の提案を参照してください。


WebElement fruit = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#fruits .tomatoes"));
fruit = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,"#fruits .tomatoes")
var fruit = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#fruits .tomatoes"));
fruit = driver.find_element(css: '#fruits .tomatoes')
const fruit = await driver.findElement(By.css('#fruits .tomatoes'));
val fruit = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#fruits .tomatoes"))


最初の要素だけでなく、ロケーターに一致するすべての要素への参照を取得する必要があるユースケースがいくつかあります。 複数の要素の検索メソッドは、要素参照のコレクションを返します。 一致するものがない場合は、空のリストが返されます。 この場合、すべてのfruitsとvegetableのリストアイテムへの参照がコレクションに返されます。

List<WebElement> plants = driver.findElements(By.tagName("li"));
plants = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "li")
IReadOnlyList<IWebElement> plants = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("li"));
plants = driver.find_elements(tag_name: 'li')
const plants = await driver.findElements(By.tagName('li'));
val plants: List<WebElement> = driver.findElements(By.tagName("li"))


多くの場合、要素のコレクションを取得しますが、特定の要素を操作したいので、コレクションを繰り返し処理して、 必要な要素を特定する必要があります。

List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.tagName("li"));

for (WebElement element : elements) {
    System.out.println("Paragraph text:" + element.getText());
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

    # Navigate to Url

    # Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
elements = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'p')

for e in elements:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace FindElementsExample {
 class FindElementsExample {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
   try {
    // Navigate to Url

    // Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
    IList < IWebElement > elements = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("p"));
    foreach(IWebElement e in elements) {

   } finally {
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
     # Navigate to URL
  driver.get 'https://www.example.com'

     # Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
  elements = driver.find_elements(:tag_name,'p')

  elements.each { |e|
    puts e.text
const {Builder, By} = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async function example() {
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').build();
    try {
        // Navigate to Url
        await driver.get('https://www.example.com');

        // Get all the elements available with tag 'p'
        let elements = await driver.findElements(By.css('p'));
        for(let e of elements) {
            console.log(await e.getText());
    finally {
        await driver.quit();
import org.openqa.selenium.By
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver

fun main() {
    val driver = FirefoxDriver()
    try {
        // Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
        val elements = driver.findElements(By.tagName("p"))
        for (element in elements) {
            println("Paragraph text:" + element.text)
    } finally {


これは、親要素のコンテキスト内で一致する子のWebElementのリストを見つけるために利用されます。 これを実現するために、親WebElementは’findElements’と連鎖して子要素にアクセスします。

  import org.openqa.selenium.By;
  import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
  import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
  import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
  import java.util.List;

  public class findElementsFromElement {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
          try {

              // Get element with tag name 'div'
              WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.tagName("div"));

              // Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
              List<WebElement> elements = element.findElements(By.tagName("p"));
              for (WebElement e : elements) {
          } finally {
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    # Get element with tag name 'div'
element = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'div')

    # Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
elements = element.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'p')
for e in elements:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace FindElementsFromElement {
 class FindElementsFromElement {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
   try {

    // Get element with tag name 'div'
    IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("div"));

    // Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
    IList < IWebElement > elements = element.FindElements(By.TagName("p"));
    foreach(IWebElement e in elements) {
   } finally {
  require 'selenium-webdriver'
  driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
    # Navigate to URL
    driver.get 'https://www.example.com'

    # Get element with tag name 'div'
    element = driver.find_element(:tag_name,'div')

    # Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
    elements = element.find_elements(:tag_name,'p')

    elements.each { |e|
      puts e.text
  const {Builder, By} = require('selenium-webdriver');

  (async function example() {
      let driver = new Builder()

      await driver.get('https://www.example.com');

      // Get element with tag name 'div'
      let element = driver.findElement(By.css("div"));

      // Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
      let elements = await element.findElements(By.css("p"));
      for(let e of elements) {
          console.log(await e.getText());
  import org.openqa.selenium.By
  import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

  fun main() {
      val driver = ChromeDriver()
      try {

          // Get element with tag name 'div'
          val element = driver.findElement(By.tagName("div"))

          // Get all the elements available with tag name 'p'
          val elements = element.findElements(By.tagName("p"))
          for (e in elements) {
      } finally {



  import org.openqa.selenium.*;
  import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

  public class activeElementTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
      try {

        // Get attribute of current active element
        String attr = driver.switchTo().activeElement().getAttribute("title");
      } finally {
  from selenium import webdriver
  from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

  driver = webdriver.Chrome()
  driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '[name="q"]').send_keys("webElement")

    # Get attribute of current active element
  attr = driver.switch_to.active_element.get_attribute("title")
    using OpenQA.Selenium;
    using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

    namespace ActiveElement {
     class ActiveElement {
      public static void Main(string[] args) {
       IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
       try {
        // Navigate to Url

        // Get attribute of current active element
        string attr = driver.SwitchTo().ActiveElement().GetAttribute("title");
       } finally {
  require 'selenium-webdriver'
  driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
    driver.get 'https://www.google.com'
    driver.find_element(css: '[name="q"]').send_keys('webElement')

    # Get attribute of current active element
    attr = driver.switch_to.active_element.attribute('title')
    puts attr
  const {Builder, By} = require('selenium-webdriver');

  (async function example() {
      let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
      await driver.get('https://www.google.com');
      await  driver.findElement(By.css('[name="q"]')).sendKeys("webElement");

      // Get attribute of current active element
      let attr = await driver.switchTo().activeElement().getAttribute("title");
  import org.openqa.selenium.By
  import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

  fun main() {
      val driver = ChromeDriver()
      try {

          // Get attribute of current active element
          val attr = driver.switchTo().activeElement().getAttribute("title")
      } finally {

5.5 - Web要素に関する情報




This method is used to check if the connected Element is displayed on a webpage. Returns a Boolean value, True if the connected element is displayed in the current browsing context else returns false.

This functionality is mentioned in, but not defined by the w3c specification due to the impossibility of covering all potential conditions. As such, Selenium cannot expect drivers to implement this functionality directly, and now relies on executing a large JavaScript function directly. This function makes many approximations about an element’s nature and relationship in the tree to return a value.


    	// isDisplayed        
        // Get boolean value for is element display
        boolean isEmailVisible = driver.findElement(By.name("email_input")).isDisplayed();
# Navigate to the url

# Get boolean value for is element display
is_email_visible = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "email_input").is_displayed()
//Navigate to the url
driver.Url = "https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html";

//Get boolean value for is element display
Boolean is_email_visible = driver.FindElement(By.Name("email_input")).Displayed;
# Navigate to the url

#fetch display status
val = driver.find_element(name: 'email_input').displayed?
    // Resolves Promise and returns boolean value
    let result =  await driver.findElement(By.name("email_input")).isDisplayed();
//navigates to url

 //returns true if element is displayed else returns false
 val flag = driver.findElement(By.name("email_input")).isDisplayed()


このメソッドは、接続された要素がWebページで有効または無効になっているかどうかを確認するために使います。 ブール値を返し、現在のブラウジングコンテキストで接続されている要素が 有効(enabled) になっている場合は True 、そうでない場合は false を返します。

       //returns true if element is enabled else returns false
        boolean isEnabledButton = driver.findElement(By.name("button_input")).isEnabled();
    # Navigate to url

    # Returns true if element is enabled else returns false
value = driver.find_element(By.NAME, 'button_input').is_enabled()
// Navigate to Url

// Store the WebElement
IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.Name("button_input"));

// Prints true if element is enabled else returns false
    # Navigate to url
driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html'

    # Returns true if element is enabled else returns false
ele = driver.find_element(name: 'button_input').enabled?
    // Resolves Promise and returns boolean value
    let element =  await driver.findElement(By.name("button_input")).isEnabled();
 //navigates to url

 //returns true if element is enabled else returns false
 val attr = driver.findElement(By.name("button_input")).isEnabled()


このメソッドは、参照された要素が選択されているかどうかを判断します。 このメソッドは、チェックボックス、ラジオボタン、入力要素、およびオプション要素で広く使われています。

ブール値を返し、現在のブラウジングコンテキストで参照された要素が 選択されている 場合は True 、そうでない場合は false を返します。

        //returns true if element is checked else returns false
        boolean isSelectedCheck = driver.findElement(By.name("checkbox_input")).isSelected();
    # Navigate to url

    # Returns true if element is checked else returns false
value = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "checkbox_input").is_selected()
// Navigate to Url

// Returns true if element ins checked else returns false
bool value = driver.FindElement(By.Name("checkbox_input")).Selected;
    # Navigate to url
driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html'

    # Returns true if element is checked else returns false
ele = driver.find_element(name: "checkbox_input").selected?
    // Returns true if element ins checked else returns false
    let isSelected = await driver.findElement(By.name("checkbox_input")).isSelected();
 //navigates to url

 //returns true if element is checked else returns false
 val attr =  driver.findElement(By.name("checkbox_input")).isSelected()


これは、現在のブラウジングコンテキストにフォーカスがある参照された要素の TagName を取得するために使います。

        //returns TagName of the element
        String tagNameInp = driver.findElement(By.name("email_input")).getTagName();
    # Navigate to url

    # Returns TagName of the element
attr = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "email_input").tag_name
// Navigate to Url

// Returns TagName of the element
string attr = driver.FindElement(By.Name("email_input")).TagName;
    # Navigate to url
driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html'

    # Returns TagName of the element
attr = driver.find_element(name: "email_input").tag_name
    // Returns TagName of the element
    let value = await driver.findElement(By.name('email_input')).getTagName();
 //navigates to url

 //returns TagName of the element
 val attr =  driver.findElement(By.name("email_input")).getTagName()




  • 要素の左上隅からのx軸の位置
  • 要素の左上隅からのy軸の位置
  • 要素の高さ
  • 要素の幅
        // Returns height, width, x and y coordinates referenced element
        Rectangle res =  driver.findElement(By.name("range_input")).getRect();
        // Rectangle class provides getX,getY, getWidth, getHeight methods
    # Navigate to url

    # Returns height, width, x and y coordinates referenced element
res = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "range_input").rect
// Navigate to Url

var res = driver.FindElement(By.Name("range_input"));
// Return x and y coordinates referenced element
// Returns height, width
    # Navigate to url
driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/inputs.html'

    # Returns height, width, x and y coordinates referenced element
res = driver.find_element(name: "range_input").rect
    let object = await driver.findElement(By.name('range_input')).getRect();
// Navigate to url

// Returns height, width, x and y coordinates referenced element
val res = driver.findElement(By.name("range_input")).rect

// Rectangle class provides getX,getY, getWidth, getHeight methods



     // Retrieves the computed style property 'font-size' of field
     String cssValue = driver.findElement(By.name("color_input")).getCssValue("font-size");
     assertEquals(cssValue, "13.3333px");
    # Navigate to Url

    # Retrieves the computed style property 'color' of linktext
cssValue = driver.find_element(By.ID, "namedColor").value_of_css_property('background-color')

// Navigate to Url

// Retrieves the computed style property 'color' of linktext
String cssValue = driver.FindElement(By.Id("namedColor")).GetCssValue("background-color");

    # Navigate to Url
driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/colorPage.html'

    # Retrieves the computed style property 'color' of linktext
cssValue = driver.find_element(:id, 'namedColor').css_value('background-color')

    await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/colorPage.html');
      // Returns background color of the element
      let value = await driver.findElement(By.id('namedColor')).getCssValue('background-color');
// Navigate to Url

// Retrieves the computed style property 'color' of linktext
val cssValue = driver.findElement(By.id("namedColor")).getCssValue("background-color")




       // Retrieves the text of the element
        String text = driver.findElement(By.tagName("h1")).getText();
        assertEquals(text, "Testing Inputs");
    # Navigate to url

    # Retrieves the text of the element
text = driver.find_element(By.ID, "justanotherlink").text
// Navigate to url

// Retrieves the text of the element
String text = driver.FindElement(By.Id("justanotherlink")).Text;
    # Navigate to url
driver.get 'https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html'

    # Retrieves the text of the element
text = driver.find_element(:id, 'justanotherlink').text
    await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html');
    // Returns text of the element
    let text = await driver.findElement(By.id('justanotherLink')).getText();
// Navigate to URL

// retrieves the text of the element
val text = driver.findElement(By.id("justanotherlink")).getText()

Fetching Attributes or Properties

Fetches the run time value associated with a DOM attribute. It returns the data associated with the DOM attribute or property of the element.

      //identify the email text box
      WebElement emailTxt = driver.findElement(By.name(("email_input")));
     //fetch the value property associated with the textbox
      String valueInfo = emailTxt.getAttribute("value");
# Navigate to the url

# Identify the email text box
email_txt = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "email_input")

# Fetch the value property associated with the textbox
value_info = email_txt.get_attribute("value")
 //Navigate to the url

//identify the email text box
IWebElement emailTxt = driver.FindElement(By.Name(("email_input")));

//fetch the value property associated with the textbox
String valueInfo = eleSelLink.GetAttribute("value");
# Navigate to the url

#identify the email text box
email_element=driver.find_element(name: 'email_input')

#fetch the value property associated with the textbox
emailVal = email_element.attribute("value");
    // identify the email text box
    const emailElement = await driver.findElement(By.xpath('//input[@name="email_input"]'));
    //fetch the attribute "name" associated with the textbox
    const nameAttribute = await emailElement.getAttribute("name");
// Navigate to URL

//fetch the value property associated with the textbox
val attr = driver.findElement(By.name("email_input")).getAttribute("value")

6 - Browser interactions




      String title = driver.getTitle();
title = driver.title
    let title = await driver.getTitle();



      String url = driver.getCurrentUrl();
url = driver.current_url
    let currentUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl();

6.1 - ブラウザー ナビゲーション



        //Longer way
            driver.Url = "https://selenium.dev";
    # Convenient way
driver.get 'https://selenium.dev'

    # Longer Way
driver.navigate.to 'https://selenium.dev'
        await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev');

        //Longer way
        await driver.navigate().to("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/index.html");

//Longer way



        await driver.navigate().back();



        await driver.navigate().forward();



        await driver.navigate().refresh();

6.2 - JavaScript アラート、プロンプトおよび確認

WebDriverは、JavaScriptが提供する3種類のネイティブポップアップメッセージを操作するためのAPIを提供します。 これらのポップアップはブラウザーによってスタイルが設定され、カスタマイズが制限されています。


これらの最も単純なものはアラートと呼ばれ、カスタムメッセージと、ほとんどのブラウザーでOKのラベルが付いたアラートを非表示にする単一のボタンを表示します。 ほとんどのブラウザーでは閉じるボタンを押すことで閉じることもできますが、これは常にOKボタンと同じことを行います。 アラートの例を参照してください


//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See an example alert")).click();

//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
Alert alert = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());

//Store the alert text in a variable
String text = alert.getText();

//Press the OK button
    element = driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "See an example alert")

    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=2)
    alert = wait.until(lambda d : d.switch_to.alert)
    text = alert.text
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("See an example alert")).Click();

//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
IAlert alert = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent());

//Store the alert text in a variable
string text = alert.Text;

//Press the OK button
# Click the link to activate the alert
driver.find_element(:link_text, 'See an example alert').click

# Store the alert reference in a variable
alert = driver.switch_to.alert

# Store the alert text in a variable
alert_text = alert.text

# Press on OK button
        let alert = await driver.switchTo().alert();
        let alertText = await alert.getText();
        await alert.accept();
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See an example alert")).click()

//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
val alert = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())

//Store the alert text in a variable
val text = alert.getText()

//Press the OK button


確認ダイアログボックスはアラートに似ていますが、ユーザーがメッセージをキャンセルすることも選択できる点が異なります。 サンプルを確認してください


//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample confirm")).click();

//Wait for the alert to be displayed

//Store the alert in a variable
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();

//Store the alert in a variable for reuse
String text = alert.getText();

//Press the Cancel button
    element = driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "See a sample confirm")
    driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element)

    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=2)
    alert = wait.until(lambda d : d.switch_to.alert)
    text = alert.text
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("See a sample confirm")).Click();

//Wait for the alert to be displayed

//Store the alert in a variable
IAlert alert = driver.SwitchTo().Alert();

//Store the alert in a variable for reuse
string text = alert.Text;

//Press the Cancel button
# Click the link to activate the alert
driver.find_element(:link_text, 'See a sample confirm').click

# Store the alert reference in a variable
alert = driver.switch_to.alert

# Store the alert text in a variable
alert_text = alert.text

# Press on Cancel button
        let alert = await driver.switchTo().alert();
        let alertText = await alert.getText();
        await alert.dismiss();
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample confirm")).click()

//Wait for the alert to be displayed

//Store the alert in a variable
val alert = driver.switchTo().alert()

//Store the alert in a variable for reuse
val text = alert.text

//Press the Cancel button


プロンプトは確認ボックスに似ていますが、テキスト入力も含まれている点が異なります。 フォーム要素の操作と同様に、WebDriverの送信キーを使用して応答を入力できます。 これにより、プレースホルダーテキストが完全に置き換えられます。 キャンセルボタンを押してもテキストは送信されません。 サンプルプロンプトを参照してください

//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample prompt")).click();

//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
Alert alert = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());

//Type your message

//Press the OK button
    element = driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "See a sample prompt")
    driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element)

    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=2)
    alert = wait.until(lambda d : d.switch_to.alert)
    text = alert.text
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("See a sample prompt")).Click();

//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
IAlert alert = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent());

//Type your message

//Press the OK button
# Click the link to activate the alert
driver.find_element(:link_text, 'See a sample prompt').click

# Store the alert reference in a variable
alert = driver.switch_to.alert

# Type a message

# Press on Ok button
        let alert = await driver.switchTo().alert();
        //Type your message
        await alert.sendKeys(text);
        await alert.accept();
//Click the link to activate the alert
driver.findElement(By.linkText("See a sample prompt")).click()

//Wait for the alert to be displayed and store it in a variable
val alert = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent())

//Type your message

//Press the OK button

6.3 - クッキーの使用

Cookieは、Webサイトから送信され、コンピューターに保存される小さなデータです。 Cookieは、主にユーザーを認識し、保存されている情報を読み込むために使用されます。

WebDriver APIは、組み込みメソッドでCookieと対話するメソッドを提供します。


現在のブラウジングコンテキストにCookieを追加するために使用されます。 Cookieの追加では、一連の定義済みのシリアル化可能なJSONオブジェクトのみを受け入れます。 受け入れられたJSONキー値のリストへのリンクはこちらにあります。

まず、Cookieが有効になるドメインにいる必要があります。 サイトとの対話を開始する前にCookieを事前設定しようとしていて、ホームページが大きい場合/代替の読み込みに時間がかかる場合は、サイトで小さいページを見つけることです。(通常、たとえば http://example.com/some404page のような、404ページは小さいです。)

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class addCookie {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        try {

            // Adds the cookie into current browser context
            driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("key", "value"));
        } finally {
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()


# Adds the cookie into current browser context
driver.add_cookie({"name": "key", "value": "value"})
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace AddCookie {
 class AddCookie {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
   try {
    // Navigate to Url

    // Adds the cookie into current browser context
    driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie("key", "value"));
   } finally {
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://www.example.com'
  # Adds the cookie into current browser context
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "key", value: "value")
            await driver.manage().addCookie({ name: 'key', value: 'value' });
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

fun main() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    try {

        // Adds the cookie into current browser context
        driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("key", "value"))
    } finally {



import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class getCookieNamed {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        try {
            driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("foo", "bar"));

            // Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
            Cookie cookie1 = driver.manage().getCookieNamed("foo");
        } finally {
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to url

# Adds the cookie into current browser context
driver.add_cookie({"name": "foo", "value": "bar"})

# Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace GetCookieNamed {
 class GetCookieNamed {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
   try {
    // Navigate to Url
    driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie("foo", "bar"));

    // Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
    var cookie = driver.Manage().Cookies.GetCookieNamed("foo");
   } finally {
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://www.example.com'
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "foo", value: "bar")

  # Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
  puts driver.manage.cookie_named('foo')
            // Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
            await driver.manage().getCookie('foo').then(function(cookie) {
                console.log('cookie details => ', cookie);
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

fun main() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    try {
        driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("foo", "bar"))

        // Get cookie details with named cookie 'foo'
        val cookie = driver.manage().getCookieNamed("foo")
    } finally {


現在のブラウジングコンテキストの ‘成功したシリアル化されたCookieデータ’ を返します。 ブラウザが使用できなくなった場合、エラーが返されます。

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import java.util.Set;

public class getAllCookies {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        try {
            // Add few cookies
            driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("test1", "cookie1"));
            driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("test2", "cookie2"));

            // Get All available cookies
            Set<Cookie> cookies = driver.manage().getCookies();
        } finally {
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to url

driver.add_cookie({"name": "test1", "value": "cookie1"})
driver.add_cookie({"name": "test2", "value": "cookie2"})

# Get all available cookies
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace GetAllCookies {
 class GetAllCookies {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
   try {
    // Navigate to Url
    driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie("test1", "cookie1"));
    driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie("test2", "cookie2"));

    // Get All available cookies
    var cookies = driver.Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;
   } finally {
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://www.example.com'
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "test1", value: "cookie1")
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "test2", value: "cookie2")

  # Get all available cookies
  puts driver.manage.all_cookies
            await driver.manage().getCookies().then(function(cookies) {
                console.log('cookie details => ', cookies);
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

fun main() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    try {
        driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test1", "cookie1"))
        driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test2", "cookie2"))

        // Get All available cookies
        val cookies = driver.manage().cookies
    } finally {



import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class deleteCookie {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        try {
            driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("test1", "cookie1"));
            Cookie cookie1 = new Cookie("test2", "cookie2");

            // delete a cookie with name 'test1'

             Selenium Java bindings also provides a way to delete
             cookie by passing cookie object of current browsing context
        } finally {
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to url
driver.add_cookie({"name": "test1", "value": "cookie1"})
driver.add_cookie({"name": "test2", "value": "cookie2"})

# Delete a cookie with name 'test1'
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace DeleteCookie {
 class DeleteCookie {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
   try {
    // Navigate to Url
    driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie("test1", "cookie1"));
    var cookie = new Cookie("test2", "cookie2");

    // delete a cookie with name 'test1'	

    // Selenium .net bindings also provides a way to delete
    // cookie by passing cookie object of current browsing context
   } finally {
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://www.example.com'
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "test1", value: "cookie1")
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "test2", value: "cookie2")

  # delete a cookie with name 'test1'
            // Delete a cookie with name 'test1'
            await driver.manage().deleteCookie('test1');
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

fun main() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    try {
        driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test1", "cookie1"))
        val cookie1 = Cookie("test2", "cookie2")

        // delete a cookie with name 'test1'

        // delete cookie by passing cookie object of current browsing context.
    } finally {



import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class deleteAllCookies {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        try {
            driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("test1", "cookie1"));
            driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("test2", "cookie2"));

            // deletes all cookies
        } finally {
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to url
driver.add_cookie({"name": "test1", "value": "cookie1"})
driver.add_cookie({"name": "test2", "value": "cookie2"})

#  Deletes all cookies
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace DeleteAllCookies {
 class DeleteAllCookies {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
   IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
   try {
    // Navigate to Url
    driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie("test1", "cookie1"));
    driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie("test2", "cookie2"));

    // deletes all cookies
   } finally {
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://www.example.com'
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "test1", value: "cookie1")
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "test2", value: "cookie2")

  # deletes all cookies
            // Delete all cookies
            await driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

fun main() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    try {
        driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test1", "cookie1"))
        driver.manage().addCookie(Cookie("test2", "cookie2"))

        // deletes all cookies
    } finally {

SameSite Cookie属性

これにより、ユーザーは、サードパーティのサイトによって開始されたリクエストとともに Cookieを送信するかどうかをブラウザに指示できます。 CSRF(クロスサイトリクエストフォージェリ)攻撃を防ぐために導入されました。

SameSite Cookie属性は、2つのパラメーターを命令として受け入れます。


SameSite属性が Strict に設定されている場合、CookieはサードパーティのWebサイトによって 開始されたリクエストとともに送信されません。


CookieのSameSite属性を Lax に設定すると、CookieはサードパーティのWebサイトによって 開始されたGETリクエストとともに送信されます。

Note: As of now this feature is landed in chrome(80+version), Firefox(79+version) and works with Selenium 4 and later versions.

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class cookieTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    try {
      Cookie cookie = new Cookie.Builder("key", "value").sameSite("Strict").build();
      Cookie cookie1 = new Cookie.Builder("key", "value").sameSite("Lax").build();
    } finally {
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Adds the cookie into current browser context with sameSite 'Strict' (or) 'Lax'
driver.add_cookie({"name": "foo", "value": "value", 'sameSite': 'Strict'})
driver.add_cookie({"name": "foo1", "value": "value", 'sameSite': 'Lax'})
cookie1 = driver.get_cookie('foo')
cookie2 = driver.get_cookie('foo1')
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace SameSiteCookie {
  class SameSiteCookie {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
      IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
      try {

        var cookie1Dictionary = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>() {
          { "name", "test1" }, { "value", "cookie1" }, { "sameSite", "Strict" } };
        var cookie1 = Cookie.FromDictionary(cookie1Dictionary);

        var cookie2Dictionary = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>() {
          { "name", "test2" }, { "value", "cookie2" }, { "sameSite", "Lax" } };
        var cookie2 = Cookie.FromDictionary(cookie2Dictionary);


      } finally {
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://www.example.com'
  # Adds the cookie into current browser context with sameSite 'Strict' (or) 'Lax'
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "foo", value: "bar", same_site: "Strict")
  driver.manage.add_cookie(name: "foo1", value: "bar", same_site: "Lax")
  puts driver.manage.cookie_named('foo')
  puts driver.manage.cookie_named('foo1')
            // set a cookie on the current domain with sameSite 'Strict' (or) 'Lax'
            await driver.manage().addCookie({ name: 'key', value: 'value', sameSite: 'Strict' });
            await driver.manage().addCookie({ name: 'key', value: 'value', sameSite: 'Lax' });
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver

fun main() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    try {
        val cookie = Cookie.Builder("key", "value").sameSite("Strict").build()
        val cookie1 = Cookie.Builder("key", "value").sameSite("Lax").build()
    } finally {

6.4 - IFrame と Frame の操作

Frameは、同じドメイン上の複数のドキュメントからサイトレイアウトを構築する非推奨の手段となりました。 HTML5以前のWebアプリを使用している場合を除き、frameを使用することはほとんどありません。 iFrameは、まったく異なるドメインからのドキュメントの挿入を許可し、今でも一般的に使用されています。

FrameまたはiFrameを使用する必要がある場合、Webdriverを使用して同じ方法で作業できます。 iFrame内のボタンがある場合を考えてみましょう。ブラウザー開発ツールを使用して要素を検査すると、次のように表示される場合があります。

<div id="modal">
  <iframe id="buttonframe" name="myframe"  src="https://seleniumhq.github.io">
   <button>Click here</button>


//This won't work
    # This Wont work
driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'button').click()
//This won't work
    # This won't work
// This won't work
await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click();
//This won't work

ただし、iFrameの外側にボタンがない場合は、代わりにno such elementエラーが発生する可能性があります。 これは、Seleniumがトップレベルのドキュメントの要素のみを認識するために発生します。 ボタンを操作するには、ウィンドウを切り替える方法と同様に、最初にFrameに切り替える必要があります。 WebDriverは、Frameに切り替える3つの方法を提供します。



//Store the web element
WebElement iframe = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#modal>iframe"));

//Switch to the frame

//Now we can click the button
    # Store iframe web element
iframe = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#modal > iframe")

    # switch to selected iframe

    # Now click on button
driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'button').click()
//Store the web element
IWebElement iframe = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#modal>iframe"));

//Switch to the frame

//Now we can click the button
    # Store iframe web element
iframe = driver.find_element(:css,'#modal > iframe')

    # Switch to the frame
driver.switch_to.frame iframe

    # Now, Click on the button
// Store the web element
const iframe = driver.findElement(By.css('#modal > iframe'));

// Switch to the frame
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);

// Now we can click the button
await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click();
//Store the web element
val iframe = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#modal>iframe"))

//Switch to the frame

//Now we can click the button


FrameまたはiFrameにidまたはname属性がある場合、代わりにこれを使うことができます。 名前またはIDがページ上で一意でない場合、最初に見つかったものに切り替えます。

//Using the ID

//Or using the name instead

//Now we can click the button
    # Switch frame by id

    # Now, Click on the button
driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'button').click()
//Using the ID

//Or using the name instead

//Now we can click the button
    # Switch by ID
driver.switch_to.frame 'buttonframe'

    # Now, Click on the button
// Using the ID
await driver.switchTo().frame('buttonframe');

// Or using the name instead
await driver.switchTo().frame('myframe');

// Now we can click the button
await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click();
//Using the ID

//Or using the name instead

//Now we can click the button


JavaScriptの window.frames を使用して照会できるように、Frameのインデックスを使用することもできます。

// Switches to the second frame
    # Switch to the second frame
// Switches to the second frame
    # switching to second iframe based on index
iframe = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME,'iframe')[1]

    # switch to selected iframe
// Switches to the second frame
await driver.switchTo().frame(1);
// Switches to the second frame



// Return to the top level
    # switch back to default content
// Return to the top level
    # Return to the top level
// Return to the top level
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
// Return to the top level

6.5 - ウィンドウとタブの操作



WebDriverは、ウィンドウとタブを区別しません。 サイトが新しいタブまたはウィンドウを開く場合、Seleniumはウィンドウハンドルを使って連動します。 各ウィンドウには一意の識別子があり、これは単一のセッションで持続します。 次のコードを使用して、現在のウィンドウのウィンドウハンドルを取得できます。

        // Navigate to Url
        //fetch handle of this
        String currHandle=driver.getWindowHandle();
    <div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="background-color:#f8f8f8;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-cs" data-lang="cs"></code></pre></div>
    <div class="text-end pb-2">
      <a href="https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/seleniumhq.github.io/blob/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/website_and_docs/braces-3.0.3/examples/dotnet/SeleniumDocs/Interactions/WindowsTest.cs#L14-L18" target="_blank">
        <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt pl-2"></i>
          <strong>View full example on GitHub</strong>

await driver.getWindowHandle();


新しいウィンドウで開くリンクをクリックすると、新しいウィンドウまたはタブが画面にフォーカスされますが、WebDriverはオペレーティングシステムがアクティブと見なすウィンドウを認識しません。 新しいウィンドウで作業するには、それに切り替える必要があります。 開いているタブまたはウィンドウが2つしかなく、どちらのウィンドウから開始するかがわかっている場合、削除のプロセスによって、WebDriverが表示できる両方のウィンドウまたはタブをループし、元のウィンドウまたはタブに切り替えることができます。

ただし、Selenium 4には、新しいタブ(または)新しいウィンドウを作成して自動的に切り替える新しいAPI NewWindow が用意されています。

        //click on link to open a new window
        driver.findElement(By.linkText("Open new window")).click();
        //fetch handles of all windows, there will be two, [0]- default, [1] - new window
        Object[] windowHandles=driver.getWindowHandles().toArray();
        driver.switchTo().window((String) windowHandles[1]);
        //assert on title of new window
        String title=driver.getTitle();
        assertEquals("Simple Page",title);
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC

    # Start the driver
with webdriver.Firefox() as driver:
    # Open URL

    # Setup wait for later
    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)

    # Store the ID of the original window
    original_window = driver.current_window_handle

    # Check we don't have other windows open already
    assert len(driver.window_handles) == 1

    # Click the link which opens in a new window
    driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "new window").click()

    # Wait for the new window or tab

    # Loop through until we find a new window handle
    for window_handle in driver.window_handles:
        if window_handle != original_window:

    # Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
    wait.until(EC.title_is("SeleniumHQ Browser Automation"))
//Store the ID of the original window
string originalWindow = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;

//Check we don't have other windows open already
Assert.AreEqual(driver.WindowHandles.Count, 1);

//Click the link which opens in a new window
driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("new window")).Click();

//Wait for the new window or tab
wait.Until(wd => wd.WindowHandles.Count == 2);

//Loop through until we find a new window handle
foreach(string window in driver.WindowHandles)
    if(originalWindow != window)
//Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
wait.Until(wd => wd.Title == "Selenium documentation");
    #Store the ID of the original window
original_window = driver.window_handle

    #Check we don't have other windows open already
assert(driver.window_handles.length == 1, 'Expected one window')

    #Click the link which opens in a new window
driver.find_element(link: 'new window').click

    #Wait for the new window or tab
wait.until { driver.window_handles.length == 2 }

    #Loop through until we find a new window handle
driver.window_handles.each do |handle|
    if handle != original_window
        driver.switch_to.window handle

    #Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
wait.until { driver.title == 'Selenium documentation'}
//Store the ID of the original window
const originalWindow = await driver.getWindowHandle();

//Check we don't have other windows open already
assert((await driver.getAllWindowHandles()).length === 1);

//Click the link which opens in a new window
await driver.findElement(By.linkText('new window')).click();

//Wait for the new window or tab
await driver.wait(
    async () => (await driver.getAllWindowHandles()).length === 2,

//Loop through until we find a new window handle
const windows = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
windows.forEach(async handle => {
  if (handle !== originalWindow) {
    await driver.switchTo().window(handle);

//Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
await driver.wait(until.titleIs('Selenium documentation'), 10000);
//Store the ID of the original window
val originalWindow = driver.getWindowHandle()

//Check we don't have other windows open already
assert(driver.getWindowHandles().size() === 1)

//Click the link which opens in a new window
driver.findElement(By.linkText("new window")).click()

//Wait for the new window or tab

//Loop through until we find a new window handle
for (windowHandle in driver.getWindowHandles()) {
    if (!originalWindow.contentEquals(windowHandle)) {

//Wait for the new tab to finish loading content
wait.until(titleIs("Selenium documentation"))



ウィンドウまたはタブでの作業が終了し、 かつ ブラウザーで最後に開いたウィンドウまたはタブではない場合、それを閉じて、以前使用していたウィンドウに切り替える必要があります。 前のセクションのコードサンプルに従ったと仮定すると、変数に前のウィンドウハンドルが格納されます。 これをまとめると以下のようになります。

        //closing current window
        //Switch back to the old tab or window
        driver.switchTo().window((String) windowHandles[0]);
    #Close the tab or window

    #Switch back to the old tab or window
//Close the tab or window

//Switch back to the old tab or window
    #Close the tab or window

    #Switch back to the old tab or window
driver.switch_to.window original_window
//Close the tab or window
await driver.close();

//Switch back to the old tab or window
await driver.switchTo().window(originalWindow);
//Close the tab or window

//Switch back to the old tab or window


ウィンドウを閉じた後に別のウィンドウハンドルに切り替えるのを忘れると、現在閉じられているページでWebDriverが実行されたままになり、 No Such Window Exception が発行されます。実行を継続するには、有効なウィンドウハンドルに切り替える必要があります。


新しいウィンドウ(または)タブを作成し、画面上の新しいウィンドウまたはタブにフォーカスします。 新しいウィンドウ(または)タブを使用するように切り替える必要はありません。 新しいウィンドウ以外に3つ以上のウィンドウ(または)タブを開いている場合、WebDriverが表示できる両方のウィンドウまたはタブをループして、元のものではないものに切り替えることができます。

注意: この機能は、Selenium 4以降のバージョンで機能します。

        //Opens a new tab and switches to new tab
        //Opens a new window and switches to new window
    # Opens a new tab and switches to new tab

    # Opens a new window and switches to new window
// Opens a new tab and switches to new tab

// Opens a new window and switches to new window

Opens a new tab and switches to new tab


Opens a new window and switches to new window

Opens a new tab and switches to new tab
    await driver.switchTo().newWindow('tab');
Opens a new window and switches to new window:
    await driver.switchTo().newWindow('window');
// Opens a new tab and switches to new tab

// Opens a new window and switches to new window



        //quitting driver
        driver.quit(); //close all windows
await driver.quit();
  • Quitは、
    • そのWebDriverセッションに関連付けられているすべてのウィンドウとタブを閉じます
    • ブラウザーのプロセス
    • バックグラウンドのドライバーのプロセス
    • ブラウザーが使用されなくなったことをSelenium Gridに通知して、別のセッションで使用できるようにします(Selenium Gridを使用している場合)



 * Example using JUnit
 * https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/api/org/junit/jupiter/api/AfterAll.html
public static void tearDown() {
    # unittest teardown
    # https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html?highlight=teardown#unittest.TestCase.tearDown
def tearDown(self):
    Example using Visual Studio's UnitTesting
public void TearDown()
    # UnitTest Teardown
    # https://www.rubydoc.info/github/test-unit/test-unit/Test/Unit/TestCase
def teardown
 * Example using Mocha
 * https://mochajs.org/#hooks
after('Tear down', async function () {
  await driver.quit();
 * Example using JUnit
 * https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/api/org/junit/jupiter/api/AfterAll.html
fun tearDown() {

テストコンテキストでWebDriverを実行していない場合は、ほとんどの言語で提供されている try / finally の使用を検討して、例外がWebDriverセッションをクリーンアップするようにします。

try {
    //WebDriver code here...
} finally {
    #WebDriver code here...
try {
    //WebDriver code here...
} finally {
    #WebDriver code here...
try {
    //WebDriver code here...
} finally {
    await driver.quit();
try {
    //WebDriver code here...
} finally {

PythonのWebDriverは、pythonコンテキストマネージャーをサポートするようになりました。 withキーワードを使用すると、実行終了時にドライバーを自動的に終了できます。

with webdriver.Firefox() as driver:
  # WebDriver code here...

# WebDriver will automatically quit after indentation





//Access each dimension individually
int width = driver.manage().window().getSize().getWidth();
int height = driver.manage().window().getSize().getHeight();

//Or store the dimensions and query them later
Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize();
int width1 = size.getWidth();
int height1 = size.getHeight();
    # Access each dimension individually
width = driver.get_window_size().get("width")
height = driver.get_window_size().get("height")

    # Or store the dimensions and query them later
size = driver.get_window_size()
width1 = size.get("width")
height1 = size.get("height")
//Access each dimension individually
int width = driver.Manage().Window.Size.Width;
int height = driver.Manage().Window.Size.Height;

//Or store the dimensions and query them later
System.Drawing.Size size = driver.Manage().Window.Size;
int width1 = size.Width;
int height1 = size.Height;
    # Access each dimension individually
width = driver.manage.window.size.width
height = driver.manage.window.size.height

    # Or store the dimensions and query them later
size = driver.manage.window.size
width1 = size.width
height1 = size.height
Access each dimension individually
    const { width, height } = await driver.manage().window().getRect();
(or) store the dimensions and query them later
    const rect = await driver.manage().window().getRect();
    const windowWidth = rect.width;
    const windowHeight = rect.height;
//Access each dimension individually
val width = driver.manage().window().size.width
val height = driver.manage().window().size.height

//Or store the dimensions and query them later
val size = driver.manage().window().size
val width1 = size.width
val height1 = size.height



driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1024, 768));
driver.set_window_size(1024, 768)
driver.Manage().Window.Size = new Size(1024, 768);
await driver.manage().window().setRect({ width: 1024, height: 768 });
driver.manage().window().size = Dimension(1024, 768)



// Access each dimension individually
int x = driver.manage().window().getPosition().getX();
int y = driver.manage().window().getPosition().getY();

// Or store the dimensions and query them later
Point position = driver.manage().window().getPosition();
int x1 = position.getX();
int y1 = position.getY();
    # Access each dimension individually
x = driver.get_window_position().get('x')
y = driver.get_window_position().get('y')

    # Or store the dimensions and query them later
position = driver.get_window_position()
x1 = position.get('x')
y1 = position.get('y')
//Access each dimension individually
int x = driver.Manage().Window.Position.X;
int y = driver.Manage().Window.Position.Y;

//Or store the dimensions and query them later
Point position = driver.Manage().Window.Position;
int x1 = position.X;
int y1 = position.Y;
    #Access each dimension individually
x = driver.manage.window.position.x
y = driver.manage.window.position.y

    # Or store the dimensions and query them later
rect  = driver.manage.window.rect
x1 = rect.x
y1 = rect.y
Access each dimension individually
    const { x, y } = await driver.manage().window().getRect();
(or) store the dimensions and query them later
    const rect = await driver.manage().window().getRect();
    const x1 = rect.x;
    const y1 = rect.y;
// Access each dimension individually
val x = driver.manage().window().position.x
val y = driver.manage().window().position.y

// Or store the dimensions and query them later
val position = driver.manage().window().position
val x1 = position.x
val y1 = position.y

## ウィンドウの位置設定


// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(0, 0));
    # Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
driver.set_window_position(0, 0)
// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
driver.Manage().Window.Position = new Point(0, 0);
// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
await driver.manage().window().setRect({ x: 0, y: 0 });
// Move the window to the top left of the primary monitor
driver.manage().window().position = Point(0,0)



await driver.manage().window().maximize();


現在のブラウジングコンテキストのウィンドウを最小化します。 このコマンドの正確な動作は、個々のウィンドウマネージャーに固有のものです。


注:この機能は、Selenium 4以降のバージョンで機能します。

await driver.manage().window().minimize();



await driver.manage().window().fullscreen();


現在のブラウジング コンテキストのスクリーンショットをキャプチャするために使います。
WebDriver エンドポイントの スクリーンショット は、 Base64 形式でエンコードされたスクリーンショットを返します。

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import java.io.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;

public class SeleniumTakeScreenshot {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
        FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("./image.png"));
from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    # Navigate to url

    # Returns and base64 encoded string into image

  using OpenQA.Selenium;
  using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
  using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

  var driver = new ChromeDriver();
  Screenshot screenshot = (driver as ITakesScreenshot).GetScreenshot();
  screenshot.SaveAsFile("screenshot.png", ScreenshotImageFormat.Png); // Format values are Bmp, Gif, Jpeg, Png, Tiff
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://example.com/'

    # Takes and Stores the screenshot in specified path

    // Captures the screenshot
    let encodedString = await driver.takeScreenshot();
    // save screenshot as below
    // await fs.writeFileSync('./image.png', encodedString, 'base64');
import com.oracle.tools.packager.IOUtils.copyFile
import org.openqa.selenium.*
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
import java.io.File

fun main(){
    val driver =  ChromeDriver()
    val scrFile = (driver as TakesScreenshot).getScreenshotAs<File>(OutputType.FILE)
    copyFile(scrFile, File("./image.png"))


現在のブラウジング コンテキストの要素のスクリーンショットをキャプチャするために使います。 WebDriver エンドポイントの スクリーンショット は、 Base64 形式でエンコードされたスクリーンショットを返します。

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

public class SeleniumelementTakeScreenshot {
  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("h1"));
    File scrFile = element.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
    FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("./image.png"));
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    # Navigate to url

ele = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'h1')

    # Returns and base64 encoded string into image

    using OpenQA.Selenium;
    using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
    using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

    // Webdriver
    var driver = new ChromeDriver();

    // Fetch element using FindElement
    var webElement = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("h1"));

    // Screenshot for the element
    var elementScreenshot = (webElement as ITakesScreenshot).GetScreenshot();
    # Works with Selenium4-alpha7 Ruby bindings and above
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome

  driver.get 'https://example.com/'
  ele = driver.find_element(:css, 'h1')

    # Takes and Stores the element screenshot in specified path
    let header = await driver.findElement(By.css('h1'));
      // Captures the element screenshot
      let encodedString = await header.takeScreenshot(true);
      // save screenshot as below
      // await fs.writeFileSync('./image.png', encodedString, 'base64');
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.*
import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    val element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("h1"))
    val scrFile: File = element.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE)
    FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, File("./image.png"))


選択したフレームまたはウィンドウの現在のコンテキストで、JavaScript コードスニペットを実行します。

    //Creating the JavascriptExecutor interface object by Type casting
      JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
    //Button Element
      WebElement button =driver.findElement(By.name("btnLogin"));
    //Executing JavaScript to click on element
      js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", button);
    //Get return value from script
      String text = (String) js.executeScript("return arguments[0].innerText", button);
    //Executing JavaScript directly
      js.executeScript("console.log('hello world')");
    # Stores the header element
header = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "h1")

    # Executing JavaScript to capture innerText of header element
driver.execute_script('return arguments[0].innerText', header)
    //creating Chromedriver instance
	IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
	//Creating the JavascriptExecutor interface object by Type casting
	IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor) driver;
	//Button Element
	IWebElement button = driver.FindElement(By.Name("btnLogin"));
	//Executing JavaScript to click on element
	js.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", button);
	//Get return value from script
	String text = (String)js.ExecuteScript("return arguments[0].innerText", button);
	//Executing JavaScript directly
	js.ExecuteScript("console.log('hello world')");
    # Stores the header element
header = driver.find_element(css: 'h1')

    # Get return value from script
result = driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].innerText", header)

    # Executing JavaScript directly
driver.execute_script("alert('hello world')")
    // Stores the header element
    let header = await driver.findElement(By.css('h1'));

    // Executing JavaScript to capture innerText of header element
    let text = await driver.executeScript('return arguments[0].innerText', header);
// Stores the header element
val header = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("h1"))

// Get return value from script
val result = driver.executeScript("return arguments[0].innerText", header)

// Executing JavaScript directly
driver.executeScript("alert('hello world')")



Note: Chromium ブラウザがヘッドレスモードである必要があります。

    import org.openqa.selenium.print.PrintOptions;

    printer = (PrintsPage) driver;

    PrintOptions printOptions = new PrintOptions();

    Pdf pdf = printer.print(printOptions);
    String content = pdf.getContent();
    from selenium.webdriver.common.print_page_options import PrintOptions

    print_options = PrintOptions()
    print_options.page_ranges = ['1-2']


    base64code = driver.print_page(print_options)
    // code sample not available please raise a PR
    driver.navigate_to 'https://www.selenium.dev'

    base64encodedContent = driver.print_page(orientation: 'landscape')
    await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/alerts.html');
      let base64 = await driver.printPage({pageRanges: ["1-2"]});
      // page can be saved as a PDF as below
      // await fs.writeFileSync('./test.pdf', base64, 'base64');
    val printer = driver as PrintsPage

    val printOptions = PrintOptions()
    val pdf: Pdf = printer.print(printOptions)
    val content = pdf.content

6.6 - Virtual Authenticator

A representation of the Web Authenticator model.

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!

Web applications can enable a public key-based authentication mechanism known as Web Authentication to authenticate users in a passwordless manner. Web Authentication defines APIs that allows a user to create a public-key credential and register it with an authenticator. An authenticator can be a hardware device or a software entity that stores user’s public-key credentials and retrieves them on request.

As the name suggests, Virtual Authenticator emulates such authenticators for testing.

Virtual Authenticator Options

A Virtual Authenticatior has a set of properties. These properties are mapped as VirtualAuthenticatorOptions in the Selenium bindings.

    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
            // Create virtual authenticator options
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
    options = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
    options.is_user_verified = True
    options.has_user_verification = True
    options.is_user_consenting = True
    options.transport = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions.Transport.USB
    options.protocol = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions.Protocol.U2F
    options.has_resident_key = False
      options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions();

Add Virtual Authenticator

It creates a new virtual authenticator with the provided properties.

    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator =
      ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(options);
            // Create virtual authenticator options
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

            // Register a virtual authenticator

            List<Credential> credentialList = ((WebDriver)driver).GetCredentials();
    options = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
    options.protocol = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions.Protocol.U2F
    options.has_resident_key = False

    # Register a virtual authenticator

            // Register a virtual authenticator
            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

Remove Virtual Authenticator

Removes the previously added virtual authenticator.

    ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).removeVirtualAuthenticator(authenticator);
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

            String virtualAuthenticatorId = ((WebDriver)driver).AddVirtualAuthenticator(options);

    options = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

    # Register a virtual authenticator

    # Remove virtual authenticator
            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);
            await driver.removeVirtualAuthenticator();

Create Resident Credential

Creates a resident (stateful) credential with the given required credential parameters.

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    byte[] userHandle = {1};
    Credential residentCredential = Credential.createResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", rsaPrivateKey, userHandle, /*signCount=*/0);
            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            byte[] userHandle = { 1 };

            Credential residentCredential = Credential.CreateResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedPK, userHandle, 0);
    options = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
    options.protocol = VirtualAuthenticatorOptions.Protocol.CTAP2
    options.has_resident_key = True
    options.has_user_verification = True
    options.is_user_verified = True

    # Register a virtual authenticator

    # parameters for Resident Credential
    credential_id = bytearray({1, 2, 3, 4})
    rp_id = "localhost"
    user_handle = bytearray({1})
    privatekey = urlsafe_b64decode(BASE64__ENCODED_PK)
    sign_count = 0

    # create a  resident credential using above parameters
    resident_credential = Credential.create_resident_credential(credential_id, rp_id, user_handle, privatekey, sign_count)

            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

            let residentCredential = new Credential().createResidentCredential(
                new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
                new Uint8Array([1]),
                Buffer.from(BASE64_ENCODED_PK, 'base64').toString('binary'),

            await driver.addCredential(residentCredential);

Create Non-Resident Credential

Creates a resident (stateless) credential with the given required credential parameters.

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.createNonResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", ec256PrivateKey, /*signCount=*/0);
            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);
            let nonResidentCredential = new Credential().createNonResidentCredential(
                new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
                Buffer.from(base64EncodedPK, 'base64').toString('binary'),

Add Credential

Registers the credential with the authenticator.

    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator = ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.createNonResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", ec256PrivateKey, /*signCount=*/0);
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()


            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);


            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

            let nonResidentCredential = new Credential().createNonResidentCredential(
                new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
                Buffer.from(base64EncodedPK, 'base64').toString('binary'),

            await driver.addCredential(nonResidentCredential);

Get Credential

Returns the list of credentials owned by the authenticator.

    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator = ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    byte[] userHandle = {1};
    Credential residentCredential = Credential.createResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", rsaPrivateKey, userHandle, /*signCount=*/0);


    List<Credential> credentialList = authenticator.getCredentials();
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()


            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            byte[] userHandle = { 1 };

            Credential residentCredential = Credential.CreateResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedPK, userHandle, 0);


            List<Credential> credentialList = ((WebDriver)driver).GetCredentials();

            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

            let residentCredential = new Credential().createResidentCredential(
                new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
                new Uint8Array([1]),
                Buffer.from(BASE64_ENCODED_PK, 'base64').toString('binary'),

            await driver.addCredential(residentCredential);

            let credentialList = await driver.getCredentials();

Remove Credential

Removes a credential from the authenticator based on the passed credential id.

            ((WebDriver)driver).AddVirtualAuthenticator(new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions());

            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);


    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator =
      ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions());

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Credential credential = Credential.createNonResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", rsaPrivateKey, 0);



Remove All Credentials

Removes all the credentials from the authenticator.

    VirtualAuthenticator authenticator =
      ((HasVirtualAuthenticator) driver).addVirtualAuthenticator(new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions());

    byte[] credentialId = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    Credential residentCredential = Credential.createNonResidentCredential(
      credentialId, "localhost", rsaPrivateKey, /*signCount=*/0);


            ((WebDriver)driver).AddVirtualAuthenticator(new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions());

            byte[] credentialId = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            Credential nonResidentCredential = Credential.CreateNonResidentCredential(
              credentialId, "localhost", base64EncodedEC256PK, 0);


            await driver.addVirtualAuthenticator(options);

            let nonResidentCredential = new Credential().createNonResidentCredential(
                new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
                Buffer.from(BASE64_ENCODED_PK, 'base64').toString('binary'),

            await driver.addCredential(nonResidentCredential);

Set User Verified

Sets whether the authenticator will simulate success or fail on user verification.

    VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()
            VirtualAuthenticatorOptions options = new VirtualAuthenticatorOptions()

7 - Actions API

A low-level interface for providing virtualized device input actions to the web browser.

In addition to the high-level element interactions, the Actions API provides granular control over exactly what designated input devices can do. Selenium provides an interface for 3 kinds of input sources: a key input for keyboard devices, a pointer input for a mouse, pen or touch devices, and wheel inputs for scroll wheel devices (introduced in Selenium 4.2). Selenium allows you to construct individual action commands assigned to specific inputs and chain them together and call the associated perform method to execute them all at once.

Action Builder

In the move from the legacy JSON Wire Protocol to the new W3C WebDriver Protocol, the low level building blocks of actions became especially detailed. It is extremely powerful, but each input device has a number of ways to use it and if you need to manage more than one device, you are responsible for ensuring proper synchronization between them.

Thankfully, you likely do not need to learn how to use the low level commands directly, since almost everything you might want to do has been given a convenience method that combines the lower level commands for you. These are all documented in keyboard, mouse, pen, and wheel pages.


Pointer movements and Wheel scrolling allow the user to set a duration for the action, but sometimes you just need to wait a beat between actions for things to work correctly.

        WebElement clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"));
        new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "clickable")

Selenium v4.2

            IWebElement clickable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("clickable"));
            new Actions(driver)

Selenium v4.2

    clickable = driver.find_element(id: 'clickable')
          .pause(duration: 1)
          .pause(duration: 1)
      const clickable = await driver.findElement(By.id('clickable'))
      await driver.actions()
        .move({ origin: clickable })
        val clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"))

Release All Actions

An important thing to note is that the driver remembers the state of all the input items throughout a session. Even if you create a new instance of an actions class, the depressed keys and the location of the pointer will be in whatever state a previously performed action left them.

There is a special method to release all currently depressed keys and pointer buttons. This method is implemented differently in each of the languages because it does not get executed with the perform method.

        ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).resetInputState();
      await driver.actions().clear()
        (driver as RemoteWebDriver).resetInputState()

7.1 - Keyboard actions

A representation of any key input device for interacting with a web page.

There are only 2 actions that can be accomplished with a keyboard: pressing down on a key, and releasing a pressed key. In addition to supporting ASCII characters, each keyboard key has a representation that can be pressed or released in designated sequences.


In addition to the keys represented by regular unicode, unicode values have been assigned to other keyboard keys for use with Selenium. Each language has its own way to reference these keys; the full list can be found here.

Use the [Java Keys enum](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/selenium-4.2.0/java/src/org/openqa/selenium/Keys.java#L28)
Use the [Python Keys class](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/selenium-4.2.0/py/selenium/webdriver/common/keys.py#L23)
Use the [.NET static Keys class](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/selenium-4.2.0/dotnet/src/webdriver/Keys.cs#L28)
Use the [Ruby KEYS constant](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/selenium-4.2.0/rb/lib/selenium/webdriver/common/keys.rb#L28)
Use the [JavaScript KEYS constant](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/selenium-4.2.0/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/input.js#L44)
Use the [Java Keys enum](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/selenium-4.2.0/java/src/org/openqa/selenium/Keys.java#L28)

Key down

        new Actions(driver)
      await driver.actions()

Key up

        new Actions(driver)
            new Actions(driver)
      await driver.actions()

Send keys

This is a convenience method in the Actions API that combines keyDown and keyUp commands in one action. Executing this command differs slightly from using the element method, but primarily this gets used when needing to type multiple characters in the middle of other actions.

Active Element

        new Actions(driver)

            new Actions(driver)
      const textField = driver.findElement(By.id('textInput'))
      await textField.click()

Designated Element

        new Actions(driver)
                .sendKeys(textField, "Selenium!")
    text_input = driver.find_element(By.ID, "textInput")
        .send_keys_to_element(text_input, "abc")\
            IWebElement textField = driver.FindElement(By.Id("textInput"));
            new Actions(driver)
    text_field = driver.find_element(id: 'textInput')
          .send_keys(text_field, 'Selenium!')

Selenium v4.5.0

      const textField = await driver.findElement(By.id('textInput'))

      await driver.actions()
        .sendKeys(textField, 'abc')
        val textField = driver.findElement(By.id("textInput"))
                .sendKeys(textField, "Selenium!")

Copy and Paste

Here’s an example of using all of the above methods to conduct a copy / paste action. Note that the key to use for this operation will be different depending on if it is a Mac OS or not. This code will end up with the text: SeleniumSelenium!

        Keys cmdCtrl = Platform.getCurrent().is(Platform.MAC) ? Keys.COMMAND : Keys.CONTROL;

        WebElement textField = driver.findElement(By.id("textInput"));
        new Actions(driver)
                .sendKeys(textField, "Selenium!")

        Assertions.assertEquals("SeleniumSelenium!", textField.getAttribute("value"));
    cmd_ctrl = Keys.COMMAND if sys.platform == 'darwin' else Keys.CONTROL


            var capabilities = ((WebDriver)driver).Capabilities;
            String platformName = (string)capabilities.GetCapability("platformName");

            String cmdCtrl = platformName.Contains("mac") ? Keys.Command : Keys.Control;

            new Actions(driver)
    cmd_ctrl = driver.capabilities.platform_name.include?('mac') ? :command : :control
      const cmdCtrl = platform.includes('darwin') ? Key.COMMAND : Key.CONTROL

      await driver.actions()
        val cmdCtrl = if(platformName == Platform.MAC) Keys.COMMAND else Keys.CONTROL

        val textField = driver.findElement(By.id("textInput"))
                .sendKeys(textField, "Selenium!")

7.2 - Mouse actions

A representation of any pointer device for interacting with a web page.

There are only 3 actions that can be accomplished with a mouse: pressing down on a button, releasing a pressed button, and moving the mouse. Selenium provides convenience methods that combine these actions in the most common ways.

Click and hold

This method combines moving the mouse to the center of an element with pressing the left mouse button. This is useful for focusing a specific element:

        WebElement clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"));
        new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "clickable")
            IWebElement clickable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("clickable"));
            new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(id: 'clickable')
      let clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"));
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.move({origin: clickable}).press().perform();
        val clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"))

Click and release

This method combines moving to the center of an element with pressing and releasing the left mouse button. This is otherwise known as “clicking”:

        WebElement clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("click"));
        new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "click")
            IWebElement clickable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("click"));
            new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(id: 'click')
      let click = driver.findElement(By.id("click"));
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.move({origin: click}).click().perform();
        val clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("click"))

Alternate Button Clicks

There are a total of 5 defined buttons for a Mouse:

  • 0 — Left Button (the default)
  • 1 — Middle Button (currently unsupported)
  • 2 — Right Button
  • 3 — X1 (Back) Button
  • 4 — X2 (Forward) Button

Context Click

This method combines moving to the center of an element with pressing and releasing the right mouse button (button 2). This is otherwise known as “right-clicking”:

        WebElement clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"));
        new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "clickable")
            IWebElement clickable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("clickable"));
            new Actions(driver)
      clickable = driver.find_element(id: 'clickable')
      const clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"));
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.contextClick(clickable).perform();
        val clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"))

Back Click

There is no convenience method for this, it is just pressing and releasing mouse button 3

        PointerInput mouse = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.MOUSE, "default mouse");

        Sequence actions = new Sequence(mouse, 0)

        ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actions));

Selenium v4.2

    action = ActionBuilder(driver)

Selenium v4.2

            ActionBuilder actionBuilder = new ActionBuilder();
            PointerInputDevice mouse = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Mouse, "default mouse");

Selenium v4.2


Selenium v4.5.0

      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.press(Button.BACK).release(Button.BACK).perform()
        val mouse = PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.MOUSE, "default mouse")

        val actions = Sequence(mouse, 0)

        (driver as RemoteWebDriver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actions))

Forward Click

There is no convenience method for this, it is just pressing and releasing mouse button 4

        PointerInput mouse = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.MOUSE, "default mouse");

        Sequence actions = new Sequence(mouse, 0)

        ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actions));

Selenium v4.2

    action = ActionBuilder(driver)

Selenium v4.2

            ActionBuilder actionBuilder = new ActionBuilder();
            PointerInputDevice mouse = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Mouse, "default mouse");

Selenium v4.2


Selenium v4.5.0

      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.press(Button.FORWARD).release(Button.FORWARD).perform()
        val mouse = PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.MOUSE, "default mouse")

        val actions = Sequence(mouse, 0)

        (driver as RemoteWebDriver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actions))

Double click

This method combines moving to the center of an element with pressing and releasing the left mouse button twice.

        WebElement clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"));
        new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "clickable")
            IWebElement clickable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("clickable"));
            new Actions(driver)
    clickable = driver.find_element(id: 'clickable')
      const clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"));
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.doubleClick(clickable).perform();
        val clickable = driver.findElement(By.id("clickable"))

Move to element

This method moves the mouse to the in-view center point of the element. This is otherwise known as “hovering.” Note that the element must be in the viewport or else the command will error.

        WebElement hoverable = driver.findElement(By.id("hover"));
        new Actions(driver)
    hoverable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "hover")
            IWebElement hoverable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("hover"));
            new Actions(driver)
    hoverable = driver.find_element(id: 'hover')
      const hoverable = driver.findElement(By.id("hover"));
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.move({origin: hoverable}).perform();
        val hoverable = driver.findElement(By.id("hover"))

Move by offset

These methods first move the mouse to the designated origin and then by the number of pixels in the provided offset. Note that the position of the mouse must be in the viewport or else the command will error.

Offset from Element

This method moves the mouse to the in-view center point of the element, then moves by the provided offset.

        WebElement tracker = driver.findElement(By.id("mouse-tracker"));
        new Actions(driver)
                .moveToElement(tracker, 8, 0)
    mouse_tracker = driver.find_element(By.ID, "mouse-tracker")
        .move_to_element_with_offset(mouse_tracker, 8, 0)\
            IWebElement tracker = driver.FindElement(By.Id("mouse-tracker"));
            new Actions(driver)
                .MoveToElement(tracker, 8, 0)
      mouse_tracker = driver.find_element(id: 'mouse-tracker')
            .move_to(mouse_tracker, 8, 11)
        val tracker = driver.findElement(By.id("mouse-tracker"))
                .moveToElement(tracker, 8, 0)

Offset from Viewport

This method moves the mouse from the upper left corner of the current viewport by the provided offset.

        PointerInput mouse = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.MOUSE, "default mouse");

        Sequence actions = new Sequence(mouse, 0)
                .addAction(mouse.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, PointerInput.Origin.viewport(), 8, 12));

        ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actions));
    action = ActionBuilder(driver)
    action.pointer_action.move_to_location(8, 0)
            ActionBuilder actionBuilder = new ActionBuilder();
            PointerInputDevice mouse = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Mouse, "default mouse");
                8, 0, TimeSpan.Zero));
            .move_to_location(8, 12)
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.move({x: 8, y: 0}).perform();
        val mouse = PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.MOUSE, "default mouse")

        val actions = Sequence(mouse, 0)
                .addAction(mouse.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, PointerInput.Origin.viewport(), 8, 12))

        (driver as RemoteWebDriver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actions))

Offset from Current Pointer Location

This method moves the mouse from its current position by the offset provided by the user. If the mouse has not previously been moved, the position will be in the upper left corner of the viewport. Note that the pointer position does not change when the page is scrolled.

Note that the first argument X specifies to move right when positive, while the second argument Y specifies to move down when positive. So moveByOffset(30, -10) moves right 30 and up 10 from the current mouse position.

        new Actions(driver)
                .moveByOffset(13, 15)
        .move_by_offset( 13, 15)\
            new Actions(driver)
                .MoveByOffset(13, 15)
            .move_by(13, 15)
      await actions.move({x: 13, y: 15, origin: Origin.POINTER}).perform()
                .moveByOffset(13, 15)

Drag and Drop on Element

This method firstly performs a click-and-hold on the source element, moves to the location of the target element and then releases the mouse.

        WebElement draggable = driver.findElement(By.id("draggable"));
        WebElement droppable = driver.findElement(By.id("droppable"));
        new Actions(driver)
                .dragAndDrop(draggable, droppable)
    draggable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "draggable")
    droppable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "droppable")
        .drag_and_drop(draggable, droppable)\
            IWebElement draggable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("draggable"));
            IWebElement droppable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("droppable"));
            new Actions(driver)
                .DragAndDrop(draggable, droppable)
    draggable = driver.find_element(id: 'draggable')
    droppable = driver.find_element(id: 'droppable')
          .drag_and_drop(draggable, droppable)
      const draggable = driver.findElement(By.id("draggable"));
      const droppable = await driver.findElement(By.id("droppable"));
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.dragAndDrop(draggable, droppable).perform();
        val draggable = driver.findElement(By.id("draggable"))
        val droppable = driver.findElement(By.id("droppable"))
                .dragAndDrop(draggable, droppable)

Drag and Drop by Offset

This method firstly performs a click-and-hold on the source element, moves to the given offset and then releases the mouse.

        WebElement draggable = driver.findElement(By.id("draggable"));
        Rectangle start = draggable.getRect();
        Rectangle finish = driver.findElement(By.id("droppable")).getRect();
        new Actions(driver)
                .dragAndDropBy(draggable, finish.getX() - start.getX(), finish.getY() - start.getY())
    draggable = driver.find_element(By.ID, "draggable")
    start = draggable.location
    finish = driver.find_element(By.ID, "droppable").location
        .drag_and_drop_by_offset(draggable, finish['x'] - start['x'], finish['y'] - start['y'])\
            IWebElement draggable = driver.FindElement(By.Id("draggable"));
            Point start = draggable.Location;
            Point finish = driver.FindElement(By.Id("droppable")).Location;
            new Actions(driver)
                .DragAndDropToOffset(draggable, finish.X - start.X, finish.Y - start.Y)
    draggable = driver.find_element(id: 'draggable')
    start = draggable.rect
    finish = driver.find_element(id: 'droppable').rect
          .drag_and_drop_by(draggable, finish.x - start.x, finish.y - start.y)
      const draggable = driver.findElement(By.id("draggable"));
      let start = await draggable.getRect();
      let finish = await driver.findElement(By.id("droppable")).getRect();
      const actions = driver.actions({async: true});
      await actions.dragAndDrop(draggable, {x: finish.x - start.x, y: finish.y - start.y}).perform();
        val draggable = driver.findElement(By.id("draggable"))
        val start = draggable.getRect()
        val finish = driver.findElement(By.id("droppable")).getRect()
                .dragAndDropBy(draggable, finish.getX() - start.getX(), finish.getY() - start.getY())

7.3 - Pen actions

A representation of a pen stylus kind of pointer input for interacting with a web page.

Chromium Only

A Pen is a type of pointer input that has most of the same behavior as a mouse, but can also have event properties unique to a stylus. Additionally, while a mouse has 5 buttons, a pen has 3 equivalent button states:

  • 0 — Touch Contact (the default; equivalent to a left click)
  • 2 — Barrel Button (equivalent to a right click)
  • 5 — Eraser Button (currently unsupported by drivers)

Using a Pen

Selenium v4.2

        WebElement pointerArea = driver.findElement(By.id("pointerArea"));
        new Actions(driver)
                .setActivePointer(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen")
                .moveByOffset(2, 2)

Selenium v4.2

    pointer_area = driver.find_element(By.ID, "pointerArea")
    pen_input = PointerInput(POINTER_PEN, "default pen")
    action = ActionBuilder(driver, mouse=pen_input)
        .move_by(2, 2)\
            IWebElement pointerArea = driver.FindElement(By.Id("pointerArea"));
            ActionBuilder actionBuilder = new ActionBuilder();
            PointerInputDevice pen = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Pen, "default pen");
            actionBuilder.AddAction(pen.CreatePointerMove(pointerArea, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(800)));
                2, 2, TimeSpan.Zero));

Selenium v4.2

    pointer_area = driver.find_element(id: 'pointerArea')
    driver.action(devices: :pen)
          .move_by(2, 2)
        val pointerArea = driver.findElement(By.id("pointerArea"))
                .setActivePointer(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen")
                .moveByOffset(2, 2)

Adding Pointer Event Attributes

Selenium v4.2

        WebElement pointerArea = driver.findElement(By.id("pointerArea"));
        PointerInput pen = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen");
        PointerInput.PointerEventProperties eventProperties = PointerInput.eventProperties()
        PointerInput.Origin origin = PointerInput.Origin.fromElement(pointerArea);

        Sequence actionListPen = new Sequence(pen, 0)
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 0, 0))
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 2, 2, eventProperties))

        ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).perform(Collections.singletonList(actionListPen));
    pointer_area = driver.find_element(By.ID, "pointerArea")
    pen_input = PointerInput(POINTER_PEN, "default pen")
    action = ActionBuilder(driver, mouse=pen_input)
        .move_by(2, 2, tilt_x=-72, tilt_y=9, twist=86)\
            IWebElement pointerArea = driver.FindElement(By.Id("pointerArea"));
            ActionBuilder actionBuilder = new ActionBuilder();
            PointerInputDevice pen = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Pen, "default pen");
            PointerInputDevice.PointerEventProperties properties = new PointerInputDevice.PointerEventProperties() {
                TiltX = -72,
                TiltY = 9,
                Twist = 86,
            actionBuilder.AddAction(pen.CreatePointerMove(pointerArea, 0, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(800)));
                2, 2, TimeSpan.Zero, properties));
    pointer_area = driver.find_element(id: 'pointerArea')
    driver.action(devices: :pen)
          .move_by(2, 2, tilt_x: -72, tilt_y: 9, twist: 86)
        val pointerArea = driver.findElement(By.id("pointerArea"))
        val pen = PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.PEN, "default pen")
        val eventProperties = PointerInput.eventProperties()
        val origin = PointerInput.Origin.fromElement(pointerArea)
        val actionListPen = Sequence(pen, 0)
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 0, 0))
                .addAction(pen.createPointerMove(Duration.ZERO, origin, 2, 2, eventProperties))

        (driver as RemoteWebDriver).perform(listOf(actionListPen))

7.4 - Scroll wheel actions

A representation of a scroll wheel input device for interacting with a web page.

Selenium v4.2

Chromium Only

There are 5 scenarios for scrolling on a page.

Scroll to element

This is the most common scenario. Unlike traditional click and send keys methods, the actions class does not automatically scroll the target element into view, so this method will need to be used if elements are not already inside the viewport.

This method takes a web element as the sole argument.

Regardless of whether the element is above or below the current viewscreen, the viewport will be scrolled so the bottom of the element is at the bottom of the screen.

        WebElement iframe = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"));
        new Actions(driver)
    iframe = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "iframe")
            IWebElement iframe = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("iframe"));
            new Actions(driver)
    iframe = driver.find_element(tag_name: 'iframe')
      const iframe = await driver.findElement(By.css("iframe"))

      await driver.actions()
        .scroll(0, 0, 0, 0, iframe)
        val iframe = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"))

Scroll by given amount

This is the second most common scenario for scrolling. Pass in an delta x and a delta y value for how much to scroll in the right and down directions. Negative values represent left and up, respectively.

        WebElement footer = driver.findElement(By.tagName("footer"));
        int deltaY = footer.getRect().y;
        new Actions(driver)
                .scrollByAmount(0, deltaY)
    footer = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "footer")
    delta_y = footer.rect['y']
        .scroll_by_amount(0, delta_y)\
            IWebElement footer = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("footer"));
            int deltaY = footer.Location.Y;
            new Actions(driver)
                .ScrollByAmount(0, deltaY)
    footer = driver.find_element(tag_name: 'footer')
    delta_y = footer.rect.y
          .scroll_by(0, delta_y)
      const footer = await driver.findElement(By.css("footer"))
      const deltaY = (await footer.getRect()).y

      await driver.actions()
        .scroll(0, 0, 0, deltaY)
        val footer = driver.findElement(By.tagName("footer"))
        val deltaY = footer.getRect().y
                .scrollByAmount(0, deltaY)

Scroll from an element by a given amount

This scenario is effectively a combination of the above two methods.

To execute this use the “Scroll From” method, which takes 3 arguments. The first represents the origination point, which we designate as the element, and the second two are the delta x and delta y values.

If the element is out of the viewport, it will be scrolled to the bottom of the screen, then the page will be scrolled by the provided delta x and delta y values.

        WebElement iframe = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"));
        WheelInput.ScrollOrigin scrollOrigin = WheelInput.ScrollOrigin.fromElement(iframe);
        new Actions(driver)
                .scrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin, 0, 200)
    iframe = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "iframe")
    scroll_origin = ScrollOrigin.from_element(iframe)
        .scroll_from_origin(scroll_origin, 0, 200)\
            IWebElement iframe = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("iframe"));
            WheelInputDevice.ScrollOrigin scrollOrigin = new WheelInputDevice.ScrollOrigin
                Element = iframe
            new Actions(driver)
                .ScrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin, 0, 200)
    iframe = driver.find_element(tag_name: 'iframe')
    scroll_origin = Selenium::WebDriver::WheelActions::ScrollOrigin.element(iframe)
          .scroll_from(scroll_origin, 0, 200)
      const iframe = await driver.findElement(By.css("iframe"))

      await driver.actions()
        .scroll(0, 0, 0, 200, iframe)
        val iframe = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"))
        val scrollOrigin = WheelInput.ScrollOrigin.fromElement(iframe)
                .scrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin, 0, 200)

Scroll from an element with an offset

This scenario is used when you need to scroll only a portion of the screen, and it is outside the viewport. Or is inside the viewport and the portion of the screen that must be scrolled is a known offset away from a specific element.

This uses the “Scroll From” method again, and in addition to specifying the element, an offset is specified to indicate the origin point of the scroll. The offset is calculated from the center of the provided element.

If the element is out of the viewport, it first will be scrolled to the bottom of the screen, then the origin of the scroll will be determined by adding the offset to the coordinates of the center of the element, and finally the page will be scrolled by the provided delta x and delta y values.

Note that if the offset from the center of the element falls outside of the viewport, it will result in an exception.

        WebElement footer = driver.findElement(By.tagName("footer"));
        WheelInput.ScrollOrigin scrollOrigin = WheelInput.ScrollOrigin.fromElement(footer, 0, -50);
        new Actions(driver)
                .scrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin,0, 200)
    footer = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "footer")
    scroll_origin = ScrollOrigin.from_element(footer, 0, -50)
        .scroll_from_origin(scroll_origin, 0, 200)\
            IWebElement footer = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("footer"));
            var scrollOrigin = new WheelInputDevice.ScrollOrigin
                Element = footer,
                XOffset = 0,
                YOffset = -50
            new Actions(driver)
                .ScrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin, 0, 200)
    footer = driver.find_element(tag_name: 'footer')
    scroll_origin = Selenium::WebDriver::WheelActions::ScrollOrigin.element(footer, 0, -50)
          .scroll_from(scroll_origin, 0, 200)
      const footer = await driver.findElement(By.css("footer"))

      await driver.actions()
        .scroll(0, -50, 0, 200, footer)
        val footer = driver.findElement(By.tagName("footer"))
        val scrollOrigin = WheelInput.ScrollOrigin.fromElement(footer, 0, -50)
                .scrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin,0, 200)

Scroll from a offset of origin (element) by given amount

The final scenario is used when you need to scroll only a portion of the screen, and it is already inside the viewport.

This uses the “Scroll From” method again, but the viewport is designated instead of an element. An offset is specified from the upper left corner of the current viewport. After the origin point is determined, the page will be scrolled by the provided delta x and delta y values.

Note that if the offset from the upper left corner of the viewport falls outside of the screen, it will result in an exception.

        WheelInput.ScrollOrigin scrollOrigin = WheelInput.ScrollOrigin.fromViewport(10, 10);
        new Actions(driver)
                .scrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin, 0, 200)
    scroll_origin = ScrollOrigin.from_viewport(10, 10)

        .scroll_from_origin(scroll_origin, 0, 200)\
            var scrollOrigin = new WheelInputDevice.ScrollOrigin
                Viewport = true,
                XOffset = 10,
                YOffset = 10
            new Actions(driver)
                .ScrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin, 0, 200)
    scroll_origin = Selenium::WebDriver::WheelActions::ScrollOrigin.viewport(10, 10)
          .scroll_from(scroll_origin, 0, 200)
      await driver.actions()
        .scroll(10, 10, 0, 200)
        val scrollOrigin = WheelInput.ScrollOrigin.fromViewport(10, 10)
                .scrollFromOrigin(scrollOrigin, 0, 200)

8 - BiDirectional Functionality

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!

Selenium is working with browser vendors to create the WebDriver BiDirectional Protocol as a means to provide a stable, cross-browser API that uses the bidirectional functionality useful for both browser automation generally and testing specifically. Before now, users seeking this functionality have had to rely on with all of its frustrations and limitations.

The traditional WebDriver model of strict request/response commands will be supplemented with the ability to stream events from the user agent to the controlling software via WebSockets, better matching the evented nature of the browser DOM.

As it is not a good idea to tie your tests to a specific version of any browser, the Selenium project recommends using WebDriver BiDi wherever possible.

While the specification is in works, the browser vendors are parallely implementing the WebDriver BiDirectional Protocol. Refer web-platform-tests dashboard to see how far along the browser vendors are. Selenium is trying to keep up with the browser vendors and has started implementing W3C BiDi APIs. The goal is to ensure APIs are W3C compliant and uniform among the different language bindings.

However, until the specification and corresponding Selenium implementation is complete there are many useful things that CDP offers. Selenium offers some useful helper classes that use CDP.

8.1 - Chrome DevTools

Many browsers provide “DevTools” – a set of tools that are integrated with the browser that developers can use to debug web apps and explore the performance of their pages. Google Chrome’s DevTools make use of a protocol called the Chrome DevTools Protocol (or “CDP” for short). As the name suggests, this is not designed for testing, nor to have a stable API, so functionality is highly dependent on the version of the browser.

The WebDriver BiDirectional Protocol is the next generation of the W3C WebDriver protocol and aims to provide a stable API implemented by all browsers, but it’s not yet complete. Until it is, Selenium provides access to the CDP for those browsers that implement it (such as Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge, and Firefox), allowing you to enhance your tests in interesting ways. Some examples of what you can do with it are given below.

Ways to Use Chrome DevTools With Selenium

There are three different ways to access Chrome DevTools in Selenium. If you look for other examples online, you will likely see each of these mixed and matched.

  • The CDP Endpoint was the first option available to users. It only works for the most simple things (setting state, getting basic information), and you have to know the “magic strings” for the domain and methods and key value pairs. For basic requirements, this might be simpler than the other options. These methods are only temporarily supported.
  • The CDP API is an improvement on just using the endpoint because you can set do things asynchronously. Instead of a String and a Map, you can access the supported classes, methods and parameters in the code. These methods are also only temporarily supported.
  • The BiDi API option should be used whenever possible because it abstracts away the implementation details entirely and will work with either CDP or WebDriver-BiDi when Selenium moves away from CDP.

Examples With Limited Value

There are a number of commonly cited examples for using CDP that are of limited practical value.

  • Geo Location — almost all sites use the IP address to determine physical location, so setting an emulated geolocation rarely has the desired effect.
  • Overriding Device Metrics — Chrome provides a great API for setting Mobile Emulation in the Options classes, which is generally superior to attempting to do this with CDP.

Check out the examples in these documents for ways to do additional useful things:

8.1.1 - Chrome DevTools Protocol Endpoint

Google provides a /cdp/execute endpoint that can be accessed directly. Each Selenium binding provides a method that allows you to pass the CDP domain as a String, and the required parameters as a simple Map.

These methods will eventually be removed. It is recommended to use the WebDriver-BiDi or WebDriver Bidi APIs methods where possible to ensure future compatibility.


Generally you should prefer the use of the CDP API over this approach, but sometimes the syntax is cleaner or significantly more simple.

Limitations include:

  • It only works for use cases that are limited to setting or getting information; any actual asynchronous interactions require another implementation
  • You have to know the exactly correct “magic strings” for domains and keys
  • It is possible that an update to Chrome will change the required parameters


An alternate implementation can be found at CDP API Set Cookie

    Map<String, Object> cookie = new HashMap<>();
    cookie.put("name", "cheese");
    cookie.put("value", "gouda");
    cookie.put("domain", "www.selenium.dev");
    cookie.put("secure", true);

    ((HasCdp) driver).executeCdpCommand("Network.setCookie", cookie);
    cookie = {'name': 'cheese',
              'value': 'gouda',
              'domain': 'www.selenium.dev',
              'secure': True}

    driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.setCookie', cookie)
            var cookie = new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "name", "cheese" },
                { "value", "gouda" },
                { "domain", "www.selenium.dev" },
                { "secure", true }

            ((ChromeDriver)driver).ExecuteCdpCommand("Network.setCookie", cookie);

The CDP API Set Cookie implementation should be preferred

    cookie = {name: 'cheese',
              value: 'gouda',
              domain: 'www.selenium.dev',
              secure: true}

    driver.execute_cdp('Network.setCookie', **cookie)

Performance Metrics

An alternate implementation can be found at CDP API Performance Metrics

The CDP API Performance Metrics implementation should be preferred

    ((HasCdp) driver).executeCdpCommand("Performance.enable", new HashMap<>());

    Map<String, Object> response =
        ((HasCdp) driver).executeCdpCommand("Performance.getMetrics", new HashMap<>());
    driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Performance.enable', {})

    metric_list = driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Performance.getMetrics', {})["metrics"]
            ((ChromeDriver)driver).ExecuteCdpCommand("Performance.enable", emptyDictionary);

            Dictionary<string, object> response = (Dictionary<string, object>)((ChromeDriver)driver)
                .ExecuteCdpCommand("Performance.getMetrics", emptyDictionary);

The CDP API Performance Metrics implementation should be preferred


    metric_list = driver.execute_cdp('Performance.getMetrics')['metrics']

Basic authentication

Alternate implementations can be found at CDP API Basic Authentication and BiDi API Basic Authentication

The BiDi API Basic Authentication implementation should be preferred

    ((HasCdp) driver).executeCdpCommand("Network.enable", new HashMap<>());

    String encodedAuth = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("admin:admin".getBytes());
    Map<String, Object> headers =
        ImmutableMap.of("headers", ImmutableMap.of("authorization", "Basic " + encodedAuth));

    ((HasCdp) driver).executeCdpCommand("Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders", headers);
    driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Network.enable", {})

    credentials = base64.b64encode("admin:admin".encode()).decode()
    headers = {'headers': {'authorization': 'Basic ' + credentials}}

    driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders', headers)
            ((ChromeDriver)driver).ExecuteCdpCommand("Network.enable", emptyDictionary);
            string encodedAuth = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("admin:admin"));
            var headers = new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "headers", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "authorization", "Basic " + encodedAuth } } }

            ((ChromeDriver)driver).ExecuteCdpCommand("Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders", headers);

The BiDi API Basic Authentication implementation should be preferred


    credentials = Base64.strict_encode64('admin:admin')
    headers = {authorization: "Basic #{credentials}"}

    driver.execute_cdp('Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders', headers: headers)

8.1.2 - Chrome DevTools Protocol API

Each of the Selenium bindings dynamically generates classes and methods for the various CDP domains and features; these are tied to specific versions of Chrome.

While Selenium 4 provides direct access to the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP), these methods will eventually be removed. It is recommended to use the WebDriver Bidi APIs methods where possible to ensure future compatibility.


If your use case has been implemented by WebDriver Bidi or the BiDi API, you should use those implementations instead of this one. Generally you should prefer this approach over executing with the CDP Endpoint, especially in Ruby.


An alternate implementation can be found at CDP Endpoint Set Cookie

Because Java requires using all the parameters example, the Map approach used in CDP Endpoint Set Cookie might be more simple.

    devTools = ((HasDevTools) driver).getDevTools();


Because Python requires using async methods for this example, the synchronous approach found in CDP Endpoint Set Cookie might be easier.

    async with driver.bidi_connection() as connection:
        execution = connection.devtools.network.set_cookie(

        await connection.session.execute(execution)

Due to the added complexity in .NET of obtaining the domains and executing with awaits, the CDP Endpoint Set Cookie might be easier.

            var session = ((IDevTools)driver).GetDevToolsSession();
            var domains = session.GetVersionSpecificDomains<OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V124.DevToolsSessionDomains>();
            await domains.Network.Enable(new OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V124.Network.EnableCommandSettings());

            var cookieCommandSettings = new SetCookieCommandSettings
                Name = "cheese",
                Value = "gouda",
                Domain = "www.selenium.dev",
                Secure = true

            await domains.Network.SetCookie(cookieCommandSettings);
    driver.devtools.network.set_cookie(name: 'cheese',
                                       value: 'gouda',
                                       domain: 'www.selenium.dev',
                                       secure: true)

Performance Metrics

An alternate implementation can be found at CDP Endpoint Performance Metrics

    devTools = ((HasDevTools) driver).getDevTools();

    List<Metric> metricList = devTools.send(Performance.getMetrics());

Because Python requires using async methods for this example, the synchronous approach found in CDP Endpoint Performance Metrics might be easier.

    async with driver.bidi_connection() as connection:
        await connection.session.execute(connection.devtools.performance.enable())

        metric_list = await connection.session.execute(connection.devtools.performance.get_metrics())

Due to the added complexity in .NET of obtaining the domains and executing with awaits, the CDP Endpoint Performance Metrics might be easier.

            var session = ((IDevTools)driver).GetDevToolsSession();
            var domains = session.GetVersionSpecificDomains<OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V124.DevToolsSessionDomains>();
            await domains.Performance.Enable(new OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V124.Performance.EnableCommandSettings());

            var metricsResponse =
                await session.SendCommand<GetMetricsCommandSettings, GetMetricsCommandResponse>(
                    new GetMetricsCommandSettings()

    metric_list = driver.devtools.performance.get_metrics.dig('result', 'metrics')

Basic authentication

Alternate implementations can be found at CDP Endpoint Basic Authentication and BiDi API Basic Authentication

The BiDi API Basic Authentication implementation should be preferred

    devTools = ((HasDevTools) driver).getDevTools();
    devTools.send(Network.enable(Optional.of(100000), Optional.of(100000), Optional.of(100000)));

    String encodedAuth = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("admin:admin".getBytes());
    Map<String, Object> headers = ImmutableMap.of("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedAuth);

    devTools.send(Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders(new Headers(headers)));

Because Python requires using async methods for this example, the synchronous approach found in CDP Endpoint Basic Authentication might be easier.

    async with driver.bidi_connection() as connection:
        await connection.session.execute(connection.devtools.network.enable())

        credentials = base64.b64encode("admin:admin".encode()).decode()
        auth = {'authorization': 'Basic ' + credentials}

        await connection.session.execute(connection.devtools.network.set_extra_http_headers(Headers(auth)))

Due to the added complexity in .NET of obtaining the domains and executing with awaits, the CDP Endpoint Basic Authentication might be easier.

            var session = ((IDevTools)driver).GetDevToolsSession();
            var domains = session.GetVersionSpecificDomains<OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V124.DevToolsSessionDomains>();
            await domains.Network.Enable(new OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.V124.Network.EnableCommandSettings());

            var encodedAuth = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("admin:admin"));
            var headerSettings = new SetExtraHTTPHeadersCommandSettings
                Headers = new Headers()
                    { "authorization", "Basic " + encodedAuth }

            await domains.Network.SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headerSettings);

The BiDi API Basic Authentication implementation should be preferred


    credentials = Base64.strict_encode64('admin:admin')

    driver.devtools.network.set_extra_http_headers(headers: {authorization: "Basic #{credentials}"})

Console logs

Because reading console logs requires setting an event listener, this cannot be done with a CDP Endpoint implementation Alternate implementations can be found at BiDi API Console logs and errors and WebDriver BiDi Console logs

Use the WebDriver BiDi Console logs implementation

    DevTools devTools = ((HasDevTools) driver).getDevTools();

    CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> logs = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
        event -> logs.add((String) event.getArgs().get(0).getValue().orElse("")));

The BiDi API Console logs and errors implementation should be preferred


    logs = []
    driver.devtools.runtime.on(:console_api_called) do |params|
      logs << params['args'].first['value']

JavaScript exceptions

Similar to console logs, but this listens for actual javascript exceptions not just logged errors Alternate implementations can be found at BiDi API JavaScript exceptions and WebDriver BiDi JavaScript exceptions

Use the WebDriver BiDi JavaScript exceptions implementation

    DevTools devTools = ((HasDevTools) driver).getDevTools();

    CopyOnWriteArrayList<JavascriptException> errors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

Download complete

Wait for a download to finish before continuing. Because getting download status requires setting a listener, this cannot be done with a CDP Endpoint implementation.

    devTools = ((HasDevTools) driver).getDevTools();

    AtomicBoolean completed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        e -> completed.set(Objects.equals(e.getState().toString(), "completed")));
    driver.devtools.browser.set_download_behavior(behavior: 'allow',
                                                  download_path: '',
                                                  events_enabled: true)

    driver.devtools.browser.on(:download_progress) do |progress|
      @completed = progress['state'] == 'completed'

8.1.3 - Chrome Devtools Protocol with BiDi API

These examples are currently implemented with CDP, but the same code should work when the functionality is re-implemented with WebDriver-BiDi.


The following list of APIs will be growing as the Selenium project works through supporting real world use cases. If there is additional functionality you’d like to see, please raise a feature request.

As these examples are re-implemented with the WebDriver-Bidi protocol, they will be moved to the WebDriver Bidi pages.


Basic authentication

Some applications make use of browser authentication to secure pages. It used to be common to handle them in the URL, but browser stopped supporting this. With BiDi, you can now provide the credentials when necessary

Alternate implementations can be found at CDP Endpoint Basic Authentication and CDP API Basic Authentication

    Predicate<URI> uriPredicate = uri -> uri.toString().contains("herokuapp.com");
    Supplier<Credentials> authentication = UsernameAndPassword.of("admin", "admin");

    ((HasAuthentication) driver).register(uriPredicate, authentication);

An alternate implementation may be found at CDP Endpoint Basic Authentication

Implementation Missing

            var handler = new NetworkAuthenticationHandler()
                UriMatcher = uri => uri.AbsoluteUri.Contains("herokuapp"),
                Credentials = new PasswordCredentials("admin", "admin")

            var networkInterceptor = driver.Manage().Network;

            await networkInterceptor.StartMonitoring();
    driver.register(username: 'admin',
                    password: 'admin',
                    uri: /herokuapp/)

Move Code

const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');

(async function example() {
  try {
    let driver = await new Builder()

    const pageCdpConnection = await driver.createCDPConnection('page');
    await driver.register('username', 'password', pageCdpConnection);
    await driver.get('https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/basic_auth');
    await driver.quit();
  }catch (e){

Move Code

val uriPredicate = Predicate { uri: URI ->
(driver as HasAuthentication).register(uriPredicate, UsernameAndPassword.of("admin", "password"))

Pin scripts

This can be especially useful when executing on a remote server. For example, whenever you check the visibility of an element, or whenever you use the classic get attribute method, Selenium is sending the contents of a js file to the script execution endpoint. These files are each about 50kB, which adds up.

            var key = await new JavaScriptEngine(driver).PinScript("return arguments;");

            var arguments = ((WebDriver)driver).ExecuteScript(key, 1, true, element);
    key = driver.pin_script('return arguments;')
    arguments = driver.execute_script(key, 1, true, element)

Mutation observation

Mutation Observation is the ability to capture events via WebDriver BiDi when there are DOM mutations on a specific element in the DOM.

    CopyOnWriteArrayList<WebElement> mutations = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
    ((HasLogEvents) driver).onLogEvent(domMutation(e -> mutations.add(e.getElement())));
    async with driver.bidi_connection() as session:
        log = Log(driver, session)
            var mutations = new List<IWebElement>();
            using IJavaScriptEngine monitor = new JavaScriptEngine(driver);
            monitor.DomMutated += (_, e) =>
                var locator = By.CssSelector($"*[data-__webdriver_id='{e.AttributeData.TargetId}']");

            await monitor.StartEventMonitoring();
            await monitor.EnableDomMutationMonitoring();
    mutations = []
    driver.on_log_event(:mutation) { |mutation| mutations << mutation.element }

Move Code

const {Builder, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');
const assert = require("assert");

(async function example() {
  try {
    let driver = await new Builder()

    const cdpConnection = await driver.createCDPConnection('page');
    await driver.logMutationEvents(cdpConnection, event => {
      assert.deepStrictEqual(event['attribute_name'], 'style');
      assert.deepStrictEqual(event['current_value'], "");
      assert.deepStrictEqual(event['old_value'], "display:none;");

    await driver.get('dynamic.html');
    await driver.findElement({id: 'reveal'}).click();
    let revealed = driver.findElement({id: 'revealed'});
    await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(revealed), 5000);
    await driver.quit();
  }catch (e){

Console logs and errors

Listen to the console.log events and register callbacks to process the event.

CDP API Console logs and WebDriver BiDi Console logs

Use the WebDriver BiDi Console logs implementation. HasLogEvents will likely end up deprecated because it does not implement Closeable.

    CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> messages = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
    ((HasLogEvents) driver).onLogEvent(consoleEvent(e -> messages.add(e.getMessages().get(0))));
    async with driver.bidi_connection() as session:
        log = Log(driver, session)

        async with log.add_listener(Console.ALL) as messages:
            using IJavaScriptEngine monitor = new JavaScriptEngine(driver);
            var messages = new List<string>();
            monitor.JavaScriptConsoleApiCalled += (_, e) =>

            await monitor.StartEventMonitoring();
    logs = []
    driver.on_log_event(:console) { |log| logs << log.args.first }

Move Code

const {Builder} = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async () => {
  try {
    let driver = new Builder()

    const cdpConnection = await driver.createCDPConnection('page');
    await driver.onLogEvent(cdpConnection, function (event) {
    await driver.executeScript('console.log("here")');
    await driver.quit();
  }catch (e){

Move Code

fun kotlinConsoleLogExample() {
    val driver = ChromeDriver()
    val devTools = driver.devTools

    val logConsole = { c: ConsoleEvent -> print("Console log message is: " + c.messages)}


    val executor = driver as JavascriptExecutor
    executor.executeScript("console.log('Hello World')")

    val input = driver.findElement(By.name("q"))
    input.sendKeys("Selenium 4")

JavaScript exceptions

Listen to the JS Exceptions and register callbacks to process the exception details.

    async with driver.bidi_connection() as session:
        log = Log(driver, session)

        async with log.add_js_error_listener() as messages:
            using IJavaScriptEngine monitor = new JavaScriptEngine(driver);
            var messages = new List<string>();
            monitor.JavaScriptExceptionThrown += (_, e) =>

            await monitor.StartEventMonitoring();
    exceptions = []
    driver.on_log_event(:exception) { |exception| exceptions << exception }

Network Interception

Both requests and responses can be recorded or transformed.

Response information

    CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> contentType = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

    try (NetworkInterceptor ignored =
        new NetworkInterceptor(
                next ->
                    req -> {
                      HttpResponse res = next.execute(req);
                      return res;
                    })) {
            var contentType = new List<string>();

            INetwork networkInterceptor = driver.Manage().Network;
            networkInterceptor.NetworkResponseReceived += (_, e)  =>

            await networkInterceptor.StartMonitoring();
    content_type = []
    driver.intercept do |request, &continue|
      continue.call(request) do |response|
        content_type << response.headers['content-type']

Response transformation

    try (NetworkInterceptor ignored =
        new NetworkInterceptor(
            Route.matching(req -> true)
                    () ->
                        req ->
                            new HttpResponse()
                                .addHeader("Content-Type", MediaType.HTML_UTF_8.toString())
                                .setContent(Contents.utf8String("Creamy, delicious cheese!"))))) {
            var handler = new NetworkResponseHandler()
                ResponseMatcher = _ => true,
                ResponseTransformer = _ => new HttpResponseData
                    StatusCode = 200,
                    Body = "Creamy, delicious cheese!"

            INetwork networkInterceptor = driver.Manage().Network;

            await networkInterceptor.StartMonitoring();
    driver.intercept do |request, &continue|
      continue.call(request) do |response|
        response.body = 'Creamy, delicious cheese!' if request.url.include?('blank')

Move Code

const connection = await driver.createCDPConnection('page')
let url = fileServer.whereIs("/cheese")
let httpResponse = new HttpResponse(url)
httpResponse.addHeaders("Content-Type", "UTF-8")
httpResponse.body = "sausages"
await driver.onIntercept(connection, httpResponse, async function () {
  let body = await driver.getPageSource()
  assert.strictEqual(body.includes("sausages"), true, `Body contains: ${body}`)

Move Code

val driver = ChromeDriver()
val interceptor = new NetworkInterceptor(
      Route.matching(req -> true)
        .to(() -> req -> new HttpResponse()
          .addHeader("Content-Type", MediaType.HTML_UTF_8.toString())
          .setContent(utf8String("Creamy, delicious cheese!"))))


    String source = driver.getPageSource()

Request interception

            var handler = new NetworkRequestHandler
                RequestMatcher = request => request.Url.Contains("one.js"),
                RequestTransformer = request =>
                    request.Url = request.Url.Replace("one", "two");

                    return request;

            INetwork networkInterceptor = driver.Manage().Network;

            await networkInterceptor.StartMonitoring();
    driver.intercept do |request, &continue|
      uri = URI(request.url)
      request.url = uri.to_s.gsub('one', 'two') if uri.path&.end_with?('one.js')

8.2 - BiDirectional API (W3C compliant)

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!

The following list of APIs will be growing as the WebDriver BiDirectional Protocol grows and browser vendors implement the same. Additionally, Selenium will try to support real-world use cases that internally use a combination of W3C BiDi protocol APIs.

If there is additional functionality you’d like to see, please raise a feature request.

8.2.1 - Browsing Context

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!


This section contains the APIs related to browsing context commands.

Open a new window

Creates a new browsing context in a new window.

Selenium v4.8

    void testCreateAWindow() {
        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.WINDOW);

Selenium v4.8

            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                type: 'window',

Open a new tab

Creates a new browsing context in a new tab.

Selenium v4.8

    void testCreateATab() {
        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.TAB);

Selenium v4.8

            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                type: 'tab',

Use existing window handle

Creates a browsing context for the existing tab/window to run commands.

Selenium v4.8

    void testCreateABrowsingContextForGivenId() {
        String id = driver.getWindowHandle();
        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, id);
        Assertions.assertEquals(id, browsingContext.getId());

Selenium v4.8

            const id = await driver.getWindowHandle()
            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: id,

Open a window with a reference browsing context

A reference browsing context is a top-level browsing context. The API allows to pass the reference browsing context, which is used to create a new window. The implementation is operating system specific.

Selenium v4.8

    void testCreateAWindowWithAReferenceContext() {
                browsingContext =
                new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.WINDOW, driver.getWindowHandle());

Selenium v4.8

            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                type: 'window',
                referenceContext: await driver.getWindowHandle(),

Open a tab with a reference browsing context

A reference browsing context is a top-level browsing context. The API allows to pass the reference browsing context, which is used to create a new tab. The implementation is operating system specific.

Selenium v4.8

    void testCreateATabWithAReferenceContext() {
                browsingContext =
                new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.TAB, driver.getWindowHandle());

Selenium v4.8

            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                type: 'tab',
                referenceContext: await driver.getWindowHandle(),

Selenium v4.8

    void testNavigateToAUrl() {
        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.TAB);

        NavigationResult info = browsingContext.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html");


Selenium v4.8

            let info = await browsingContext.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html')

Selenium v4.8

    void testNavigateToAUrlWithReadinessState() {
        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.TAB);

        NavigationResult info = browsingContext.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html",


Selenium v4.8

            const info = await browsingContext.navigate(

Get browsing context tree

Provides a tree of all browsing contexts descending from the parent browsing context, including the parent browsing context.

Selenium v4.8

    void testGetTreeWithAChild() {
        String referenceContextId = driver.getWindowHandle();
        BrowsingContext parentWindow = new BrowsingContext(driver, referenceContextId);

        parentWindow.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/iframes.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

        List<BrowsingContextInfo> contextInfoList = parentWindow.getTree();

        Assertions.assertEquals(1, contextInfoList.size());
        BrowsingContextInfo info = contextInfoList.get(0);
        Assertions.assertEquals(1, info.getChildren().size());
        Assertions.assertEquals(referenceContextId, info.getId());

Selenium v4.8

            const browsingContextId = await driver.getWindowHandle()
            const parentWindow = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: browsingContextId,
            await parentWindow.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/iframes.html', 'complete')

            const contextInfo = await parentWindow.getTree()

Get browsing context tree with depth

Provides a tree of all browsing contexts descending from the parent browsing context, including the parent browsing context upto the depth value passed.

Selenium v4.8

    void testGetTreeWithDepth() {
        String referenceContextId = driver.getWindowHandle();
        BrowsingContext parentWindow = new BrowsingContext(driver, referenceContextId);

        parentWindow.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/iframes.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

        List<BrowsingContextInfo> contextInfoList = parentWindow.getTree(0);

        Assertions.assertEquals(1, contextInfoList.size());
        BrowsingContextInfo info = contextInfoList.get(0);
        Assertions.assertNull(info.getChildren()); // since depth is 0
        Assertions.assertEquals(referenceContextId, info.getId());

Selenium v4.8

            const browsingContextId = await driver.getWindowHandle()
            const parentWindow = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: browsingContextId,
            await parentWindow.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/iframes.html', 'complete')

            const contextInfo = await parentWindow.getTree(0)

Get All Top level browsing contexts

Selenium v4.8

    void testGetAllTopLevelContexts() {
        BrowsingContext window1 = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
        BrowsingContext window2 = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.WINDOW);

        List<BrowsingContextInfo> contextInfoList = window1.getTopLevelContexts();

        Assertions.assertEquals(2, contextInfoList.size());

Selenium v4.20.0

            const id = await driver.getWindowHandle()
            const window1 = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: id,
            await BrowsingContext(driver, { type: 'window' })
            const res = await window1.getTopLevelContexts()

Close a tab/window

Selenium v4.8

    void testCloseAWindow() {
        BrowsingContext window1 = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.WINDOW);
        BrowsingContext window2 = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.WINDOW);


        Assertions.assertThrows(BiDiException.class, window2::getTree);

    void testCloseATab() {
        BrowsingContext tab1 = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.TAB);
        BrowsingContext tab2 = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.TAB);


        Assertions.assertThrows(BiDiException.class, tab2::getTree);

Selenium v4.8

            const window1 = await BrowsingContext(driver, {type: 'window'})
            const window2 = await BrowsingContext(driver, {type: 'window'})

            await window2.close()

Activate a browsing context

Selenium v4.14.1

        BrowsingContext window1 = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
        BrowsingContext window2 = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.WINDOW);


Selenium v4.15

            const window1 = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: id,

            await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                type: 'window',

            const result = await driver.executeScript('return document.hasFocus();')

            assert.equal(result, false)

            await window1.activate()

Reload a browsing context

Selenium v4.13.0

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, WindowType.TAB);

        browsingContext.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

        NavigationResult reloadInfo = browsingContext.reload(ReadinessState.INTERACTIVE);

Selenium v4.15

            await browsingContext.reload(undefined, 'complete')

Handle user prompt

Selenium v4.13.0

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());



        String userText = "Selenium automates browsers";
        browsingContext.handleUserPrompt(true, userText);

Selenium v4.15

            await browsingContext.handleUserPrompt(true, userText)

Capture Screenshot

Selenium v4.13.0

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());


        String screenshot = browsingContext.captureScreenshot();

Selenium v4.15

            const response = await browsingContext.captureScreenshot()

Capture Viewport Screenshot

Selenium v4.14.0

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());


        WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("box"));
        Rectangle elementRectangle = element.getRect();

        String screenshot =
                        elementRectangle.getX(), elementRectangle.getY(), 5, 5);

Selenium v4.15

            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: id,

            const response = await browsingContext.captureBoxScreenshot(5, 5, 10, 10)

Capture Element Screenshot

Selenium v4.14.0

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());

        WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("checky"));

        String screenshot = browsingContext.captureElementScreenshot(((RemoteWebElement) element).getId());

Selenium v4.15

            const response = await browsingContext.captureElementScreenshot(elementId)

Set Viewport

Selenium v4.14.1

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());

        browsingContext.setViewport(250, 300, 5);

Selenium v4.15

            await browsingContext.setViewport(250, 300)

Selenium v4.14.1

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());

        PrintOptions printOptions = new PrintOptions();

        String printPage = browsingContext.print(printOptions);

Selenium v4.10

            const result = await browsingContext.printPage({
                orientation: 'landscape',
                scale: 1,
                background: true,
                width: 30,
                height: 30,
                top: 1,
                bottom: 1,
                left: 1,
                right: 1,
                shrinkToFit: true,
                pageRanges: ['1-2'],

Selenium v4.16.0

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
        browsingContext.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/formPage.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

        wait.until(titleIs("We Arrive Here"));


Selenium v4.17

            await browsingContext.back()

Selenium v4.16.0

    void canNavigateForwardInTheBrowserHistory() {
        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
        browsingContext.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/formPage.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

        wait.until(titleIs("We Arrive Here"));

        Assertions.assertTrue(driver.getPageSource().contains("We Leave From Here"));


Selenium v4.17

            await browsingContext.forward()

Traverse history

Selenium v4.16.0

        BrowsingContext browsingContext = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
        browsingContext.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/formPage.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

        wait.until(titleIs("We Arrive Here"));


Selenium v4.17

            await browsingContext.traverseHistory(-1)


This section contains the APIs related to browsing context events.

Browsing Context Created Event

Selenium v4.10

    try (BrowsingContextInspector inspector = new BrowsingContextInspector(driver)) {
        CompletableFuture<BrowsingContextInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();


        String windowHandle = driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.WINDOW).getWindowHandle();

        BrowsingContextInfo browsingContextInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Selenium v4.9.2

            const browsingContextInspector = await BrowsingContextInspector(driver)
            await browsingContextInspector.onBrowsingContextCreated((entry) => {
                contextInfo = entry

            await driver.switchTo().newWindow('window')

Dom Content loaded Event

Selenium v4.10

            String windowHandle = driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.TAB).getWindowHandle();

            BrowsingContextInfo browsingContextInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            Assertions.assertEquals(windowHandle, browsingContextInfo.getId());

    void canListenToDomContentLoadedEvent()

Selenium v4.9.2

            const browsingContextInspector = await BrowsingContextInspector(driver)
            let navigationInfo = null
            await browsingContextInspector.onDomContentLoaded((entry) => {
                navigationInfo = entry

            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: await driver.getWindowHandle(),
            await browsingContext.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html', 'complete')

Browsing Context Loaded Event

Selenium v4.10

        try (BrowsingContextInspector inspector = new BrowsingContextInspector(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<NavigationInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BrowsingContext context = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
            context.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

            NavigationInfo navigationInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Selenium v4.9.2

            const browsingContextInspector = await BrowsingContextInspector(driver)

            await browsingContextInspector.onBrowsingContextLoaded((entry) => {
                navigationInfo = entry
            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: await driver.getWindowHandle(),
            await browsingContext.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html', 'complete')

Selenium v4.15

        try (BrowsingContextInspector inspector = new BrowsingContextInspector(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<NavigationInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BrowsingContext context = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
            context.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

            NavigationInfo navigationInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Fragment Navigated Event

Selenium v4.15

        try (BrowsingContextInspector inspector = new BrowsingContextInspector(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<NavigationInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BrowsingContext context = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
            context.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);


            context.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html#linkToAnchorOnThisPage", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

            NavigationInfo navigationInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Selenium v4.15.0

            const browsingContextInspector = await BrowsingContextInspector(driver)

            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: await driver.getWindowHandle(),
            await browsingContext.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html', 'complete')

            await browsingContextInspector.onFragmentNavigated((entry) => {
                navigationInfo = entry

            await browsingContext.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html#linkToAnchorOnThisPage', 'complete')

User Prompt Opened Event

Selenium v4.15

        try (BrowsingContextInspector inspector = new BrowsingContextInspector(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<NavigationInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BrowsingContext context = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());
            context.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);


            context.navigate("https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/linked_image.html#linkToAnchorOnThisPage", ReadinessState.COMPLETE);

            NavigationInfo navigationInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

User Prompt Closed Event

Selenium v4.15

        try (BrowsingContextInspector inspector = new BrowsingContextInspector(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<UserPromptClosed> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BrowsingContext context = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());



            context.handleUserPrompt(true, "selenium");

            UserPromptClosed userPromptClosed = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            Assertions.assertEquals(context.getId(), userPromptClosed.getBrowsingContextId());

Browsing Context Destroyed Event

Selenium v4.18

        try (BrowsingContextInspector inspector = new BrowsingContextInspector(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<BrowsingContextInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();


            String windowHandle = driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.WINDOW).getWindowHandle();


            BrowsingContextInfo browsingContextInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            Assertions.assertEquals(windowHandle, browsingContextInfo.getId());

Selenium v4.18.0

            const browsingContextInspector = await BrowsingContextInspector(driver)
            await browsingContextInspector.onBrowsingContextDestroyed((entry) => {
                contextInfo = entry

            await driver.switchTo().newWindow('window')

            const windowHandle = await driver.getWindowHandle()
            await driver.close()

8.2.2 - Browsing Context

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!

This section contains the APIs related to input commands.

Perform Actions

Selenium v4.17

        Actions selectThreeOptions =

        input.perform(windowHandle, selectThreeOptions.getSequences());

Selenium v4.17

            const actions = driver.actions().click(options[1]).keyDown(Key.SHIFT).click(options[3]).keyUp(Key.SHIFT).getSequences()

            await input.perform(browsingContextId, actions)

Release Actions

Selenium v4.17

        Actions sendLowercase =
                new Actions(driver).keyDown(inputTextBox, "a").keyDown(inputTextBox, "b");

        input.perform(windowHandle, sendLowercase.getSequences());
        ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("resetEvents()");


Selenium v4.17

            await input.release(browsingContextId)

8.2.3 - Network

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!


This section contains the APIs related to network commands.

Add network intercept

Selenium v4.18

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            String intercept =
                    network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.BEFORE_REQUEST_SENT));

Selenium v4.18

            const intercept = await network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.BEFORE_REQUEST_SENT))

Remove network intercept

Selenium v4.18

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            String intercept =
                    network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.BEFORE_REQUEST_SENT));

Selenium v4.18

            const network = await Network(driver)
            const intercept = await network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.BEFORE_REQUEST_SENT))

Continue request blocked at authRequired phase with credentials

Selenium v4.18

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.AUTH_REQUIRED));
                    responseDetails ->
                                    new UsernameAndPassword("admin", "admin")));

Selenium v4.18

            await network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.AUTH_REQUIRED))

            await network.authRequired(async (event) => {
                await network.continueWithAuth(event.request.request, 'admin','admin')

Continue request blocked at authRequired phase without credentials

Selenium v4.18

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.AUTH_REQUIRED));
                    responseDetails ->
                            // Does not handle the alert

Selenium v4.18

            await network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.AUTH_REQUIRED))

            await network.authRequired(async (event) => {
                await network.continueWithAuthNoCredentials(event.request.request)

Cancel request blocked at authRequired phase

Selenium v4.18

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.AUTH_REQUIRED));
                    responseDetails ->
                            // Does not handle the alert

Selenium v4.18

            await network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.AUTH_REQUIRED))

            await network.authRequired(async (event) => {
                await network.cancelAuth(event.request.request)

Fail request

Selenium v4.18

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            network.addIntercept(new AddInterceptParameters(InterceptPhase.BEFORE_REQUEST_SENT));
                    responseDetails -> network.failRequest(responseDetails.getRequest().getRequestId()));
            driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(Duration.of(5, ChronoUnit.SECONDS));


This section contains the APIs related to network events.

Before Request Sent

Selenium v4.15

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<BeforeRequestSent> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BeforeRequestSent requestSent = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Selenium v4.18

            let beforeRequestEvent = null
            const network = await Network(driver)
            await network.beforeRequestSent(function (event) {
                beforeRequestEvent = event

            await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/blank.html')

Response Started

Selenium v4.15

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<ResponseDetails> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            ResponseDetails response = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            String windowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();

Selenium v4.18

            let onResponseStarted = []
            const network = await Network(driver)
            await network.responseStarted(function (event) {

            await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html')

Response Completed

Selenium v4.15

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<ResponseDetails> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            ResponseDetails response = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            String windowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();

Selenium v4.18

            let onResponseCompleted = []
            const network = await Network(driver)
            await network.responseCompleted(function (event) {

            await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html')

Auth Required

Selenium v4.17

        try (Network network = new Network(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<ResponseDetails> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            ResponseDetails response = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

8.2.4 - Script

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!


This section contains the APIs related to script commands.

Call function in a browsing context

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(id, driver)) {
            List<LocalValue> arguments = new ArrayList<>();

            Map<Object, LocalValue> value = new HashMap<>();
            value.put("some_property", LocalValue.numberValue(42));
            LocalValue thisParameter = LocalValue.objectValue(value);


            EvaluateResult result =
                            "function processWithPromise(argument) {\n"
                                    + "  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n"
                                    + "    setTimeout(() => {\n"
                                    + "      resolve(argument + this.some_property);\n"
                                    + "    }, 1000)\n"
                                    + "  })\n"
                                    + "}",

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(id, driver)

            let argumentValues = []
            let value = new ArgumentValue(LocalValue.createNumberValue(22))

            let mapValue = {some_property: LocalValue.createNumberValue(42)}
            let thisParameter = new ArgumentValue(LocalValue.createObjectValue(mapValue)).asMap()

            const result = await manager.callFunctionInBrowsingContext(
                'function processWithPromise(argument) {' +
                'return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {' +
                'setTimeout(() => {' +
                'resolve(argument + this.some_property);' +
                '}, 1000)' +
                '})' +

Call function in a sandbox

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(id, driver)) {
            EvaluateResult result =
                            "() => window.foo",

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(id, driver)

            await manager.callFunctionInBrowsingContext(id, '() => { window.foo = 2; }', true, null, null, null, 'sandbox')

Call function in a realm

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(tab, driver)) {
            List<RealmInfo> realms = script.getAllRealms();
            String realmId = realms.get(0).getRealmId();

            EvaluateResult result = script.callFunctionInRealm(
                    "() => { window.foo = 3; }",

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(firstTab, driver)

            const realms = await manager.getAllRealms()
            const realmId = realms[0].realmId

            await manager.callFunctionInRealm(realmId, '() => { window.foo = 3; }', true)

Evaluate script in a browsing context

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(id, driver)) {
            EvaluateResult result =
                    script.evaluateFunctionInBrowsingContext(id, "1 + 2", true, Optional.empty());

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(id, driver)

            const result = await manager.evaluateFunctionInBrowsingContext(id, '1 + 2', true)

Evaluate script in a sandbox

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(id, driver)) {
            EvaluateResult result =
                            id, "sandbox", "window.foo", true, Optional.empty());

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(id, driver)

            await manager.evaluateFunctionInBrowsingContext(id, 'window.foo = 2', true, null, 'sandbox')

            const resultInSandbox = await manager.evaluateFunctionInBrowsingContext(id, 'window.foo', true, null, 'sandbox')

Evaluate script in a realm

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(tab, driver)) {
            List<RealmInfo> realms = script.getAllRealms();
            String realmId = realms.get(0).getRealmId();

            EvaluateResult result =
                            realmId, "window.foo", true, Optional.empty());

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(firstTab, driver)

            const realms = await manager.getAllRealms()
            const realmId = realms[0].realmId

            await manager.evaluateFunctionInRealm(realmId, 'window.foo = 3', true)

            const result = await manager.evaluateFunctionInRealm(realmId, 'window.foo', true)

Disown handles in a browsing context

Selenium v4.15


Selenium v4.9

            await manager.disownBrowsingContextScript(id, boxId)

Disown handles in a realm

Selenium v4.15

            script.disownRealmScript(realmId, List.of(boxId));

Selenium v4.9

            await manager.disownRealmScript(realmId, boxId)

Get all realms

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(firstWindow, driver)) {
            List<RealmInfo> realms = script.getAllRealms();

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(firstWindow, driver)

            const realms = await manager.getAllRealms()

Get realm by type

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(firstWindow, driver)) {
            List<RealmInfo> realms = script.getRealmsByType(RealmType.WINDOW);

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(firstWindow, driver)

            const realms = await manager.getRealmsByType(RealmType.WINDOW)

Get browsing context realms

Selenium v4.15

        try (Script script = new Script(windowId, driver)) {
            List<RealmInfo> realms = script.getRealmsInBrowsingContext(tabId);

Selenium v4.9

            const manager = await ScriptManager(windowId, driver)

            const realms = await manager.getRealmsInBrowsingContext(tabId)

Get browsing context realms by type

Selenium v4.15

            List<RealmInfo> windowRealms =
                    script.getRealmsInBrowsingContextByType(windowId, RealmType.WINDOW);

Selenium v4.9

            const realms = await manager.getRealmsInBrowsingContextByType(windowId, RealmType.WINDOW)

Preload a script

Selenium v4.15

            String id = script.addPreloadScript("() => { window.bar=2; }", "sandbox");

Selenium v4.10

            const manager = await ScriptManager(id, driver)

            const scriptId = await manager.addPreloadScript('() => {{ console.log(\'{preload_script_console_text}\') }}')

Remove a preloaded script

Selenium v4.15


Selenium v4.10

            await manager.removePreloadScript(scriptId)


This section contains the APIs related to script events.


Selenium v4.16

        try (Script script = new Script(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<Message> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

                    "(channel) => channel('foo')",

            Message message = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            Assertions.assertEquals("channel_name", message.getChannel());

Selenium v4.18

            const manager = await ScriptManager(undefined, driver)

            let message = null

            await manager.onMessage((m) => {
                message = m

            let argumentValues = []
            let value = new ArgumentValue(LocalValue.createChannelValue(new ChannelValue('channel_name')))

            const result = await manager.callFunctionInBrowsingContext(
                await driver.getWindowHandle(),
                '(channel) => channel("foo")',

Realm Created

Selenium v4.16

        try (Script script = new Script(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<RealmInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BrowsingContext context = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());

            RealmInfo realmInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            Assertions.assertEquals(RealmType.WINDOW, realmInfo.getRealmType());

Selenium v4.18

            const manager = await ScriptManager(undefined, driver)

            let realmInfo = null

            await manager.onRealmCreated((result) => {
                realmInfo = result

            const id = await driver.getWindowHandle()
            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: id,

            await browsingContext.navigate('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/blank', 'complete')

Realm Destroyed

Selenium v4.16

        try (Script script = new Script(driver)) {
            CompletableFuture<RealmInfo> future = new CompletableFuture<>();

            BrowsingContext context = new BrowsingContext(driver, driver.getWindowHandle());

            RealmInfo realmInfo = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            Assertions.assertEquals(RealmType.WINDOW, realmInfo.getRealmType());

Selenium v4.19

            const manager = await ScriptManager(undefined, driver)

            let realmInfo = null

            await manager.onRealmDestroyed((result) => {
                realmInfo = result

            const id = await driver.getWindowHandle()
            const browsingContext = await BrowsingContext(driver, {
                browsingContextId: id,

            await browsingContext.close()

8.2.5 - BiDirectional API (W3C compliant)

Page being translated from English to Japanese. Do you speak Japanese? Help us to translate it by sending us pull requests!

This section contains the APIs related to logging.

Console logs

Listen to the console.log events and register callbacks to process the event.

Selenium v4.8

    public void jsErrors() {
        CopyOnWriteArrayList<ConsoleLogEntry> logs = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

        try (LogInspector logInspector = new LogInspector(driver)) {

            const inspector = await LogInspector(driver)
            await inspector.onConsoleEntry(function (log) {
                logEntry = log

            await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html')
            await driver.findElement({id: 'consoleLog'}).click()

            assert.equal(logEntry.text, 'Hello, world!')
            assert.equal(logEntry.realm, null)
            assert.equal(logEntry.type, 'console')
            assert.equal(logEntry.level, 'info')
            assert.equal(logEntry.method, 'log')
            assert.equal(logEntry.stackTrace, null)
            assert.equal(logEntry.args.length, 1)

JavaScript exceptions

Listen to the JS Exceptions and register callbacks to process the exception details.



            JavascriptLogEntry logEntry = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            Assertions.assertEquals("Error: Not working", logEntry.getText());
            const inspector = await LogInspector(driver)
            await inspector.onJavascriptException(function (log) {
                logEntry = log

            await driver.get('https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/web/bidi/logEntryAdded.html')
            await driver.findElement({id: 'jsException'}).click()

            assert.equal(logEntry.text, 'Error: Not working')
            assert.equal(logEntry.type, 'javascript')
            assert.equal(logEntry.level, 'error')

Listen to JS Logs

Listen to all JS logs at all levels and register callbacks to process the log.

Selenium v4.8


            ConsoleLogEntry logEntry = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

            Assertions.assertEquals("Hello, world!", logEntry.getText());
            Assertions.assertEquals(1, logEntry.getArgs().size());
            Assertions.assertEquals("console", logEntry.getType());

9 - Support features

Support classes provide optional higher level features.

The core libraries of Selenium try to be low level and non-opinionated. The Support classes in each language provide opinionated wrappers for common interactions that may be used to simplify some behaviors.

9.1 - Waiting with Expected Conditions

These are classes used to describe what needs to be waited for.

Expected Conditions are used with Explicit Waits. Instead of defining the block of code to be executed with a lambda, an expected conditions method can be created to represent common things that get waited on. Some methods take locators as arguments, others take elements as arguments.

These methods can include conditions such as:

  • element exists
  • element is stale
  • element is visible
  • text is visible
  • title contains specified value
[Expected Conditions Documentation](https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/docs/api/py/webdriver_support/selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions.html)

Add Example

.NET stopped supporting Expected Conditions in Selenium 4 to minimize maintenance hassle and redundancy.
Ruby makes frequent use of blocks, procs and lambdas and does not need Expected Conditions classes

9.2 - Command Listeners

These allow you to execute custom actions in every time specific Selenium commands are sent

9.3 - 色を扱う

テストの一部として何かの色を検証したい場合があります。 問題は、ウェブ上の色の定義が一定ではないことです。 色のHEX表現を色のRGB表現と比較する簡単な方法、または色のRGBA表現を色のHSLA表現と比較する簡単な方法があったらいいのではないでしょうか?

心配しないでください。解決策があります。: Color クラスです!


import org.openqa.selenium.support.Color;
from selenium.webdriver.support.color import Color
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
include Selenium::WebDriver::Support
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
import org.openqa.selenium.support.Color

これで、カラーオブジェクトの作成を開始できます。 すべての色オブジェクトは、色の文字列表現から作成する必要があります。 サポートされている色表現は、以下のとおりです。

private final Color HEX_COLOUR = Color.fromString("#2F7ED8");
private final Color RGB_COLOUR = Color.fromString("rgb(255, 255, 255)");
private final Color RGB_COLOUR = Color.fromString("rgb(40%, 20%, 40%)");
private final Color RGBA_COLOUR = Color.fromString("rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)");
private final Color RGBA_COLOUR = Color.fromString("rgba(40%, 20%, 40%, 0.5)");
private final Color HSL_COLOUR = Color.fromString("hsl(100, 0%, 50%)");
private final Color HSLA_COLOUR = Color.fromString("hsla(100, 0%, 50%, 0.5)");
HEX_COLOUR = Color.from_string('#2F7ED8')
RGB_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgb(255, 255, 255)')
RGB_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgb(40%, 20%, 40%)')
RGBA_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)')
RGBA_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgba(40%, 20%, 40%, 0.5)')
HSL_COLOUR = Color.from_string('hsl(100, 0%, 50%)')
HSLA_COLOUR = Color.from_string('hsla(100, 0%, 50%, 0.5)')
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
HEX_COLOUR = Color.from_string('#2F7ED8')
RGB_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgb(255, 255, 255)')
RGB_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgb(40%, 20%, 40%)')
RGBA_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)')
RGBA_COLOUR = Color.from_string('rgba(40%, 20%, 40%, 0.5)')
HSL_COLOUR = Color.from_string('hsl(100, 0%, 50%)')
HSLA_COLOUR = Color.from_string('hsla(100, 0%, 50%, 0.5)')
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
private val HEX_COLOUR = Color.fromString("#2F7ED8")
private val RGB_COLOUR = Color.fromString("rgb(255, 255, 255)")
private val RGB_COLOUR_PERCENT = Color.fromString("rgb(40%, 20%, 40%)")
private val RGBA_COLOUR = Color.fromString("rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")
private val RGBA_COLOUR_PERCENT = Color.fromString("rgba(40%, 20%, 40%, 0.5)")
private val HSL_COLOUR = Color.fromString("hsl(100, 0%, 50%)")
private val HSLA_COLOUR = Color.fromString("hsla(100, 0%, 50%, 0.5)")

Colorクラスは、 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#html4 で指定されているすべての基本色定義もサポートしています。

private final Color BLACK = Color.fromString("black");
private final Color CHOCOLATE = Color.fromString("chocolate");
private final Color HOTPINK = Color.fromString("hotpink");
BLACK = Color.from_string('black')
CHOCOLATE = Color.from_string('chocolate')
HOTPINK = Color.from_string('hotpink')
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
BLACK = Color.from_string('black')
CHOCOLATE = Color.from_string('chocolate')
HOTPINK = Color.from_string('hotpink')
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
private val BLACK = Color.fromString("black")
private val CHOCOLATE = Color.fromString("chocolate")
private val HOTPINK = Color.fromString("hotpink")

要素に色が設定されていない場合、ブラウザは “透明” の色の値を返すことがあります。 Colorクラスもこれをサポートしています。

private final Color TRANSPARENT = Color.fromString("transparent");
TRANSPARENT = Color.from_string('transparent')
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
TRANSPARENT = Color.from_string('transparent')
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
private val TRANSPARENT = Color.fromString("transparent")


Color loginButtonColour = Color.fromString(driver.findElement(By.id("login")).getCssValue("color"));

Color loginButtonBackgroundColour = Color.fromString(driver.findElement(By.id("login")).getCssValue("background-color"));
login_button_colour = Color.from_string(driver.find_element(By.ID,'login').value_of_css_property('color'))

login_button_background_colour = Color.from_string(driver.find_element(By.ID,'login').value_of_css_property('background-color'))
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
login_button_colour = Color.from_string(driver.find_element(id: 'login').css_value('color'))

login_button_background_colour = Color.from_string(driver.find_element(id: 'login').css_value('background-color'))
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
val loginButtonColour = Color.fromString(driver.findElement(By.id("login")).getCssValue("color"))

val loginButtonBackgroundColour = Color.fromString(driver.findElement(By.id("login")).getCssValue("background-color"))


assert loginButtonBackgroundColour.equals(HOTPINK);
assert login_button_background_colour == HOTPINK
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
assert(login_button_background_colour == HOTPINK)
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature


assert loginButtonBackgroundColour.asHex().equals("#ff69b4");
assert loginButtonBackgroundColour.asRgba().equals("rgba(255, 105, 180, 1)");
assert loginButtonBackgroundColour.asRgb().equals("rgb(255, 105, 180)");
assert login_button_background_colour.hex == '#ff69b4'
assert login_button_background_colour.rgba == 'rgba(255, 105, 180, 1)'
assert login_button_background_colour.rgb == 'rgb(255, 105, 180)'
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
assert(login_button_background_colour.hex == '#ff69b4')
assert(login_button_background_colour.rgba == 'rgba(255, 105, 180, 1)')
assert(login_button_background_colour.rgb == 'rgb(255, 105, 180)')
// This feature is not implemented - Help us by sending a pr to implement this feature
assert(loginButtonBackgroundColour.asRgba().equals("rgba(255, 105, 180, 1)"))
assert(loginButtonBackgroundColour.asRgb().equals("rgb(255, 105, 180)"))


9.4 - 選択要素の操作


The Select object will now give you a series of commands that allow you to interact with a <select> element.

If you are using Java or .NET make sure that you’ve properly required the support package in your code. See the full code from GitHub in any of the examples below.

Note that this class only works for HTML elements select and option. It is possible to design drop-downs with JavaScript overlays using div or li, and this class will not work for those.


Select methods may behave differently depending on which type of <select> element is being worked with.

Single select

This is the standard drop-down object where one and only one option may be selected.

<select name="selectomatic">
    <option selected="selected" id="non_multi_option" value="one">One</option>
    <option value="two">Two</option>
    <option value="four">Four</option>
    <option value="still learning how to count, apparently">Still learning how to count, apparently</option>

Multiple select

This select list allows selecting and deselecting more than one option at a time. This only applies to <select> elements with the multiple attribute.

<select name="multi" id="multi" multiple="multiple">
    <option selected="selected" value="eggs">Eggs</option>
    <option value="ham">Ham</option>
    <option selected="selected" value="sausages">Sausages</option>
    <option value="onion gravy">Onion gravy</option>

Create class

First locate a <select> element, then use it to initialize a Select object. Note that as of Selenium 4.5, you can’t create a Select object if the <select> element is disabled.

        WebElement selectElement = driver.findElement(By.name("selectomatic"));
        Select select = new Select(selectElement);
    select_element = driver.find_element(By.NAME, 'selectomatic')
    select = Select(select_element)
            var selectElement = driver.FindElement(By.Name("selectomatic"));
            var select = new SelectElement(selectElement);
    select_element = driver.find_element(name: 'selectomatic')
    select = Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Select.new(select_element)
      const selectElement = await driver.findElement(By.name('selectomatic'))
      const select = new Select(selectElement)
    val selectElement = driver.findElement(By.name("selectomatic"))
    val select = Select(selectElement)

List options

There are two lists that can be obtained:

All options

Get a list of all options in the <select> element:

        List<WebElement> optionList = select.getOptions();
    option_list = select.options
            IList<IWebElement> optionList = select.Options;
    option_list = select.options
      const optionList = await select.getOptions()
    val optionList = select.getOptions()

Selected options

Get a list of selected options in the <select> element. For a standard select list this will only be a list with one element, for a multiple select list it can contain zero or many elements.

        List<WebElement> selectedOptionList = select.getAllSelectedOptions();
    selected_option_list = select.all_selected_options
            IList<IWebElement> selectedOptionList = select.AllSelectedOptions;
    selected_option_list = select.selected_options
      const selectedOptionList = await select.getAllSelectedOptions()
    val selectedOptionList = select.getAllSelectedOptions()

Select option

The Select class provides three ways to select an option. Note that for multiple select type Select lists, you can repeat these methods for each element you want to select.


Select the option based on its visible text

    select.select_by(:text, 'Four')
      await select.selectByVisibleText('Four')


Select the option based on its value attribute

    select.select_by(:value, 'two')
      await select.selectByValue('two')


Select the option based on its position in the list

    select.select_by(:index, 3)
      await select.selectByIndex(3)

Disabled options

Selenium v4.5

Options with a disabled attribute may not be selected.

    <select name="single_disabled">
      <option id="sinlge_disabled_1" value="enabled">Enabled</option>
      <option id="sinlge_disabled_2" value="disabled" disabled="disabled">Disabled</option>
        Assertions.assertThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> {
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            Assert.ThrowsException<InvalidOperationException>(() => select.SelectByValue("disabled"));
    expect {
      select.select_by(:value, 'disabled')
    }.to raise_exception(Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnsupportedOperationError)
      await assert.rejects(async () => {
        await select.selectByValue("disabled")
      }, {
        name: 'UnsupportedOperationError',
    Assertions.assertThrows(UnsupportedOperationException::class.java) {

De-select option

Only multiple select type select lists can have options de-selected. You can repeat these methods for each element you want to select.

    select.deselect_by(:value, 'eggs')
      await select.deselectByValue('eggs')

9.5 - ThreadGuard


ThreadGuardは、ドライバーが、それを作成した同じスレッドからのみ呼び出されることを確認します。 特に並行してテストを実行する場合のスレッドの問題は、不可解でエラーの診断が難しい場合があります。 このラッパーを使用すると、このカテゴリのエラーが防止され、発生時に例外が発生します。


public class DriverClash {
  //thread main (id 1) created this driver
  private WebDriver protectedDriver = ThreadGuard.protect(new ChromeDriver());

  static {
    System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "<Set path to your Chromedriver>");

  //Thread-1 (id 24) is calling the same driver causing the clash to happen
  Runnable r1 = () -> {protectedDriver.get("https://selenium.dev");};
  Thread thr1 = new Thread(r1);

  void runThreads(){

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new DriverClash().runThreads();


Exception in thread "Thread-1" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException:
Thread safety error; this instance of WebDriver was constructed
on thread main (id 1)and is being accessed by thread Thread-1 (id 24)
This is not permitted and *will* cause undefined behaviour


  • protectedDriver はメインスレッドで作成されます
  • Java Runnableを使用して新しいプロセスを起動し、新しいスレッドを使用してプロセスを実行します
  • メインスレッドのメモリにprotectedDriverがないため、両方のスレッドが衝突します。
  • ThreadGuard.protectは例外をスローします。


これは、並列実行時にドライバーを管理するために ThreadLocalを使用する必要性を置き換えるものではありません。

10 - Troubleshooting Assistance

How to get manage WebDriver problems.

It is not always obvious the root cause of errors in Selenium.

  1. The most common Selenium-related error is a result of poor synchronization. Read about Waiting Strategies. If you aren’t sure if it is a synchronization strategy you can try temporarily hard coding a large sleep where you see the issue, and you’ll know if adding an explicit wait can help.

  2. Note that many errors that get reported to the project are actually caused by issues in the underlying drivers that Selenium sends the commands to. You can rule out a driver problem by executing the command in multiple browsers.

  3. If you have questions about how to do things, check out the Support options for ways get assistance.

  4. If you think you’ve found a problem with Selenium code, go ahead and file a Bug Report on GitHub.

10.1 - Understanding Common Errors

How to get deal with various problems in your Selenium code.

Invalid Selector Exception

CSS and XPath Selectors are sometimes difficult to get correct.

Likely Cause

The CSS or XPath selector you are trying to use has invalid characters or an invalid query.

Possible Solutions

Run your selector through a validator service:

Or use a browser extension to get a known good value:

No Such Element Exception

The element can not be found at the exact moment you attempted to locate it.

Likely Cause

  • You are looking for the element in the wrong place (perhaps a previous action was unsuccessful).
  • You are looking for the element at the wrong time (the element has not shown up in the DOM, yet)
  • The locator has changed since you wrote the code

Possible Solutions

  • Make sure you are on the page you expect to be on, and that previous actions in your code completed correctly
  • Make sure you are using a proper Waiting Strategy
  • Update the locator with the browser’s devtools console or use a browser extension like:

Stale Element Reference Exception

An element goes stale when it was previously located, but can not be currently accessed. Elements do not get relocated automatically; the driver creates a reference ID for the element and has a particular place it expects to find it in the DOM. If it can not find the element in the current DOM, any action using that element will result in this exception.

Common Causes

This can happen when:

  • You have refreshed the page, or the DOM of the page has dynamically changed.
  • You have navigated to a different page.
  • You have switched to another window or into or out of a frame or iframe.

Common Solutions

The DOM has changed

When the page is refreshed or items on the page have moved around, there is still an element with the desired locator on the page, it is just no longer accessible by the element object being used, and the element must be relocated before it can be used again. This is often done in one of two ways:

  • Always relocate the element every time you go to use it. The likelihood of the element going stale in the microseconds between locating and using the element is small, though possible. The downside is that this is not the most efficient approach, especially when running on a remote grid.

  • Wrap the Web Element with another object that stores the locator, and caches the located Selenium element. When taking actions with this wrapped object, you can attempt to use the cached object if previously located, and if it is stale, exception can be caught, the element relocated with the stored locator, and the method re-tried. This is more efficient, but it can cause problems if the locator you’re using references a different element (and not the one you want) after the page has changed.

The Context has changed

Element objects are stored for a given context, so if you move to a different context — like a different window or a different frame or iframe — the element reference will still be valid, but will be temporarily inaccessible. In this scenario, it won’t help to relocate the element, because it doesn’t exist in the current context. To fix this, you need to make sure to switch back to the correct context before using the element.

The Page has changed

This scenario is when you haven’t just changed contexts, you have navigated to another page and have destroyed the context in which the element was located. You can’t just relocate it from the current context, and you can’t switch back to an active context where it is valid. If this is the reason for your error, you must both navigate back to the correct location and relocate it.

10.1.1 - Unable to Locate Driver Error

Troubleshooting missing path to driver executable.

Historically, this is the most common error beginning Selenium users get when trying to run code for the first time:

The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.chrome.driver system property; for more information, see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/. The latest version can be downloaded from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
The executable chromedriver needs to be available in the path.
The file geckodriver does not exist. The driver can be downloaded at https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases"
Unable to locate the chromedriver executable;

Likely cause

Through WebDriver, Selenium supports all major browsers. In order to drive the requested browser, Selenium needs to send commands to it via an executable driver. This error means the necessary driver could not be found by any of the means Selenium attempts to use.

Possible solutions

There are several ways to ensure Selenium gets the driver it needs.

Use the latest version of Selenium

As of Selenium 4.6, Selenium downloads the correct driver for you. You shouldn’t need to do anything. If you are using the latest version of Selenium and you are getting an error, please turn on logging and file a bug report with that information.

If you want to read more information about how Selenium manages driver downloads for you, you can read about the Selenium Manager.

Use the PATH environment variable

This option first requires manually downloading the driver.

This is a flexible option to change location of drivers without having to update your code, and will work on multiple machines without requiring that each machine put the drivers in the same place.

You can either place the drivers in a directory that is already listed in PATH, or you can place them in a directory and add it to PATH.

To see what directories are already on PATH, open a Terminal and execute:

echo $PATH

If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed, you can add a new directory to PATH:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/driver' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:

chromedriver --version

To see what directories are already on PATH, open a Terminal and execute:

echo $PATH

If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed, you can add a new directory to PATH:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/driver' >> ~/.zshenv
source ~/.zshenv

You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:

chromedriver --version

To see what directories are already on PATH, open a Command Prompt and execute:

echo %PATH%

If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed, you can add a new directory to PATH:

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\WebDriver\bin"

You can test if it has been added correctly by checking the version of the driver:

chromedriver.exe --version

Specify the location of the driver

If you cannot upgrade to the latest version of Selenium, you do not want Selenium to download drivers for you, and you can’t figure out the environment variables, you can specify the location of the driver in the Service object.

You first need to download the desired driver, then create an instance of the applicable Service class and set the path.

Specifying the location in the code itself has the advantage of not needing to figure out Environment Variables on your system, but has the drawback of making the code less flexible.

Driver management libraries

Before Selenium managed drivers itself, other projects were created to do so for you.

If you can’t use Selenium Manager because you are using an older version of Selenium (please upgrade), or need an advanced feature not yet implemented by Selenium Manager, you might try one of these tools to keep your drivers automatically updated:

Download the driver

Internet ExplorerWindowsSelenium ProjectDownloadsIssues
SafarimacOS High Sierra and newerAppleBuilt inIssues

Note: The Opera driver no longer works with the latest functionality of Selenium and is currently officially unsupported.

10.2 - Logging Selenium commands

Getting information about Selenium execution.

Turning on logging is a valuable way to get extra information that might help you determine why you might be having a problem.

Getting a logger

Java logs are typically created per class. You can work with the default logger to work with all loggers. To filter out specific classes, see Filtering

Get the root logger:

        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("");

Java Logging is not exactly straightforward, and if you are just looking for an easy way to look at the important Selenium logs, take a look at the Selenium Logger project

Python logs are typically created per module. You can match all submodules by referencing the top level module. So to work with all loggers in selenium module, you can do this:

    logger = logging.getLogger('selenium')

.NET logger is managed with a static class, so all access to logging is managed simply by referencing Log from the OpenQA.Selenium.Internal.Logging namespace.

If you want to see as much debugging as possible in all the classes, you can turn on debugging globally in Ruby by setting $DEBUG = true.

For more fine-tuned control, Ruby Selenium created its own Logger class to wrap the default Logger class. This implementation provides some interesting additional features. Obtain the logger directly from the #loggerclass method on the Selenium::WebDriver module:

    logger = Selenium::WebDriver.logger
const logging = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/logging')
logger = logging.getLogger('webdriver')

Logger level

Logger level helps to filter out logs based on their severity.

Java has 7 logger levels: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST. The default is INFO.

You have to change both the level of the logger and the level of the handlers on the root logger:

        Arrays.stream(logger.getHandlers()).forEach(handler -> {

Python has 6 logger levels: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, and NOTSET. The default is WARNING

To change the level of the logger:


Things get complicated when you use PyTest, though. By default, PyTest hides logging unless the test fails. You need to set 3 things to get PyTest to display logs on passing tests.

To always output logs with PyTest you need to run with additional arguments. First, -s to prevent PyTest from capturing the console. Second, -p no:logging, which allows you to override the default PyTest logging settings so logs can be displayed regardless of errors.

So you need to set these flags in your IDE, or run PyTest on command line like:

pytest -s -p no:logging

Finally, since you turned off logging in the arguments above, you now need to add configuration to turn it back on:


.NET has 6 logger levels: Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Trace and None. The default level is Info.

To change the level of the logger:


Ruby logger has 5 logger levels: :debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal. As of Selenium v4.9.1, The default is :info.

To change the level of the logger:

    logger.level = :debug

JavaScript has 9 logger levels: OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL. The default is OFF.

To change the level of the logger:


Actionable items

Things are logged as warnings if they are something the user needs to take action on. This is often used for deprecations. For various reasons, Selenium project does not follow standard Semantic Versioning practices. Our policy is to mark things as deprecated for 3 releases and then remove them, so deprecations may be logged as warnings.

Java logs actionable content at logger level WARN


May 08, 2023 9:23:38 PM dev.selenium.troubleshooting.LoggingTest logging
WARNING: this is a warning

Python logs actionable content at logger level — WARNING Details about deprecations are logged at this level.


WARNING  selenium:test_logging.py:23 this is a warning

.NET logs actionable content at logger level Warn.


11:04:40.986 WARN LoggingTest: this is a warning

Ruby logs actionable content at logger level — :warn. Details about deprecations are logged at this level.

For example:

2023-05-08 20:53:13 WARN Selenium [:example_id] this is a warning 

Because these items can get annoying, we’ve provided an easy way to turn them off, see filtering section below.

Useful information

This is the default level where Selenium logs things that users should be aware of but do not need to take actions on. This might reference a new method or direct users to more information about something

Java logs useful information at logger level INFO


May 08, 2023 9:23:38 PM dev.selenium.troubleshooting.LoggingTest logging
INFO: this is useful information

Python logs useful information at logger level — INFO


INFO     selenium:test_logging.py:22 this is useful information

.NET logs useful information at logger level Info.


11:04:40.986 INFO LoggingTest: this is useful information

Ruby logs useful information at logger level — :info.


2023-05-08 20:53:13 INFO Selenium [:example_id] this is useful information 

Logs useful information at level: INFO

Debugging Details

The debug log level is used for information that may be needed for diagnosing issues and troubleshooting problems.

Java logs most debug content at logger level FINE


May 08, 2023 9:23:38 PM dev.selenium.troubleshooting.LoggingTest logging
FINE: this is detailed debug information

Python logs debugging details at logger level — DEBUG


DEBUG    selenium:test_logging.py:24 this is detailed debug information

.NET logs most debug content at logger level Debug.


11:04:40.986 DEBUG LoggingTest: this is detailed debug information

Ruby only provides one level for debugging, so all details are at logger level — :debug.


2023-05-08 20:53:13 DEBUG Selenium [:example_id] this is detailed debug information 

Logs debugging details at level: FINER and FINEST

Logger output

Logs can be displayed in the console or stored in a file. Different languages have different defaults.

By default all logs are sent to System.err. To direct output to a file, you need to add a handler:

        Handler handler = new FileHandler("selenium.xml");

By default all logs are sent to sys.stderr. To direct output somewhere else, you need to add a handler with either a StreamHandler or a FileHandler:

    handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path)

By default all logs are sent to System.Console.Error output. To direct output somewhere else, you need to add a handler with a FileLogHandler:

            Log.Handlers.Add(new FileLogHandler(filePath));

By default, logs are sent to the console in stdout.
To store the logs in a file:

    logger.output = file_name

JavaScript does not currently support sending output to a file.

To send logs to console output:


Logger filtering

Java logging is managed on a per class level, so instead of using the root logger (Logger.getLogger("")), set the level you want to use on a per-class basis:

Because logging is managed by module, instead of working with just "selenium", you can specify different levels for different modules:

.NET logging is managed on a per class level, set the level you want to use on a per-class basis:

            Log.SetLevel(typeof(RemoteWebDriver), LogEventLevel.Debug);
            Log.SetLevel(typeof(SeleniumManager), LogEventLevel.Info);

Ruby’s logger allows you to opt in (“allow”) or opt out (“ignore”) of log messages based on their IDs. Everything that Selenium logs includes an ID. You can also turn on or off all deprecation notices by using :deprecations.

These methods accept one or more symbols or an array of symbols:

    logger.ignore(:jwp_caps, :logger_info)


    logger.allow(%i[selenium_manager example_id])

10.3 - Selenium4にアップグレードする方法

Selenium 4に興味がありますか? 最新リリースへのアップグレードに役立つこのガイドを確認してください。

公式にサポートされている言語(Ruby、JavaScript、C#、Python、およびJava)のいずれかを使用している場合、 Selenium4へのアップグレードは簡単なプロセスです。 いくつかの問題が発生する可能性がある場合があるかもしれません。このガイドは、それらを整理するのに役立ちます。 プロジェクトの依存関係をアップグレードする手順を実行し、バージョンのアップグレードによってもたらされる主な非推奨と変更を理解します。


  • テストコードの準備
  • 依存関係のアップグレード
  • 潜在的なエラーと非推奨メッセージ

注:Selenium 3.xバージョンの開発中に、W3CWebDriver標準のサポートが実装されました。 この新しいプロトコルと従来のJSONワイヤープロトコルの両方がサポートされました。 バージョン3.11の前後で、SeleniumコードはレベルW3C1仕様に準拠するようになりました。 Selenium 3の最新バージョンのW3C準拠のコードは、Selenium4で期待どおりに機能します。


Selenium 4は、レガシープロトコルのサポートを削除し、内部でデフォルトでW3CWebDriver標準を使用します。 ほとんどの場合、この実装はエンドユーザーに影響を与えません。 主な例外は、Capabilitiesアクション クラスです。


テスト機能がW3Cに準拠するように構成されていない場合、セッションが開始されない可能性があります。 W3CWebDriverの標準機能のリストは次のとおりです。

  • browserName
  • browserVersion (version に変更)
  • platformName (platform に変更)
  • acceptInsecureCerts
  • pageLoadStrategy
  • proxy
  • timeouts
  • unhandledPromptBehavior

標準Capabilitiesの最新リストは、 W3C WebDriver にあります。

上記のリストに含まれていないCapabilitiesには、ベンダープレフィックスを含める必要があります。 これは、ブラウザ固有のCapabilitiesとクラウドベンダー固有のCapabilitiesに適用されます。 たとえば、クラウドベンダーがテストに build Capabilities と name Capabilitiesを使用している場合は、 それらを cloud:options ブロックでラップする必要があります(適切なプレフィックスについては、クラウドベンダーに確認してください)。


Move Code

DesiredCapabilities caps = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
caps.setCapability("platform", "Windows 10");
caps.setCapability("version", "92");
caps.setCapability("build", myTestBuild);
caps.setCapability("name", myTestName);
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(cloudUrl), caps);
caps = {};
caps['browserName'] = 'Firefox';
caps['platform'] = 'Windows 10';
caps['version'] = '92';
caps['build'] = myTestBuild;
caps['name'] = myTestName;
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.SetCapability("browserName", "firefox");
caps.SetCapability("platform", "Windows 10");
caps.SetCapability("version", "92");
caps.SetCapability("build", myTestBuild);
caps.SetCapability("name", myTestName);
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(CloudURL), caps);
      caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.firefox
      caps[:platform] = 'Windows 10'
      caps[:version] = '92'
      caps[:build] = my_test_build
      caps[:name] = my_test_name
      driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, url: cloud_url, desired_capabilities: caps
caps = {}
caps['browserName'] = 'firefox'
caps['platform'] = 'Windows 10'
caps['version'] = '92'
caps['build'] = my_test_build
caps['name'] = my_test_name
driver = webdriver.Remote(cloud_url, desired_capabilities=caps)


Move Code

FirefoxOptions browserOptions = new FirefoxOptions();
browserOptions.setPlatformName("Windows 10");
Map<String, Object> cloudOptions = new HashMap<>();
cloudOptions.put("build", myTestBuild);
cloudOptions.put("name", myTestName);
browserOptions.setCapability("cloud:options", cloudOptions);
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(cloudUrl), browserOptions);
capabilities = {
  browserName: 'firefox',
  browserVersion: '92',
  platformName: 'Windows 10',
  'cloud:options': {
     build: myTestBuild,
     name: myTestName,
var browserOptions = new FirefoxOptions();
browserOptions.PlatformName = "Windows 10";
browserOptions.BrowserVersion = "92";
var cloudOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
cloudOptions.Add("build", myTestBuild);
cloudOptions.Add("name", myTestName);
browserOptions.AddAdditionalOption("cloud:options", cloudOptions);
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(CloudURL), browserOptions);
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.firefox
      options.platform_name = 'Windows 10'
      options.browser_version = 'latest'
      cloud_options = {}
      cloud_options[:build] = my_test_build
      cloud_options[:name] = my_test_name
      options.add_option('cloud:options', cloud_options)
      driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, capabilities: options
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions
options = FirefoxOptions()
options.browser_version = '92'
options.platform_name = 'Windows 10'
cloud_options = {}
cloud_options['build'] = my_test_build
cloud_options['name'] = my_test_name
options.set_capability('cloud:options', cloud_options)
driver = webdriver.Remote(cloud_url, options=options)


Javaバインディング(FindsBy インターフェイス)の要素を検索するユーティリティメソッドは、内部使用のみを目的としていたため、削除されました。 次のコードサンプルは、これを分かりやすく説明しています。

findElement * で単一の要素を検索する。




findElements * で複数の要素を検索する。







Seleniumをアップグレードするプロセスは、使用されているビルドツールによって異なります。 Javaで最も一般的なものであるMavenGradleについて説明します。 必要なJavaの最小バージョンはまだ8です。



  <!-- more dependencies ... -->
  <!-- more dependencies ... -->

    <!-- more dependencies ... -->
    <!-- more dependencies ... -->

変更を加えた後、pom.xml ファイルと同じディレクトリで mvn clean compile を実行できます。



plugins {
    id 'java'
group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0'
    implementation group: 'org.seleniumhq.selenium', name: 'selenium-java', version: '3.141.59'
test {

plugins {
    id 'java'
group 'org.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0'
    implementation group: 'org.seleniumhq.selenium', name: 'selenium-java', version: '4.4.0'
test {

変更を加えた後、 build.gradle ファイルと同じディレクトリで ./gradlew cleanbuild を実行できます。

すべてのJavaリリースを確認するには、 MVNRepository にアクセスしてください。


C#でSelenium4の更新を取得する場所は NuGet です。 Selenium.WebDriver パッケージの下で、最新バージョンに更新するための手順を入手できます。 Visual Studio内では、NuGetパッケージマネージャーを使用して次の操作を実行できます。

PM> Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver -Version 4.4.0


Pythonを使用するための最も重要な変更は、最低限必要なバージョンです。 Selenium 4には、Python3.7以降が必要です。 詳細については、Python Package Indexを参照してください。 コマンドラインからアップグレードするには、次のコマンドを実行できます。

pip install selenium==4.4.3


Selenium 4の更新の詳細は、RubyGemsのselenium-webdriverで確認できます。 最新バージョンをインストールするには、次のコマンドを実行できます。

gem install selenium-webdriver


gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 4.4.0'


selenium-webdriverパッケージは、Nodeパッケージマネージャーのnpmjsにあります。 Selenium4はhereにあります。 これをインストールするには、次のいずれかを実行します。

npm install selenium-webdriver

または、package.jsonを更新して、 npm install を実行します。

  "name": "selenium-tests",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "selenium-webdriver": "^4.4.0"





タイムアウトで受信するパラメーターは、期待値 (long time, TimeUnit unit) から期待値 (Duration duration) に替わりました。


driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


現在、待機も異なるパラメーターを期待しています。 WebDriverWaitは、秒とミリ秒単位のタイムアウトに、 long ではなくDurationを期待するようになりました。 FluentWaitwithTimeout および pollingEvery ユーティリティメソッドは、期待値 (long time, TimeUnit unit) から (Duration duration) に替わりました。


new WebDriverWait(driver, 3)

Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver)
  .withTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
  .pollingEvery(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(3))

  Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver)


以前は、別のCapabilitiesセットを別のセットにマージすることが可能であり、呼び出し元のオブジェクトを変更していました。 今は、ここで、マージ操作の結果を割り当てる必要があります。


MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "Windows 10");
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
As a result, the `options` object was getting modified.

MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "Windows 10");
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
options = options.merge(capabilities);
The result of the `merge` call needs to be assigned to an object.


GeckoDriverが登場する前は、SeleniumプロジェクトにはFirefoxを自動化するためのドライバー実装がありました(バージョン<48)。 ただし、この実装は最近のバージョンのFirefoxでは機能しないため、もう必要ありません。 Selenium 4にアップグレードする際の大きな問題を回避するために、setLegacy オプションは非推奨として表示されます。 古い実装の使用をやめ、GeckoDriverのみに依存することをお勧めします。 次のコードは、アップグレード後に非推奨になったsetLegacy 行を示しています。

FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();


BrowserType インターフェースは長い間使用されてきましたが、新しい Browser インターフェースを優先して非推奨になります。


MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("browserVersion", "92");
capabilities.setCapability("browserName", BrowserType.FIREFOX);

MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("browserVersion", "92");
capabilities.setCapability("browserName", Browser.FIREFOX);


AddAdditionalCapability は非推奨になりました

その代わりに、 AddAdditionalOption をお勧めします。 これを示す例を次に示します。


var browserOptions = new ChromeOptions();
browserOptions.PlatformName = "Windows 10";
browserOptions.BrowserVersion = "latest";
var cloudOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
browserOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("cloud:options", cloudOptions, true);

var browserOptions = new ChromeOptions();
browserOptions.PlatformName = "Windows 10";
browserOptions.BrowserVersion = "latest";
var cloudOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
browserOptions.AddAdditionalOption("cloud:options", cloudOptions);



Selenium 4では、非推奨の警告を防ぐために、Serviceオブジェクトからドライバーの executable_path を設定する必要があります。 (または、PATHを設定せず、代わりに必要なドライバーがシステムPATH上にあることを確認してください。)


from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service as ChromeService
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
service = ChromeService(executable_path=CHROMEDRIVER_PATH)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service, options=options)


Selenium 4にアップグレードする際に考慮すべき主な変更点を確認しました。 アップグレードのためにテストコードを準備する際にカバーするさまざまな側面について説明します。 これには、新しいバージョンのSeleniumを使用する時に発生する可能性のある潜在的な問題を防ぐ方法の提案も含まれます。 最後に、アップグレード後に発生する可能性のある一連の問題についても説明し、それらの問題に対する潜在的な修正を共有しました。

これは元々は https://saucelabs.com/resources/articles/how-to-upgrade-to-selenium-4 に投稿されました